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16 | %-----<<<<<<<<<<<< NAMES NAD PATHS >>>>>>>>>>>>----- |
17 | \def \BookName {BAKALÁŘSKÁ PRÁCE} |
18 | \def \Bookname {Decentralizované řízení dopravní signalizace: nastavení délky cyklu} |
19 | \def \BooknameEN {Decentralized control of traffic lights: setting of cycle time} |
20 | % \def \Authors {Autor\?: Jakub Novotný Vedoucí práce\?: Ing. Václav Šmídl, Ph.D.} |
21 | \def \DatumDP {Praha, 2010} |
22 | \def \autor {Jakub Novotný} |
23 | \def \vedouci {Ing. Václav Šmídl, Ph.D.} |
24 | \def \konzultant {Dr. Ing. Jan Přikryl, Ph.D.} |
25 | |
26 | |
27 | \def \CVUT {České vysoké učení technické v Praze} |
28 | |
29 | \def \cestaFiles {00_Chapters/} |
30 | \def \cesta01 {01_Intro/} |
31 | \def \cestaAP {Appendix/} |
32 | %-----<<< --------------------------------- >>>----- |
33 | |
34 | |
35 | |
36 | %-----<<<<<<<<<<<< DOCUMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>----- |
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60 | %-----<<< --------------- >>>----- |
61 | |
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63 | %-----<<< ABSTRACT >>>----- |
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65 | \cleardoublepage |
66 | %-----<<< -------- >>>----- |
67 | |
68 | |
69 | %-----<<< ZADÁNÍ BAKALÁŘSKÉ PRÁCE >>>----- |
70 | |
71 | Zadání práce s podpisem děkana |
72 | |
73 | \cleardoublepage |
74 | %-----<<< ---------------------- >>>----- |
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82 | %-----<<< ----------------- >>>----- |
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85 | %-----<<< TABLE OF FIGURES >>>----- |
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88 | \cleardoublepage |
89 | %-----<<< ---------------- >>>----- |
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92 | %-----<<< TABLE OF TABLES >>>----- |
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95 | \cleardoublepage |
96 | %-----<<< --------------- >>>----- |
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101 | %-----<<< ---------------------------- >>>----- |
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104 | %-----<<< CHAPTERS >>>----- |
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106 | \pagestyle{headings} |
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108 | \input{01_Intro/Intro.tex} %input fiel |
109 | \input{02_Aimsun/Aimsun.tex} %input fiel |
110 | \input{03_Agents/Agents.tex} %input fiel |
111 | \input{05_AlgorithmDescription/AlgorithmDescription.tex} %input fiel |
112 | \input{06_Results/Results.tex} %input fiel |
113 | \input{07_Ending/Ending.tex} %input fiel |
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115 | %-----<<< -------- >>>----- |
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118 | %-----<<< REFERENCES >>>----- |
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120 | % \bibliographystyle{Styles/Skripta} |
121 | \bibliographystyle{czechiso} |
122 | \bibliography{Styles/Refer}\nocite{*} %references from BIBTEX |
123 | \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Literatura} |
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125 | %-----<<< ---------- >>>----- |
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127 | %-----<<< APPENDIXS >>>----- |
128 | \cleardoublepage |
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131 | \begin{appendix} |
132 | \input{\cestaAP/01.tex} %input file |
133 | \end{appendix} |
134 | %-----<<< --------- >>>----- |
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136 | \end{document} |
137 | %-----<<<<<<<<< END OF DOCUMENT >>>>>>>>>----- |
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