%simulator PMSM pro PCRB % zatim zaver: % v d-q vzdy roste neomezene % v al-be se omezuje a roste jen pri nulovych otackach % zda se, ze al-be not equal L vubec nepomuze % model d-q mereni al-be termer nepomuze % zadne bikriterialni vylepseni vicemene nemeni PCRB % znacne snizeni PCRB je nasledkem drzeni konst. nenul. id, ale otazka, % co kdyz budu drzet esimovane id...funguje i pro estimovane id a % zlepsuje nejen PCRB ale i odhad kalmana; jen konstanta, zadny sin ani % obdelniky, jedine hodne mala frekvence, tj. skoro konstanta % maximova norma rozdilu DF pro al-be pri stejnych a ruznych % indukcnostech je stejneho radu (popr. o rad nizsi) nez samotna PCRB % pro theta, nicmene ale vetsi rozdil je pri vyssim omega, pri % nizkych otackach je rozdil maly a tedy tam, kde mel pomoct nepomuze % a matice jsou prakticky stejne % % zjistit otacky omega, ktere kdyz to drzi konst. tak je konst. i % chyba: pro kazde nenulove otacky pri N rozdeleni to nakonec dojde % ke konstantni chybe, ale muze byt neunosne vysoka, otazka tedy nema % smysl, po dostatecne dlouhem case je pak chyba vzdy konstantni % % dalsi zpusob, jak ziskat lepsi mez je pocitat model sc5, ale stejne % nezastavuje rust chyby pri nulovych otackach - v realne aplikaci je % treba pridat korekce pri opusteni intervalu <-1;1>, jinak to casem % diverguje v dusledku diskretizace derivace; dale PCRB nabyvaji pro % sc "temer" nuly, kdyz odpovidajici skutecna hodnota sin(the) resp. % cos(the) je extremni, tj. +-1, takze hodnoty +-1 dokazi urcit s % temer nulovou minimalni chybou, pro hodnoty 0 chyba (PCRB) odpovida % hodnote PCRB theta pro model se 4 stavovymi velicinami (horsi tedy % nejsem nikdy) % TODO: % von Mises na theta clear all; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % parametry stroje %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Rs = 0.28; Ls = 0.003465; psipm = 0.1989; B = 0; TL = 0; kp = 1.5; pp = 4.0; J = 0.04; dt = 0.000125; kpp = kp*pp*pp; psi = psipm; a = 0.9898; b = 0.0072; c = 0.0361; d = 1.0; e = 0.0149; Lq = 1.0*Ls; Ld = 0.9*Ls; Q = diag([0.0013 0.0013 5.0e-6 1.0e-10]); R = diag([0.0006 0.0006]); T = 120000; %horizont ref_ome = zeros(1, T); %referencni signal % ref_profile = [1, 10, 50, 200, 200, 30, 0, 0, -1, -10, -50, -200, -200, -30, 0]; ref_profile = [0, -1, 3, 6, 9, 6, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,-3, -6, -3]; % ref_profile = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; % ref_profile = ones(1,16); for k = 1:T, index = floor(k*dt); if(index>0) lower = ref_profile(index); else lower = 0; end if(index ut) ial = x_sys(1, t); ibe = x_sys(2, t); ome = x_sys(3, t); the = x_sys(4, t); id = ial*cos(the) + ibe*sin(the); iq = ibe*cos(the) - ial*sin(the); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %alpha-beta, equal Ls % DF(1,3) = b*sin(the); % DF(1,4) = b*ome*cos(the); % DF(2,3) = -b*cos(the); % DF(2,4) = b*ome*sin(the); % DF(3,1) = -e*sin(the); % DF(3,2) = e*cos(the); % DF(3,4) = -e*(ial*cos(the)+ibe*sin(the)); % % D11 = DF'*inv(Q)*DF; % D12 = -DF'*inv(Q); % D21 = D12'; % D22 = inv(Q) + DH'*inv(R)*DH; % % Jj = D22 - D21*inv(Jj + D11)*D12; % % iJn(:,:,t) = inv(Jj); % D11_a(:,:,t) = D11; % %alpha-beta, equal Ls - oprava!!!!! % D11(1, 1) = a^2/q1 + e^2/q3*(1/2 - 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)); % D11(1, 2) = -e^2/q3*sin(the)*cos(the)*exp(-2*q4); % D11(1, 3) = (a*b/q1 - d*e/q3)*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % D11(1, 4) = e^2/q3*(ial*sin(the)*cos(the)*exp(-2*q4) + ibe*(1/2 - 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)))... % + a*b/q1*ome*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % % D11(2, 1) = D11(1, 2); % D11(2, 2) = a^2/q2 + e^2/q3*(1/2 + 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)); % D11(2, 3) = (d*e/q3 - a*b/q2)*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % D11(2, 4) = a*b/q2*ome*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4)... % - e^2/q3*(ial*(1/2 + 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)) + ibe*sin(the)*cos(the)*exp(-2*q4)); % % D11(3, 1) = D11(1, 3); % D11(3, 2) = D11(2, 3); % D11(3, 3) = d^2/q3 + dt^2/q4 + b^2/q2*(1/2 + 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the))... % + b^2/q1*(1/2 - 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)); % D11(3, 4) = dt/q4 - d*e/q3*(ial*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4) + ibe*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4))... % + b^2/q1*ome*sin(the)*cos(the)*exp(-2*q4) - b^2/q2*ome*sin(the)*cos(the)*exp(-2*q4); % % D11(4, 1) = D11(1, 4); % D11(4, 2) = D11(2, 4); % D11(4, 3) = D11(3, 4); % D11(4, 4) = 1/q4 + e^2/q3*((q1 + ial^2)*(1/2 + 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the))... % + 2*ial*ibe*sin(the)*cos(the)*exp(-2*q4)... % + (q2 + ibe^2)*(1/2 - 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)))... % + b^2/q2*(q3 + ome^2)*(1/2 - 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the))... % + b^2/q1*(q3 + ome^2)*(1/2 + 1/2*exp(-2*q4)*cos(2*the)); % % DF1(1,1) = a; % DF1(1,2) = 0.0; % DF1(1,3) = b*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % DF1(1,4) = b*ome*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % % DF1(2,1) = 0.0; % DF1(2,2) = a; % DF1(2,3) = -b*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % DF1(2,4) = b*ome*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % % DF1(3,1) = -e*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % DF1(3,2) = e*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4); % DF1(3,3) = d; % DF1(3,4) = -e*(ial*cos(the)*exp(-1/2*q4) + ibe*sin(the)*exp(-1/2*q4)); % % DF1(4,1) = 0.0; % DF1(4,2) = 0.0; % DF1(4,3) = dt; % DF1(4,4) = 1.0; % % D12 = -DF1'*inv(Q); % D21 = D12'; % D22 = inv(Q) + DH'*inv(R)*DH; % % Jj1 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj1 + D11)*D12; % % iJn1(:,:,t) = inv(Jj1); % D11_b(:,:,t) = D11; %d-q red, equal Ls % DH2(1,1) = cos(the); % DH2(1,2) = -sin(the); % DH2(1,4) = -id*sin(the)-iq*cos(the); % DH2(2,1) = sin(the); % DH2(2,2) = cos(the); % DH2(2,4) = id*cos(the)-iq*sin(the); % D11 = DF2'*inv(Q)*DF2; % D12 = -DF2'*inv(Q); % D21 = D12'; % % D22 = inv(Q) + DH'*inv(R)*DH; % D22 = inv(Q) + DH2'*inv(R)*DH2; % % Jj2 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj2 + D11)*D12; % % iJn2(:,:,t) = inv(Jj2); % d-q full, equal Ls % DF3(1,2) = dt*ome; % DF3(1,3) = dt*iq; % DF3(2,1) = -dt*ome; % DF3(2,3) = -dt*id-b; % D11 = DF3'*inv(Q)*DF3 + opr_3_D11; % D12 = -DF3'*inv(Q); % D21 = D12'; % D22 = inv(Q) + DH'*inv(R)*DH; % % D22 = inv(Q) + DH2'*inv(R)*DH2; % % Jj3 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj3 + D11)*D12; % % iJn3(:,:,t) = inv(Jj3); %d-q, not equal Ld, Lq % DF4(1,2) = Lq*dt/Ld*ome; % DF4(1,3) = Lq*dt/Ld*iq; % DF4(2,1) = -Ld*dt/Lq*ome; % DF4(2,3) = -Ld*dt/Lq*id-psipm*dt/Lq; % DF4(3,1) = kp*pp*pp*dt*(Ld-Lq)/J*iq; % DF4(3,2) = kp*pp*pp*dt/J*((Ld-Lq)*id+psipm); % D11 = DF4'*inv(Q)*DF4 + opr_4_D11; % D12 = -DF4'*inv(Q); % D21 = D12'; % D22 = inv(Q) + DH'*inv(R)*DH; % % D22 = inv(Q) + DH2'*inv(R)*DH2; % % Jj4 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj4 + D11)*D12; % % iJn4(:,:,t) = inv(Jj4); %alpha-beta, not equal Ld, Lq % ia = ial; % ib = ibe; % psi = psipm; % kppj = kp*pp*pp/J; % DF5 = [[ (Lq - Rs*dt*sin(the)^2)/Lq - (dt*ome*sin(the)*Lq^2*cos(the) + Rs*dt*Lq*cos(the)^2)/(Ld*Lq) + (Ld*dt*ome*cos(the)*sin(the))/Lq, (dt*(Ld - Lq)*(- Lq*ome*cos(the)^2 + Rs*cos(the)*sin(the) + Ld*ome*sin(the)^2))/(Ld*Lq), dt*cos(the)*(ia*sin(the) - ib*cos(the) + (Lq*(ib*cos(the) - ia*sin(the)))/Ld) + dt*sin(the)*(psi/Lq - ia*cos(the) - ib*sin(the) + (Ld*(ia*cos(the) + ib*sin(the)))/Lq), (dt*(ome*psi*cos(the) + Rs*ib*cos(2*the) - Rs*ia*sin(2*the)))/Lq + (Ld*dt*(ia*ome*cos(2*the) + ib*ome*sin(2*the)))/Lq - (dt*(Lq^2*ia*ome*cos(2*the) + Lq^2*ib*ome*sin(2*the) + Lq*Rs*ib*cos(2*the) - Lq*Rs*ia*sin(2*the)))/(Ld*Lq)];... % [ (dt*(Ld - Lq)*(- Ld*ome*cos(the)^2 + Rs*cos(the)*sin(the) + Lq*ome*sin(the)^2))/(Ld*Lq), (Lq - Rs*dt*cos(the)^2)/Lq - (Lq*Rs*dt*sin(the)^2 - Lq^2*dt*ome*cos(the)*sin(the))/(Ld*Lq) - (Ld*dt*ome*cos(the)*sin(the))/Lq, (dt*(Lq*ia - psi*cos(the)))/Lq + (dt*((Lq^2*ia*cos(2*the))/2 - (Lq^2*ia)/2 + (Lq^2*ib*sin(2*the))/2))/(Ld*Lq) - (Ld*dt*(ia/2 + (ia*cos(2*the))/2 + (ib*sin(2*the))/2))/Lq, (dt*ome*psi*sin(the) - Rs*dt*ia*(2*sin(the)^2 - 1) + Rs*dt*ib*sin(2*the))/Lq + (Ld*(dt*ib*ome*(2*sin(the)^2 - 1) + dt*ia*ome*sin(2*the)))/Lq - (Lq*Rs*dt*ib*sin(2*the) + Lq^2*dt*ib*ome*(2*sin(the)^2 - 1) + Lq^2*dt*ia*ome*sin(2*the) - Lq*Rs*dt*ia*(2*sin(the)^2 - 1))/(Ld*Lq)];... % [ -dt*kppj*(psi*sin(the) - cos(the)*(Ld - Lq)*(ib*cos(the) - ia*sin(the)) + sin(the)*(Ld - Lq)*(ia*cos(the) + ib*sin(the))), dt*kppj*(psi*cos(the) + cos(the)*(Ld - Lq)*(ia*cos(the) + ib*sin(the)) + sin(the)*(Ld - Lq)*(ib*cos(the) - ia*sin(the))), 1.0, -dt*kppj*(psi*(ia*cos(the) + ib*sin(the)) + (Ld - Lq)*(ia*cos(the) + ib*sin(the))^2 - (Ld - Lq)*(ib*cos(the) - ia*sin(the))^2)];... % [ 0.0, 0.0, dt, 1.0]]; % D11 = DF5'*inv(Q)*DF5; % D12 = -DF5'*inv(Q); % D21 = D12'; % D22 = inv(Q) + DH'*inv(R)*DH; % % Jj5 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj5 + D11)*D12; % % iJn5(:,:,t) = inv(Jj5); % delma = abs(DF - DF5); % nrm(t) = max(delma(:)); % alpha-beta, equal Ls sc theta DF6(1,3) = b*sin(the); DF6(1,4) = b*ome; DF6(2,3) = -b*cos(the); DF6(2,5) = -b*ome; DF6(3,1) = -e*sin(the); DF6(3,2) = e*cos(the); DF6(3,4) = -e*ial; DF6(3,5) = e*ibe; DF6(4,3) = dt*cos(the); DF6(4,5) = dt*ome; DF6(5,3) = -dt*sin(the); DF6(5,4) = -dt*ome; D11 = DF6'*inv(Q6)*DF6; % D11 = DF6'*inv(Q6)*DF6 + opr_D11; D12 = -DF6'*inv(Q6); D21 = D12'; D22 = inv(Q6) + DH6'*inv(R)*DH6; Jj6 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj6 + D11)*D12; iJn6(:,:,t) = inv(Jj6); % % alpha-beta, not equal Ld Lq sc theta, bad E % st = sin(the); % ct = cos(the); % DF7(1, 1) = 1.0 + dt*(-Rs*(st^2/Lq + ct^2/Ld) + ome*st*ct*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)); % DF7(1, 2) = dt*(-ome + Rs*st*ct*(1/Lq - 1/Ld) + ome*(Ld*st^2/Lq + Lq*ct^2/Ld)); % DF7(1, 3) = dt*psi*st/Lq + dt*ial*st*ct*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + dt*ibe*(-1 + Ld/Lq*st^2 + Lq/Ld*ct^2); % DF7(1, 4) = dt*psi*ome/Lq + dt*ial*(-Rs*2*st/Lq + ome*ct*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) + dt*ibe*(Rs*ct*(1/Lq - 