root/applications/robust/DCErrors.h @ 1427

Revision 1358, 6.6 kB (checked in by sindj, 14 years ago)

DDE data. JS

1// Header file for messages of DDEClient.cpp
3// Author:  Robert Matovinovic
4// Version: 0.02
5// Date:    04.10.2006
8// Strings for message boxes
10const char ccMsgAsynchNotAllowed[]=                     "DCAllinOneCmd: Asynchronous transactions are not allowed. Function can only process synchronous transactions.";
11const char ccMsgCaption[] =                                     "DDE Client DLL";
12const char ccMsgCaptionCb[] =                           "DDE Client DLL: Callback Function";
13const char ccMsgNoDataReturned[] =                      "No data was returned!";
14const char ccMsgTransactionFailed[] =           "Transaction failed!";
15const char ccMsgTransactionSucceeded[] =        "Transaction succeeded!";
16const char ccMsgAppTerminatedConv[] =           "Application terminated the conversation!";
17const char ccMsgInitializeFailed01[] =          "Could not initialize DDEML.DLL";
18const char ccMsgInitializeFailed02[] =          "DDEML ERROR: ";
19const char ccMsgInitializeSucceeded[] =         "DDEML.DLL succeeded initialized!";
20const char ccMsgConnectFailed[] =                       "DDE connection failed!";
21const char ccMsgConnectFailed01[]=                      "Failure to connect to service '";
22const char ccMsgConnectFailed02[]=                      "' with topic '";
23const char ccMsgConnectFailed03[]=                      "'! Make sure that service application is up and running and service supports topic!";
24const char ccMsgConnectSucceeded[] =            "DDE connection succeeded!";
25const char ccMsgConnectTerminated[] =           "DDE connection terminated!";
26const char ccMsgUnloadFailed[] =                        "Unloading of library failed!";
27const char ccMsgLaunchApp01[] =                         "Could not find running server application: '";
28const char ccMsgLaunchApp02[] =                         "'. Try to launch server application?";
29const char ccMsgLaunchAppFailed01[] =           "Could not launch server application: '";
30const char ccMsgLaunchAppFailed02[] =           "', a DDE connection can not be established.";
31const char ccMsgTopicNotFound01[] =                     "Service does not support topic '";
32const char ccMsgTopicNotFound02[] =                     "', a DDE connection can not be established.";
33const char ccMsgRequestFailed01[] =                     "Request '";
34const char ccMsgRequestFailed02[] =                     "' failed!";
35const char ccMsgRequestFailed[]=                        "Request failed: ";
36const char ccErrStart[]=                                        "*** Error: ";
37const char ccErrEnd[]=                                          " ***";
38const char ccErrorMsgToLong[] =                         " *** Message to long, cut off! ***";
39const char ccDMLERRInitialize[]=                        "DdeInitialize DDEML ERROR: ";
40const char ccMsgHandleErr01[]=                          "Couldn't free string handle.";
41const char ccMsgHandleErr02[]=                          "Couldn't free data handle.";
42char szMsgDMLERRDisconnect[] =                          "DdeDisconnect DDEML ERROR: ";
43char szMsgDMLERRConnect[] =                                     "DdeConnect DDEML ERROR: ";
44char szMsgDMLERRUninitialize[] =                        "DdeUninitialize DDEML ERROR: ";
45const char ccMsgNotEnoughMemory01[]=            "Insufficient memory to assign DDE variables for conversation.";
46const char ccMsgNotEnoughMemory02[]=            "Insufficient memory to assign variables for accessing DDE data.";
47const char ccMsgGetMsgError[]=                          "Function GetMessage in DCAsynchTransactionCompleted caused an error.";
48const char ccMsgConvMaxError[]=                         "Maximum number of DDE conversations exceeded.";
49const char ccMsgCbAsynchRequestFailed[]=        "Callback error: Asynchron request failed!";
50const char ccMsgCbTransactionFailed[]=          "Callback error: Transaction failed.";
51const char ccMsgCbWrongID[]=                            "Callback error: Transaction IDs don't match.";
52const char ccMsgNoWindowsMessage[]=                     "No windows message in queue to process transaction. ";
53const char ccMsgAsynchTransNotCompleted[]=      "Could not complete asynchronous transaction.";
54const char ccMsgAsynchRequestNotCompleted[]="Could not complete asynchronous request. Maybe command is invalid.";
55const char ccMsgAbandonTransaction[]=           "Abandon Transaction DDEML ERROR: ";
56const char ccDMLERR01[] =                                       "A request for a synchronous advise transaction has timed out.";
57const char ccDMLERR02[] =                                       "The response to the transaction caused the DDE_FBUSY flag to be set.";
58const char ccDMLERR03[] =                                       "A request for a synchronous data transaction has timed out.";
59const char ccDMLERR04[] =                                       "A DDEML function was called without first calling the DdeInitialize function, or an invalid instance identifier was passed to a DDEML function.";
60const char ccDMLERR05[] =                                       "An application initialized as APPCLASS_MONITOR has attempted to perform a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) transaction, or an application initialized as APPCMD_CLIENTONLY has attempted to perform server transactions.";
61const char ccDMLERR06[] =                                       "A request for a synchronous execute transaction has timed out.";
62const char ccDMLERR07[] =                                       "A parameter failed to be validated by the DDEML. Some of the possible causes follow: The application used a data handle initialized with a different item name handle than was required by the transaction. The application used a data handle that was initialized with a different clipboard data format than was required by the transaction. The application used a client-side conversation handle with a server-side function or vice versa. The application used a freed data handle or string handle. More than one instance of the application used the same object.";
63const char ccDMLERR08[] =                                       "Memory is low; advise, poke, or execute data may be lost, or the system may fail. A DDEML application has created a prolonged race condition (in which the server application outruns the client), causing large amounts of memory to be consumed.";
64const char ccDMLERR09[] =                                       "A memory allocation has failed.";
65const char ccDMLERR10[] =                                       "A client's attempt to establish a conversation has failed.";
66const char ccDMLERR11[] =                                       "A transaction has failed.";
67const char ccDMLERR12[] =                                       "A request for a synchronous poke transaction has timed out.";
68const char ccDMLERR13[] =                                       "An internal call to the PostMessage function has failed.";
69const char ccDMLERR14[] =                                       "An application instance with a synchronous transaction already in progress attempted to initiate another synchronous transaction, or the DdeEnableCallback function was called from within a DDEML callback function.";
70const char ccDMLERR15[] =                                       "A server-side transaction was attempted on a conversation terminated by the client, or the server terminated before completing a transaction.";
71const char ccDMLERR16[] =                                       "An internal error has occurred in the DDEML.";
72const char ccDMLERR17[] =                                       "A request to end an advise transaction has timed out.";
73const char ccDMLERR18[] =                                       "An invalid transaction identifier was passed to a DDEML function. Once the application has returned from an XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE callback, the transaction identifier for that callback function is no longer valid.";
74const char ccDMLERR19[] =                                       "Memory is low; advise, poke, or execute data may be lost, or the system may fail.";
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