1 | @PHDTHESIS{fiser2006, |
2 | title = {St\v{r}\'{i}dav\'{y} regulovan\'{y} pohon se synchronn\'{i}m motorem s permanentn\'{i}mi magnety}, |
3 | author = {O. Fi\v{s}er}, |
4 | school = {V\v{S}B - Technick\'{a} univerzita Ostrava}, |
5 | month = {dub}, |
6 | year = {2006}, |
7 | } |
8 | |
9 | @ARTICLE{novak2006, |
10 | title = {Uplatn\v{e}n\'{i} synchronn\'{i}ch stroj\r{u} v dopravn\'{i} technice}, |
11 | author = {J. Nov\'{a}k}, |
12 | journal = {Elektro}, |
13 | month = {\v{c}vn-z\'{a}\v{r}}, |
14 | year = {2006}, |
15 | } |
16 | |
17 | @ARTICLE{cdern2010, |
18 | title = {Synchronn\'{i} motory s permanentn\'{i}mi magnety pro trak\v{c}n\'{i} pohony kolejov\'{y}ch vozidel}, |
19 | author = {O. \v{C}ern\'{y} and R. Dole\v{c}ek and J. Nov\'{a}k}, |
20 | journal = {{V\v{e}dockotechnick\'{y} sborn\'{i}k \v{C}D}}, |
21 | number = {29}, |
22 | year = {2010}, |
23 | } |
24 | |
25 | @PhDThesis{komrska2010, |
26 | title = {Sofistikovan\'{a} synchronizace a \v{r}\'{i}zen\'{i} jednof\'{a}zov\'{y}ch m\v{e}ni\v{c}\r{u} s vlastn\'{i} komutac\'{i} p\v{r}ipojen\'{y}ch k s\'{i}ti}, |
27 | author = {T. Komrska}, |
28 | school = {Z\'{a}pado\v{c}esk\'{a} univerzita v Plzni}, |
29 | year = {2010} |
30 | } |
31 | |
32 | @ARTICLE{shfpmsmct2007, |
33 | title = {Permanent magnets synchronous motor control theory}, |
34 | author = {M. \v{S}tulrajter and V. Hrabovcov\'{a} and M. Franko}, |
35 | journal = {Journal of Electrical Engineering}, |
36 | volume = {58}, |
37 | number = {2}, |
38 | year = {2007}, |
39 | pages = {79-84}, |
40 | } |
41 | |
42 | @INPROCEEDINGS{vcmdtc2006, |
43 | title = {Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) - an approach by using Space Vector Modulation (SVM)}, |
44 | booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines}, |
45 | author = {S. V. Paturca and M. Covrig and L. Melcescu}, |
46 | year = {2006}, |
47 | } |
48 | |
49 | @BOOK{BertsekasDPOC, |
50 | AUTHOR = {{Bertsekas D. P.}}, |
51 | TITLE = {Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control}, |
52 | PUBLISHER = {Athena Scientific}, |
53 | ADDRESS = {Belmont, Massachusetts}, |
54 | YEAR = {2005}, |
55 | VOLUME = {I}, |
56 | EDITION = {3rd} |
57 | ISBN = {1-886529-26-4} |
58 | } |
59 | |
60 | @BOOK{adaptDC2004, |
61 | author = {N. M. Filatov and H. Unbehauen}, |
62 | affiliation = {St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation Russian Academy of Sciences 199178 St. Petersburg Russia}, |
63 | title = {Adaptive Dual Control, Theory and Applications}, |
64 | series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences}, |
65 | publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, |
66 | year = {2004} |
67 | } |
68 | |
69 | @MISC{ekf2006, |
70 | author = {G. Welch and G. Bishop}, |
71 | title = {An introduction to the Kalman filter}, |
72 | note = {{UNC-Chapel Hill}}, |
73 | year = {2006}, |
74 | howpublished = {[cit. 2012-04-08] Dostupn�: http://www.cs.unc.edu}, |
75 | } |
76 | |
77 | @MISC{ekf2004, |
78 | author = {M. I. Rebeiro}, |
79 | title = {Kalman and Extended Kalman Filters: Concept, Derivation and Properties}, |
80 | note= {{Institute for Systems and Robotics, Lisboa Technical University}}, |
81 | year = {2004}, |
82 | howpublished = {[cit. 2012-04-08] Dostupn�: http://users.isr.ist.utl.pt}, |
83 | } |