# Compulsory line cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) # The name of our project is "BDM". CMakeLists files in this project can # refer to the root source directory of the project as ${BDM_SOURCE_DIR} and # to the root binary directory of the project as ${BDM_BINARY_DIR}. project (BDM) # In order to be able to use the newly written FindXXX package, the # location of the FindXXX.cmake file must be added to the cmake modules # list from within a CMakeLists.txt file as follows: set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}\\CMake_modules\\") ###################### #Platform specific IF(WIN32) # IF YOU WANT TO USE YOUR OWN INSTALLATION OF THE NEXT EXTERNAL LIBRARIES, # THEN IT IS NECESSARY TO CREATE TEXT FILE "\WIN32\LOCAL_PATHS.TXT" WITH # COPIES OF THE TWO FOLLOWING LINES AND THEN CORECT ALL INVOLVED PATHS SET(ITPP_DIR "${BDM_SOURCE_DIR}\\win32\\itpp-4.0.6") SET(ACML_DIR "${BDM_SOURCE_DIR}\\win32\\acml3.6.0") SET(XERCES_DIR "${BDM_SOURCE_DIR}\\win32\\xerces-c_2_8_0-x86") INCLUDE(\\win32\\local_paths.txt OPTIONAL) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_ACML) ELSE() #This is for UNIX makefile which does only one release at a time. SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -pipe -Wno-unknown-pragmas") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE " -DNDEBUG -O2") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g -O0") #ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DNDEBUG) INCLUDE(CMakeLocal.txt OPTIONAL) ENDIF(WIN32) FIND_PACKAGE(ITPP REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(ACML COMPONENTS) #FIND_PACKAGE(XERCES COMPONENTS) IF(ITPP_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${ITPP_INCLUDE_DIR}) LINK_DIRECTORIES(${NATIVE_ITPP_LIB_PATH}) ENDIF(ITPP_FOUND) IF(ACML_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${ACML_INCLUDE_DIR}) LINK_DIRECTORIES(${NATIVE_ACML_LIB_PATH}) ENDIF(ACML_FOUND) ## ## PREPARE MACROS for building executables ## MACRO(EXEC FN) add_executable (${FN} ${FN}.cpp) target_link_libraries (${FN} debug itpp_debug) target_link_libraries (${FN} optimized itpp) IF(WIN32) target_link_libraries (${FN} libacml_dll) # ELSE(WIN32) # target_link_libraries (${FN} itpp) ENDIF(WIN32) target_link_libraries (${FN} bdm) target_link_libraries (${FN} ${ARGN}) ## Additional libraries can be added to a macro ENDMACRO(EXEC) # Local ettings should be written to file called CMakeLists.local # Use this option for machine-specific options, such as prallel architectures INCLUDE(CMakeLists.local OPTIONAL) # Recurse into the "dbm" and "tests" subdirectories. This does not actually # cause another cmake executable to run. The same process will walk through # the project's entire directory structure. add_subdirectory (bdm) add_subdirectory (tests) add_subdirectory (pmsm) add_subdirectory (mpdm) add_subdirectory (library) add_subdirectory (doprava)