/*! \file \brief Application Arena - Interaction of Mulptiple Participants Arena is a space in which participants (agents) live, there is one data source, arbitrary number of agents which communicate between each other. \section ex Matlab usage Execute command: \code >> arena(DS, {A1,A2,...},experiment,logger); \endcode where DS is a valid datasource and A1,... are agents and logger (optional) specified by their corresponding structures. */ #include #include #include //#include "mex_datasource.h" using namespace bdm; #ifdef MEX #include #include #include #include void mexFunction ( int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[] ) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments if ( n_input<2 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "Usage:\n" "result=arena(system, agents, experiment, logger)\n" " system = struct('class','datasource',...); % Estimated system\n" " agents = {struct('class','agent',...), % Estimators\n" " struct('class','agent',...),...} \n" " === optional ===" " experiment = struct('ndat',10); % number of data in experiment, full length of finite datasources, 10 otherwise \n" " logger = struct('class','mexlogger'); % How to store results, default=mexlog, i.e. matlab structure\n\n" "see documentation of classes datasource, BM, and mexlogger and their offsprings in BDM." ); RV::clear_all(); //CONFIG UImxArray Cfg; try { Cfg.addGroup ( input[0],"system" ); Cfg.addList ( input[1],"agents" ); if ( n_input>2 ) { Cfg.addGroup ( input[2],"experiment" ); } if ( n_input>3 ) { Cfg.addGroup ( input[3],"logger" ); } } catch ( SettingException e ) { it_error ( "error: "+string ( e.getPath() ) ); } //DBG Cfg.writeFile ( "arena.cfg" ); #else int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { const char *fname; if ( argc>1 ) { fname = argv[1]; } else { fname="arena.cfg"; } UIFile Cfg ( fname ); #endif RNG_randomize(); shared_ptr Ds = UI::build ( Cfg, "system" ); Array > Ags; UI::get ( Ags,Cfg, "agents" ); int Ndat=100; int burnin=0; shared_ptr burn_pdf; if ( Cfg.exists ( "experiment" ) ) { Setting &exper=Cfg.getRoot()["experiment"]; if (UI::get(Ndat, exper, "Ndat", UI::optional ) ) { bdm_assert ( Ndat<=Ds->max_length(), "Data source has less data then required" ); }; if (UI::get(burnin, exper, "burnin",UI::optional )){ burn_pdf = UI::build(exper,"burn_pdf", UI::compulsory); if (burn_pdf){ bdm_assert(burn_pdf->dimension()==Ds->_urv()._dsize(),"Given burn_pdf does not match the DataSource"); } else { bdm_error("burn_pdf not specified!"); } } } else { if ( Ds->max_length() < std::numeric_limits< int >::max() ) { Ndat=Ds->max_length(); } ;// else Ndat=10; } shared_ptr L = UI::build ( Cfg, "logger",UI::optional ); if ( !L ) { #ifdef MEX //mex logger has only from_setting constructor - we have to fill it... L=new mexlog ( Ndat ); #else L=new stdlog(); #endif } Config MsgStore; Setting& Queue = MsgStore.getRoot().add("queue", Setting::TypeList); Ds->log_register ( *L, "DS" ); for ( int i=0; ilog_register ( *L,Ags(i)->_name() ); // estimate Ags (i )->ds_register(*Ds); } L->init(); vec glob_dt(Ds->_drv()._dsize() ); vec glob_ut(Ds->_urv()._dsize() ); for ( int tK=0;tKlog_write ( ); Ds->getdata(glob_dt); for ( int i=0; i adapt(glob_dt); } for ( int i=0; i broadcast(Queue); } // parse message queue for ( int m=0; m_name()) { Ags(i)->receive(msg); Queue.remove(m); break; // message delivered; } } } if (Queue.getLength()>0){bdm_error("undelivered messages - probably unknown neighbours");} if (tK sample(); } else { for ( int i=0; i act(glob_ut); } } L->step(); Ds->write(glob_ut); Ds->step(); // simulator step for ( int i=0; i step(); } } L->finalize(); // ------------------ End of routine ----------------------------- #ifdef MEX mexlog* mL=dynamic_cast ( L.get() ); if ( mL ) { // user wants output!! if ( n_output<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "Wrong number of output variables!" ); output[0] = mL->toCell(); } #endif }