/*! \file \brief Multi-Estimator (developped for PMSM) */ #include "pmsm.h" #include "stat/loggers.h" #include "estim/kalman.h" #include #include "../../library/mex/mex_logger.h" #include "../../library/mex/mex_datasource.h" #include "../../library/mex/mex_parser.h" using namespace bdm; void mexFunction ( int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[] ) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments string fname; if (n_input>0){ fname=mxArray2string(input[0]); } else { printf("file name missing"); } // ------------------ UIFile F ( fname.c_str()); logger* L; DS * DS; Array Es; // array of estimators int Ndat; //number of data records int nE; //number of estimators try { UIbuild ( F.lookup ( "logger" ),L ); UIbuild ( F.lookup ( "system" ),DS ); F.lookupValue ( "experiment.ndat",Ndat ); Setting& S=F.lookup ( "estimator" ); nE = S.getLength(); Es.set_size(nE); for(int i=0;ilog_add ( *L ); string nic=""; for (int i=0; ilog_add(*L,nic); // estimate } L->init(); vec dt=zeros ( DS->_drv()._dsize() ); //data variable Array Dls(nE); for (int i=0; i_drv(),DS->_drv() ); //datalink between a datasource and estimator } // Main cycle for ( int tK=1;tKstep(); // simulator step DS->getdata ( dt ); // read data DS->logit ( *L ); // Estimators for (int i=0; ibayes ( Dls(i)->pushdown ( dt ) ); // update estimates Es(i)->logit (*L); } // Regulators L->step(); } L->finalize(); // ------------------ End of routine ----------------------------- mex_logger* mL=dynamic_cast(L); if (mL) { // user wants output!! if ( n_output<1 ) mexErrMsgTxt ( "Wrong number of output variables!" ); output[0] = mL->toCell(); } delete L; delete DS; for (int i=0; i