/*! \file \brief Models for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM \author Vaclav Smidl. ----------------------------------- BDM++ - C++ library for Bayesian Decision Making under Uncertainty Using IT++ for numerical operations ----------------------------------- */ #include #include #include //include dopravni model #include "model.h" using namespace bdm; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { /* const char *fname; if ( argc>1 ) {fname = argv[1]; } else { fname = "k1.cfg"; } UIFile F ( fname ); //protected by exceptions, should complain if not found*/ ITppFileDS DS("data.it","Data"); // Data Source int ndat = DS.ndat(); // number of data memlog L(ndat); // Logger string resfile="k1_results.it"; // name of output file vec dQ="0.1 0.1"; vec dR="0.2 0.2"; // TODO: read from config file <== broken on windows //model vyvoje stavu IMk1 fxu; fxu.set_parameters (0.5, 0.5); // pokud nejake budou //model pozorovani OMk1 hxu; //hxu.set_parameters (); // odkomentovat pokud budou // ESTIMATOR --- EKF // Priprava covariancnich matic pro EKF EKFCh Efix; //Extended KF s fix. variancemi Efix.set_parameters ( &fxu,&hxu,diag(dQ),diag(dR)); Efix.set_statistics ( zeros(fxu.dimension()), 100*eye ( fxu.dimension() ) ); // nulova // Definovat co se bude logovat Efix.log_add(L,"E"); L.init(); // <<==== allocate memory for results vec dt; for ( int t=1;t