/*! \file \brief wrapper function for lqg.redesign() */ #include using namespace bdm; #ifdef MEX #include #include void mexFunction ( int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[] ) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments if ( n_input<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( " LQ controller of the given system according to criteria\n" " L = y' Qy y + u' Qu u \n\n" "Usage:\n" "[vec,rv]=lqg_redesign(system,params)\n" " system = struct('class','mlnorm',...); % description of linear Gaussian system \n" " params = struct('Qy',[], 'Qu',[], 'yr',[],'horizon', [1]); \n" "output:\n" " vec vector of the controller.\n" " rv varibles in regressor of the controller.\n"); RV::clear_all(); //CONFIG if (!mxIsStruct(input[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("Given input is not a struct."); if ((n_input<2)||(!mxIsStruct(input[1]))) mexErrMsgTxt("Second parametr is not a structure."); UImxArray Cfg; Cfg.addGroup ( input[0],"system" ); Cfg.addGroup ( input[1],"params" ); Cfg.writeFile("lqg_redesign.cfg"); // load stuff shared_ptr > ml=UI::build >(Cfg,"system"); if (!ml) {mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect input #1");} Setting ¶ms=Cfg.getRoot()["params"]; mat Qu; mat Qy; int horizon; vec yr; UI::get(Qy, params, "Qy",UI::compulsory); UI::get(Qu, params, "Qu",UI::compulsory); UI::get(yr, params, "yr",UI::compulsory); UI::get(horizon, params, "horizon", UI::compulsory); // set it up shared_ptr Stsp=new StateFromARX; RV xrv; RV urv; Stsp->connect_mlnorm(*ml,xrv,urv); LQG lq; lq.set_system(Stsp); lq.set_control_parameters(Qy,Qu,yr,horizon); lq.validate(); lq.redesign(); mat L = lq._L(); RV rv = lq._rvc(); if ( n_output<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "No output - nothing to do!" ); output[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(L.rows(),L.cols(), mxREAL); mat2mxArray(L, output[0]); if (n_output>1){ Config C; rv.to_setting(C.getRoot()); UImxConfig ui(C.getRoot()); output[1] = ui.mxconfig; } } #endif