classdef mexBM properties % description of internal variables rv=RV rvc=RV rvy=RV % log of evidence (marginal likelihood) potentially computed by the % bayes rule for one step log_evidence % posterior density - offspring of mexEpdf! apost_pdf % end methods function p=validate(p) % checks if all paramateres match end function dims=dimensions(p) %please fill %dims = [size_of_posterior size_of_data size_of_condition] dims = [0,0,0] % end function obj=bayes(obj,dt,cond) % transform old estimate into new estimate end function p=epredictor(obj,cond) % return posterior density end %%%%%%%% default functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%% function r = get_rv(obj) r=obj.rv; end function r = get_rvc(obj) r=obj.rvc; end function r = get_rvy(obj) r=obj.rvy; end function ev = logevidence(obj) ev = obj.log_evidence; end function post=posterior(obj); post = obj.apost_pdf; end end end