/*! \file \brief wrapper function for BM.bayes() */ #include using namespace bdm; #ifdef MEX #include #include #include #include void mexFunction ( int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[] ) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments if ( n_input<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "Usage:\n" "bm_struct=bm_bayes(BM_struct, yt, cond)\n" " bm_struct = struct('class','BM_offspring',...); % description of Bayesian Model (BM)\n" " yt = [...]; % vector of observed data\n" " cond = [...]; % vector of conditioning variables\n" "output:\n" " bm_struct = struct('class','BM_offsprin',...); % description of BM afret update." ); RV::clear_all(); //CONFIG if (n_input<2){ bdm_error("no observed data entered"); } UImxArray Cfg(input[0]); Cfg.writeFile("BM_bayes.cfg"); shared_ptr bm=UI::build(Cfg); if (bm){ vec yt; vec cond; if (n_input<2){ } else { yt=mxArray2vec(input[1]); if (n_input>2){ cond =mxArray2vec(input[2]); } } //if ( n_output<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "No output - nothing to do!" ); bm->bayes(yt,cond); UImxArray Out; UI::save(bm.get(), Out); output[0]=UImxArray::create_mxArray(Out); } else { mexErrMsgTxt ( "Given object is not BM" ); } } #endif