1 | %> @file mexMerger.m |
2 | %> @brief File mapping root class of Mergerbase from BDM |
3 | % ====================================================================== |
4 | %> @brief Abstract class of pdf merger, bdm::MergerBase |
5 | %> |
6 | %> The purpose of this class is to combine information from the source pdfs: |
7 | %> sources = {f1,f2,f3} |
8 | %> into a single pdf called the merger. |
9 | %> |
10 | %> Since this is an abstract class, the class does not define what is the type of the merger. |
11 | %> Offsprings of this class can generate an arbitrary pdf, which is returned by function merger. |
12 | %> The only requirement of the result is that it must be a valid pdf, i.e. it must pass through generic epdf_* functions. |
13 | %> |
14 | %> This class provides a bridge between bdm::MergerBase and Matlab |
15 | % ====================================================================== |
16 | classdef mexMerger |
17 | properties |
18 | %> weights of the merged densities |
19 | weights |
20 | %> source pdfs to be merged |
21 | sources |
22 | %> merged density - offspring of mexEpdf! |
23 | merger |
24 | % |
25 | end |
26 | |
27 | methods |
28 | %> check consistency of the object and fill defaults |
29 | function obj=validate(obj) |
30 | % e.g. check if all sources are compatible |
31 | end |
32 | %> Merge sources into the merger |
33 | function obj=merge(obj) |
34 | % transform old estimate into new estimate |
35 | end |
36 | |
37 | %%%%% TECHNICAL ISSUES %%%%%%% |
38 | function src = get_sources(obj) |
39 | src = obj.sources; |
40 | end |
41 | function obj = set_sources(obj,src) |
42 | obj.sources = src; |
43 | end |
44 | function m = get_merger(obj) |
45 | m = obj.merger; |
46 | end |
47 | function obj = set_merger(obj,m) |
48 | obj.merger=m; |
49 | end |
50 | end |
51 | end |