#include using namespace bdm; int main() { UIFile Cfg("merger_mx.cfg"); // Sources Array Sources; //abuse Mer to store sources Setting& _Sources=Cfg.lookup("Sources"); int Slen=_Sources.getLength(); Sources.set_size(Slen); for (int i=0; i(_Sources,i); Sources(i)=mtmp; } catch (UIbuildException e){ // it is not mpdf - see if it is epdf try { epdf* etmp = UI::build(_Sources,i); if (etmp){ Sources(i) = new mepdf(etmp, true); } } catch (...) {it_error("no mpdfs or epdfs found!");} } } merger_base* Merger=UI::build(Cfg,"Merger"); // Support Setting & _Supp=Cfg.lookup("Support"); if (_Supp.exists("grid") && _Supp.exists("nbins")) { Array bounds (0); UI::get (bounds, _Supp, "grid"); ivec nbins(0); UI::get (nbins, _Supp, "nbins"); Merger->set_support (bounds,nbins); }else { if (_Supp.exists("pdf") && _Supp.exists("nsamples")){ epdf *g0=UI::build (_Supp, "pdf"); int npoints=100; _Supp.lookupValue("nsamples",npoints); Merger->set_support (*g0,npoints); delete g0; } else it_error("Use either [grid,nbins] or [pdf,nsamples]."); } // COMPUTE RESULTS Merger->set_sources(Sources,true); // takes care of deletion of sources Merger->merge(); }