/*! \file \brief check how the structure is processed */ #include #include #include #include using namespace bdm; #ifdef MEX #include #include #include void mexFunction ( int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[] ) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments if ( n_input<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "Usage:\n" "instance=class_defaults(struct)\n" " struct % configuration structure of a class\n" "output:\n" " the same structure filled with the defaults.\n\n" "This operation is usefull for obtaining info about class defaults, or success of passing info to it" ); RV::clear_all(); //CONFIG UImxArray Cfg(input[0]); shared_ptr r=UI::build(Cfg); if ( n_output<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "No output - nothing to do!" ); UImxArray Ret; UI::save(r, Ret.getRoot()); output[0] = Ret.create_mxArray(); } #endif