1/Ld) + ome*2*Ld*st/Lq); % DF7(1, 5) = dt*ial*(-Rs*2*ct/Ld + ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) + dt*ibe*(Rs*st*(1/Lq - 1/Ld) + ome*2*Lq*ct/Ld); % % DF7(2, 1) = dt*(ome + Rs*st*ct*(1/Lq - 1/Ld) - ome*(Lq*st^2/Ld + Ld*ct^2/Lq)); % DF7(2, 2) = 1 + dt*(-Rs*(st^2/Ld + ct^2/Lq) + ome*st*ct*(Lq/Ld - Ld/Lq)); % DF7(2, 3) = -dt*psi*ct/Lq + dt*ial*(1 - Lq*st^2/Ld - Ld*ct^2/Lq) + dt*ibe*st*ct*(Lq/Ld - Ld/Lq); % DF7(2, 4) = dt*ial*(Rs*ct*(1/Lq - 1/Ld) - ome*2*Lq*st/Ld) + dt*ibe*(-Rs*2*st/Ld + ome*ct*(Lq/Ld - Ld/Lq)); % DF7(2, 5) = -dt*psi*ome/Lq + dt*ial*(Rs*st*(1/Lq - 1/Ld) -ome*2*Ld*ct/Lq) + dt*ibe*(-Rs*2*ct/Lq + ome*st*(Lq/Ld - Ld/Lq)); % % DF7(3, 1) = dt*kpp/J*((Ld - Lq)*(-2*ial*st*ct + ibe*ct^2 - ibe*st^2) - psi*st); % DF7(3, 2) = dt*kpp/J*((Ld - Lq)*(ial*ct^2 - ial*st^2 + 2*ibe*st*ct) + psi*ct); % DF7(3, 3) = 1; % DF7(3, 4) = dt*kpp/J*((Ld - Lq)*(-ial^2*ct - ial*ibe*2*st + ibe^2*ct) - psi*ial); % DF7(3, 5) = dt*kpp/J*((Ld - Lq)*(-ial^2*st + ial*ibe*2*ct + ibe^2*st) + psi*ibe); % % DF7(4,3) = dt*cos(the); % DF7(4,5) = dt*ome; % DF7(5,3) = -dt*sin(the); % DF7(5,4) = -dt*ome; % % % D11(1,1) = (dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Ld + st^2/Lq) - ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)^2/q1 + (dt^2*(ome*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld) - ome + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq))^2)/q2 + (dt^2*kpp^2*(psi*st + (Ld - Lq)*(- ibe*ct^2 + 2*ial*ct*st + ibe*st^2))^2)/(J^2*q3); % % D11(1,2) = (dt*(dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Ld + st^2/Lq) - ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)*(ome - ome*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq) + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq)))/q1 + (dt*(dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Lq + st^2/Ld) + ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)*(ome*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld) - ome + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq)))/q2 - (dt^2*kpp^2*(ct*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ial*ct^2 + 2*ibe*ct*st - ial*st^2))*(psi*st + (Ld - Lq)*(- ibe*ct^2 + 2*ial*ct*st + ibe*st^2)))/(J^2*q3); % % D11(1,3) = (dt*(ome*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld) - ome + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq))*(dt*ial*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld - 1) + (ct*dt*psi)/Lq + ct*dt*ibe*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q2 - ((dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Ld + st^2/Lq) - ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)*(dt*ibe*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq - 1) + (dt*psi*st)/Lq + ct*dt*ial*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q1 - (dt*kpp*(psi*st + (Ld - Lq)*(- ibe*ct^2 + 2*ial*ct*st + ibe*st^2)))/(J*q3); % % D11(1,4) = (dt*(dt*ibe*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*st)/Ld) + dt*ial*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Lq*ome*st)/Ld))*(ome*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld) - ome + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq)))/q2 - ((dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Ld + st^2/Lq) - ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)*(dt*ial*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*st)/Lq) - dt*ibe*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Ld*ome*st)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq))/q1 + (dt^2*kpp^2*(ial*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ct*ial^2 + 2*st*ial*ibe - ct*ibe^2))*(psi*st + (Ld - Lq)*(- ibe*ct^2 + 2*ial*ct*st + ibe*st^2)))/(J^2*q3); % % D11(1,5) = (dt*(ome*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld) - ome + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq))*(dt*ibe*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*ct)/Lq) + dt*ial*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Ld*ct*ome)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq))/q2 - ((dt*ial*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*ct)/Ld) - dt*ibe*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Lq*ct*ome)/Ld))*(dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Ld + st^2/Lq) - ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1))/q1 - (dt^2*kpp^2*(ibe*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(- st*ial^2 + 2*ct*ial*ibe + st*ibe^2))*(psi*st + (Ld - Lq)*(- ibe*ct^2 + 2*ial*ct*st + ibe*st^2)))/(J^2*q3); % % % % D11(2,1) = D11(1,2); % % D11(2,2) = (dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Lq + st^2/Ld) + ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)^2/q2 + (dt^2*(ome - ome*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq) + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq))^2)/q1 + (dt^2*kpp^2*(ct*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ial*ct^2 + 2*ibe*ct*st - ial*st^2))^2)/(J^2*q3); % % D11(2,3) = ((dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Lq + st^2/Ld) + ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)*(dt*ial*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld - 1) + (ct*dt*psi)/Lq + ct*dt*ibe*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q2 - (dt*(dt*ibe*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq - 1) + (dt*psi*st)/Lq + ct*dt*ial*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld))*(ome - ome*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq) + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq)))/q1 + (dt*kpp*(ct*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ial*ct^2 + 2*ibe*ct*st - ial*st^2)))/(J*q3); % % D11(2,4) = ((dt*ibe*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*st)/Ld) + dt*ial*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Lq*ome*st)/Ld))*(dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Lq + st^2/Ld) + ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1))/q2 - (dt*(dt*ial*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*st)/Lq) - dt*ibe*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Ld*ome*st)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq)*(ome - ome*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq) + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq)))/q1 - (dt^2*kpp^2*(ial*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ct*ial^2 + 2*st*ial*ibe - ct*ibe^2))*(ct*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ial*ct^2 + 2*ibe*ct*st - ial*st^2)))/(J^2*q3); % % D11(2,5) = ((dt*(Rs*(ct^2/Lq + st^2/Ld) + ct*ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)) - 1)*(dt*ibe*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*ct)/Lq) + dt*ial*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Ld*ct*ome)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq))/q2 - (dt*(dt*ial*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*ct)/Ld) - dt*ibe*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Lq*ct*ome)/Ld))*(ome - ome*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq) + Rs*ct*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq)))/q1 + (dt^2*kpp^2*(ct*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ial*ct^2 + 2*ibe*ct*st - ial*st^2))*(ibe*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(- st*ial^2 + 2*ct*ial*ibe + st*ibe^2)))/(J^2*q3); % % % % D11(3,1) = D11(1,3); % % D11(3,2) = D11(2,3); % % D11(3,3) = (dt*ial*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld - 1) + (ct*dt*psi)/Lq + ct*dt*ibe*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld))^2/q2 + (dt*ibe*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq - 1) + (dt*psi*st)/Lq + ct*dt*ial*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld))^2/q1 + 1/q3 + (ct^2*dt^2)/q4 + (dt^2*st^2)/q5; % % D11(3,4) = ((dt*ial*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*st)/Lq) - dt*ibe*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Ld*ome*st)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq)*(dt*ibe*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq - 1) + (dt*psi*st)/Lq + ct*dt*ial*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q1 + ((dt*ibe*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*st)/Ld) + dt*ial*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Lq*ome*st)/Ld))*(dt*ial*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld - 1) + (ct*dt*psi)/Lq + ct*dt*ibe*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q2 + (ct*dt)/q4 + (dt^2*ome*st)/q5 - (dt*kpp*(ial*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ct*ial^2 + 2*st*ial*ibe - ct*ibe^2)))/(J*q3); % % D11(3,5) = ((dt*ial*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*ct)/Ld) - dt*ibe*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Lq*ct*ome)/Ld))*(dt*ibe*((Lq*ct^2)/Ld + (Ld*st^2)/Lq - 1) + (dt*psi*st)/Lq + ct*dt*ial*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q1 - (dt*st)/q5 + ((dt*ibe*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*ct)/Lq) + dt*ial*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Ld*ct*ome)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq)*(dt*ial*((Ld*ct^2)/Lq + (Lq*st^2)/Ld - 1) + (ct*dt*psi)/Lq + ct*dt*ibe*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld)))/q2 + (ct*dt^2*ome)/q4 + (dt*kpp*(ibe*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(- st*ial^2 + 2*ct*ial*ibe + st*ibe^2)))/(J*q3); % % % % D11(4,1) = D11(1,4); % % D11(4,2) = D11(2,4); % % D11(4,3) = D11(3,4); % % D11(4,4) = (dt*ibe*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*st)/Ld) + dt*ial*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Lq*ome*st)/Ld))^2/q2 + 1/q4 + (dt*ial*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*st)/Lq) - dt*ibe*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Ld*ome*st)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq)^2/q1 + (dt^2*ome^2)/q5 + (dt^2*kpp^2*(ial*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ct*ial^2 + 2*st*ial*ibe - ct*ibe^2))^2)/(J^2*q3); % % D11(4,5) = (dt*ome)/q4 - (dt*ome)/q5 + ((dt*ial*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*ct)/Ld) - dt*ibe*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Lq*ct*ome)/Ld))*(dt*ial*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*st)/Lq) - dt*ibe*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Ld*ome*st)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq))/q1 + ((dt*ibe*(ct*ome*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*st)/Ld) + dt*ial*(Rs*ct*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Lq*ome*st)/Ld))*(dt*ibe*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*ct)/Lq) + dt*ial*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Ld*ct*ome)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq))/q2 - (dt^2*kpp^2*(ial*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(ct*ial^2 + 2*st*ial*ibe - ct*ibe^2))*(ibe*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(- st*ial^2 + 2*ct*ial*ibe + st*ibe^2)))/(J^2*q3); % % % % D11(5,1) = D11(1,5); % % D11(5,2) = D11(2,5); % % D11(5,3) = D11(3,5); % % D11(5,4) = D11(4,5); % % D11(5,5) = (dt*ial*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) - (2*Rs*ct)/Ld) - dt*ibe*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) - (2*Lq*ct*ome)/Ld))^2/q1 + 1/q5 + (dt*ibe*(ome*st*(Ld/Lq - Lq/Ld) + (2*Rs*ct)/Lq) + dt*ial*(Rs*st*(1/Ld - 1/Lq) + (2*Ld*ct*ome)/Lq) + (dt*ome*psi)/Lq)^2/q2 + (dt^2*ome^2)/q4 + (dt^2*kpp^2*(ibe*psi + (Ld - Lq)*(- st*ial^2 + 2*ct*ial*ibe + st*ibe^2))^2)/(J^2*q3); % % D11 = DF7'*inv(Q6)*DF7; % % D12 = -DF7'*inv(Q6); % D21 = D12'; % D22 = inv(Q6) + DH6'*inv(R)*DH6; % % Jj7 = D22 - D21*inv(Jj7 + D11)*D12; % % iJn7(:,:,t) = inv(Jj7); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sum_iq = sum_iq + ref_ome(t) - ome; ref_iq = kon_pi*(ref_ome(t) - ome) + kon_ii*sum_iq; sum_ud = sum_ud - id; u_dq(1, t) = kon_pu*(-id) + kon_iu*sum_ud; sum_uq = sum_uq + ref_iq - iq; u_dq(2, t) = kon_pu*(ref_iq - iq) + kon_iu*sum_uq; u_dq(1, t) = u_dq(1, t) - Ls*ome*ref_iq; u_dq(2, t) = u_dq(2, t) + psipm*ome; % u_dq(2,t) = u_dq(2,t) + 10.0*cos(100*dt*t); % ual = u_dq(1,t)*cos(the) - u_dq(2,t)*sin(the); % ube = u_dq(1,t)*sin(the) + u_dq(2,t)*cos(the); % % % ual = ual + 10.0*cos(100*dt*t); % % ube = ube + 10.0*sin(100*dt*t); % % % duab = sign(rand(2,1)-0.5)*10; % % ual = ual + duab(1); % % ube = ube + duab(2); % % ud = ual*cos(the) + ube*sin(the); % uq = ube*cos(the) - ual*sin(the); % u_dq(1,t) = 0.1*Ld/dt - (1.0*Ld/dt - Rs)*id - Lq*ome*iq; %%%% simulace %%% (xt + ut -> xt+1; xt+1 -> yt+1) idpl = (1.0 - Rs*dt/Ld)*id + Lq*dt/Ld*ome*iq + dt/Ld*u_dq(1,t); iqpl = (1.0 - Rs*dt/Lq)*iq - psipm*dt/Lq*ome - Ld*dt/Lq*ome*id + dt/Lq*u_dq(2,t); x_sys(1, t+1) = idpl*cos(the) - iqpl*sin(the); x_sys(2, t+1) = idpl*sin(the) + iqpl*cos(the); x_sys(3, t+1) = ref_ome(t);%(1.0-B*dt/J)*ome + kp*pp*pp*dt/J*((Ld-Lq)*id*iq + psipm*iq); x_sys(4, t+1) = the + dt*ome; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % zaznam vysledku %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xax = 1:T-1; timex = (xax)*dt; % subplot(2, 2, 1); % plot(timex, x_sys(1, xax)); % subplot(2, 2, 2); % plot(timex, x_sys(2, xax)); % subplot(2, 2, 3); % plot(timex, x_sys(3, xax), timex, ref_ome(xax)); % subplot(2, 2, 4); % plot(timex, atan2(sin(x_sys(4, xax)),cos(x_sys(4, xax)))); % subplot(2,1,1); % plot(timex, x_sys(3, xax), timex, ref_ome(xax)); % subplot(2,1,2); % plot(timex,nrm(xax),'g') % hold on; % plot(timex, squeeze(iJn(4,4,xax)),timex, squeeze(iJn1(4,4,xax)),timex, squeeze(iJn6(4,4,xax)),timex, squeeze(iJn6(5,5,xax))); plot(timex, squeeze(iJn6(4,4,xax)),timex, squeeze(iJn6(5,5,xax)),timex, squeeze(iJn7(4,4,xax)),timex, squeeze(iJn7(5,5,xax))); % figure; % plot(timex, x_sys(3, xax)-ref_ome(xax));