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5 | %%% date = "2006/01/16", |
6 | %%% time = "01:20:10 CET", |
7 | %%% author = "Jirka Roubal", |
8 | %%% copyright = "Copyright 2006, Jirka Roubal, |
9 | %%% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is |
10 | %%% authorized only if either: |
11 | %%% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, |
12 | %%% including name; OR |
13 | %%% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it |
14 | %%% to some other name.", |
15 | %%% address = "Jirka Roubal, |
16 | %%% Department of Control Engineering, |
17 | %%% Faculty of Electrical Engineering, |
18 | %%% Czech Technical University in Prague, |
19 | %%% Karlovo náměstí 13, |
20 | %%% 121 35 Prague 2, |
21 | %%% Czech Republic", |
22 | %%% telephone = "+420-2-2435-7687", |
23 | %%% FAX = "", |
24 | %%% checksum = "38084 5829 21569 202795", |
25 | %%% email = "roubalj@control.felk.cvut.cz", |
26 | %%% website = "http://dce.felk.cvut.cz/roubal/", |
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28 | %%% keywords = "latex, amsmath, ntheorem, inputenc, czech", |
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30 | %%% abstract = "This is a \LaTeX{} template for students bachelorsor |
31 | %%% diploma thesis.", |
32 | %%% } |
33 | %%% ==================================================================== |
34 | |
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97 | |
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106 | \newtheorem{proposition}{Věta}[chapter] |
107 | |
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112 | |
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118 | |
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122 | \newtheorem{example}{Příklad}[chapter] |
123 | |
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125 | \theorembodyfont{\normalfont} |
126 | \theoremseparator{\normalfont{\?:}} |
127 | \theoremsymbol{\ensuremath{\checkmark}} |
128 | \newtheorem*{solution}{Řešení} |
129 | |
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143 | |
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156 | |
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162 | |
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174 | |
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206 | %-----<<< TITLE PAGE >>>----- |
207 | %-----<<< ---------- >>>----- |
208 | |
209 | |
210 | |
211 | %-----<<< ------ >>>----- |
212 | %-----<<< MATLAB >>>----- |
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219 | %-----<<< MATLAB >>>----- |
220 | %-----<<< ------ >>>----- |
221 | |
222 | |
223 | |
224 | %-----<<< ------ >>>----- |
225 | %-----<<< MACROS >>>----- |
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228 | %\mathcode`\,="013B |
229 | |
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240 | %>>>----- |
241 | |
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251 | %>>>----- |
252 | |
253 | %-----<<< Odkazy na tabulky, obrázky a kapitoly |
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255 | \newcommand{\tabref}[1]{tabulka~\mbox{\ref{#1}}} |
256 | \newcommand{\figref}[1]{obr.~\mbox{\ref{#1}}} |
257 | \newcommand{\charef}[1]{kapitola~\mbox{\ref{#1}}} |
258 | \newcommand{\dcvref}[2]{\mbox{\ref{#1}}\?: #2\?;\,\,\,} |
259 | %>>>----- |
260 | |
261 | %-----<<< Tučné matice kurzívou |
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263 | %\newcommand{\matt}[1]{{\pmb{#1}}} %bold matrix for Greek |
264 | \newcommand{\mat}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath $#1$}} %bold italic matrix |
265 | \newcommand{\matt}[1]{\pmb{\mathit #1}} %bold italic matrix for Greek |
266 | \newcommand{\matit}[1]{\mathit #1} %italic for Greek |
267 | \newcommand{\pruh}[1]{\overline{#1}} %overline na matrix |
268 | %>>>----- |
269 | |
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272 | \newcommand \Boddd[1]{\noindent{\em \textcolor{brown}{#1}}} |
273 | |
274 | \def\fracc#1#2{{\displaystyle{#1\over#2}}\,}%redefinition of fraction (normal size) |
275 | \def\frac#1#2{{\begingroup#1\endgroup\over#2}\,} |
276 | \newcommand{\quantity}[2]{#1~[#2]} %physics variables with unit |
277 | \newcommand{\e}[1]{e^{\displaystyle #1}} %exponential |
278 | \newcommand{\Lap}{\mathcal{L}} %Laplace operator |
279 | \newcommand{\Ztf}{\mathcal{Z}} %Laplace operator |
280 | \def\rank{\qopname\relax n{hod}} %rank of matrix |
281 | \newcommand{\PID}[2]{#1_{_{#2}}} %smaller subscript at PID controllers gains |
282 | %-----<<< MACROS >>>----- |
283 | %-----<<< ------ >>>----- |
284 | |
285 | |
286 | |
287 | %-----<<< Styl pro literaturu |
288 | \def\bibTeX{\textsc{bib}\TeX} |
289 | \renewcommand{\harvardand}{a} |
290 | %>>>----- |