/************************************ Extended Kalman Filter Matrix operations V. Smidl Rev. 30.8.2010 30.8.2010 Prvni verze *************************************/ #define qAU 14 #define qCU 15 #define qD 14 #define qCh 14 #define int16 short #define int32 int /* Matrix multiply Full matrix by upper diagonal matrix with unit diagonal; */ extern void mmultAU(int16 *m1, int16 *up, int16 *result, unsigned int16 rows, unsigned int16 columns); /* Matrix multiply Full matrix by upper diagonal matrix with unit diagonal; */ extern void mmultCU(int16 *m1, int16 *up, int16 *result, unsigned int16 rows, unsigned int16 columns); /* Matrix multiply Full matrix by upper diagonal matrix; */ extern void mmultACh(int16 *m1, int16 *up, int16 *result, unsigned int16 rows, unsigned int16 columns); /* perform Thorton update of UD matrix using PSI*U, Q, and temporaries G, Dold, for size dimx*/ extern void thorton(int16 *U, int16 *D, int16 *PSIU, int16 *Q, int16 *G, int16 *Dold, unsigned int16 dimx); /* perform Bierman update of UD matrix using difz, R and xp, for size dimx*/ extern void bierman(int16 *difz, int16 *xp, int16 *U, int16 *D, int16 *R, unsigned int16 dimy, unsigned int16 dimx ); /* perform Thorton update of UD matrix using PSI*U, Q, and temporaries G, Dold, for size dimx*/ extern void thorton_fast(int16 *U, int16 *D, int16 *PSIU, int16 *Q, int16 *G, int16 *Dold, unsigned int16 dimx); /* perform Bierman update of UD matrix using difz, R and xp, for size dimx*/ extern void bierman_fast(int16 *difz, int16 *xp, int16 *U, int16 *D, int16 *R, unsigned int16 dimy, unsigned int16 dimx ); /* perform Bierman update of UD matrix using difz, R and xp, for size dimx*/ extern void bierman_fastC(int16 *difz, int16 *xp, int16 *U, int16 *D, int16 *C, int16 *R, unsigned int16 dimy, unsigned int16 dimx ); /* perform Householder update of Ch matrix using PSI*Ch , Q, */ extern void householder(int16 *Ch /*= int16 *PSICh*/, int16 *Q, unsigned int16 dimx); /* perform Givens update of Ch matrix using PSI*Ch , Q, */ extern void givens(int16 *Ch /*= int16 *PSICh*/, int16 *Q, unsigned int16 dimx); /* perform Carlson update of Ch matrix using difz, R and xp, for size dimx*/ extern void carlson(int16 *difz, int16 *xp, int16 *Ch, int16 *R, unsigned int16 dimy, unsigned int16 dimx ); /* perform Givens update of Ch matrix using PSI*Ch , Q, */ extern void givens_fast(int16 *Ch /*= int16 *PSICh*/, int16 *Q, unsigned int16 dimx); /* perform Carlson update of Ch matrix using difz, R and xp, for size dimx*/ extern void carlson_fast(int16 *difz, int16 *xp, int16 *Ch, int16 *R, unsigned int16 dimy, unsigned int16 dimx );