// Header for using DDEClient.dll in other C/C++ programs // // Author: Robert Matovinovic // Version: 0.02 // Date: 04.10.2006 // #include "windows.h" // DDE data structure for access data received by DDE transaction typedef struct { // pointer to begin of dde data returned by DdeAccessData BYTE* pData; // length of dde data returned by DdeAccessData DWORD dwLen; // string pointer to dde data, if the data should accessed as string char* pszData; // ID of transaction, used to determine completion of asynchronous transaction DWORD dwTransID; // ID of transaction, returned by callback function with asynch. transaction DWORD dwCbTransID; // string for access type of data char szAccType[7]; } DCDATAACCESS; #define DCDllImport extern "C" _declspec( dllimport ) // // imported variables // // boolean used by DCLastError DCDllImport bool bDCErrorExport; // pointer to dde data access structure DCDllImport DCDATAACCESS* *DCDA; // // imported functions // DCDllImport bool DCRequestString(WORD wC, char szItem[], int nTimeout); DCDllImport bool DCRequest(WORD wC, char szItem[], char szFormat[], int nTimeout ); DCDllImport bool DCTransaction(WORD wC, char szType[], char szItem[], char szData[], char szFormat[], int nTimeout, char szAccess[]); DCDllImport bool DCConnect(WORD* pConvNo, char szService[], char szTopic[]); DCDllImport bool DCDisconnect(WORD wConvNo); DCDllImport bool DCInit(); DCDllImport bool DCUninit(); DCDllImport char* DCLastError(); DCDllImport bool DCAsynchTransactionCompleted(WORD wC, DWORD dwTransID, bool bWait); DCDllImport bool DCFreeDdeMem(WORD wC); DCDllImport void DCFinalize(); DCDllImport bool DCAbandonTransaction(WORD wC, DWORD dwTransID); DCDllImport char* DCVersion();