/*! \file \brief wrapper function for epdf.evallog_mat() */ #include using namespace bdm; #ifdef MEX #include #include "mexPdf.h" void mexFunction ( int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[] ) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments if ( n_input<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "Usage:\n" "mat=pdf_evallog_mat(pdf_struct, nos)\n" " pdf_struct = struct('class','pdf_offspring',...); % description of pdf\n" " points = pdf_dimension x npoints matrix; % points in which to evaluate\n" "output:\n" " vector of log-likelihoods" ); RV::clear_all(); //CONFIG if (n_input<2) mexErrMsgTxt("evaluation points are not given"); UImxArray Cfg(input[0]); shared_ptr ep=UI::build(Cfg); int nop, dim; nop = mxGetN(input[1]); dim = mxGetM(input[1]); if (dim != ep->dimension()) { string msg="pdf is of dimension " + num2str(ep->dimension()) + "size of data points is " + num2str(dim); mexErrMsgTxt(msg.c_str()); } output[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nop, 1, mxREAL); mat points = mxArray2mat(input[1]); vec v=ep->evallog_mat(points); vec2mxArray(v, output[0]); } #endif