#include "robustlib.h" double polyhedron::triangulate(bool should_integrate) { for(set::iterator t_ref = triangulation.begin();t_ref!=triangulation.end();t_ref++) { delete (*t_ref); } triangulation.clear(); if(should_integrate) { ((toprow *)this)->probability = 0.0; } if(vertices.size()==1) { simplex* vert_simplex = new simplex((vertex*)this); triangulation.insert(vert_simplex); } for(list::iterator child_ref = children.begin();child_ref!=children.end();child_ref++) { for(set::iterator s_ref = (*child_ref)->triangulation.begin();s_ref!=(*child_ref)->triangulation.end();s_ref++) { simplex* new_simplex = new simplex((*s_ref)->vertices); pair::iterator,bool> ret_val = new_simplex->vertices.insert(*vertices.begin()); if(ret_val.second == true) { double cur_prob = 0; /* if(should_integrate&&new_simplex->vertices.size()!=3) { cout << "Error: Wrong vertex count for integration!"; } */ if(should_integrate) { cur_prob = ((toprow *)this)->integrate_simplex(new_simplex, 'S'); ((toprow *)this)->probability += cur_prob; } triangulation.insert(new_simplex); } else { delete new_simplex; } } } if(should_integrate) { return ((toprow *)this)->probability; } else { return 0.0; } /* for(list::iterator child_ref = children.begin();child_ref!=children.end();child_ref++) { for(list>::iterator t_ref = (*child_ref)->triangulation.begin();t_ref!=(*child_ref)->triangulation.end();t_ref++) { set new_simplex; new_simplex.insert((*t_ref).begin(),(*t_ref).end()); for(set::iterator suitable_vert_ref = vertices.begin();*suitable_vert_ref<*(*t_ref).begin();suitable_vert_ref++) { set suitable_simplex; suitable_simplex.insert(new_simplex.begin(),new_simplex.end()); suitable_simplex.insert(*suitable_vert_ref); triangulation.push_back(suitable_simplex); if(should_integrate) { ((toprow *)this)->probability += ((toprow *)this)->integrate_simplex(suitable_simplex, 'S'); } } } }*/ } double toprow::integrate_simplex(simplex* simplex, char c) { // cout << ((toprow*)this)->condition << endl; int sigma_order = ((toprow*)this)->condition_order-simplex->vertices.size()-1; // cout << "C:" << condition_order << " N:" << my_emlig->number_of_parameters << " C+N:" << condition_order-my_emlig->number_of_parameters << endl; // pause(0.1); if(sigma_order >= 0) { //cout << endl; //cout << ((toprow*)this)->condition << endl; //cout << "C:" << condition_order+2 << " N:" << my_emlig->number_of_parameters << " C+N:" << condition_order-my_emlig->number_of_parameters+2 << endl; emlig* current_emlig; simplex->clear_gammas(); simplex->probability = 0; if(this->my_emlig!=NULL) { current_emlig = this->my_emlig; } else { throw exception("The statistic of the polyhedron you are trying to integrate over doesn't belong to any emlig!"); } toprow* as_toprow = (toprow*)this; //cout << "Current condition:" << as_toprow->condition_sum << endl; int dimension = simplex->vertices.size()-1; mat jacobian(dimension,dimension); map as; vertex* base_vertex = *simplex->vertices.begin(); int row_count = 0; for(set::iterator vert_ref = simplex->vertices.begin(); vert_ref!=simplex->vertices.end();vert_ref++) { if(vert_ref!=simplex->vertices.begin()) { vec relative_coords = (*vert_ref)->get_coordinates()-base_vertex->get_coordinates(); jacobian.set_row(row_count-1,relative_coords); } vec extended_coords = (*vert_ref)->get_coordinates(); extended_coords.ins(0,-1); //cout << "Ext. coords:" << extended_coords << " Condition sum:" << as_toprow->condition_sum << endl; double a = extended_coords*as_toprow->condition_sum; if(amin_ll) { current_emlig->minimal_vertex = (*vert_ref); current_emlig->min_ll = a; } //cout << "a0:" << a_0 << " a0 coords:" << base_vertex->get_coordinates() << " am:" << a_m << " am coords:" << (*vert_ref)->get_coordinates() << endl; //cout << "Absolute coords:(V" << row_count << ")" << (*vert_ref)->get_coordinates() << endl; //cout << "Relative coords:(V" << row_count << ")" << relative_coords << endl; pair::iterator,bool> returned = as.insert(pair(a,1)); if(returned.second == false) { (*returned.first).second++; } row_count++; } /* int as_count = 1; for(map::iterator as_ref = as.begin();as_ref!=as.end();as_ref++) { cout << "a_" << as_count << ": " << (*as_ref).first << " "; as_count++; } */ vector gamma_facs; // cout << jacobian << endl; double det_jacobian = abs(det(jacobian)); for(map::iterator a_ref = as.begin();a_ref!=as.end();a_ref++) { double k_multiplier = 1; int a_order = (*a_ref).second; current_emlig->set_correction_factors(a_order-1); vector factors; for(map::iterator a2_ref = as.begin();a2_ref!=as.end();a2_ref++) { if(a2_ref!=a_ref) { for(int k = 0;k<(*a2_ref).second;k++) { factors.push_back((*a2_ref).first-(*a_ref).first); } k_multiplier /= pow((*a2_ref).first-(*a_ref).first,(*a2_ref).second); } } double bracket_combination = 0; for(int k = 0;k < a_order;k++) { if(k==gamma_facs.size()) { gamma_facs.push_back(0.0); } double factor_multiplier = pow((double)-1,k)/pow((*a_ref).first,sigma_order-a_order+k+1);//pow((double)-1,k+1) double value = 0; if(k!=0) { ivec control_vec = ivec(); control_vec.ins(0,my_emlig->number_of_parameters-a_order+1); for(multiset::iterator combi_ref = this->my_emlig->correction_factors[a_order-k-1].begin();combi_ref!=this->my_emlig->correction_factors[a_order-k-1].upper_bound(my_ivec(control_vec));combi_ref++) { double bracket_factor = 1/fact(k); for(int j = 0;j<(*combi_ref).size();j++) { //cout << "Factor vector:" << (*combi_ref) << endl; bracket_factor /= factors[(*combi_ref)[j]-1]; } value += bracket_factor*factor_multiplier*k_multiplier; } } else { value = k_multiplier*factor_multiplier; } simplex->insert_gamma(k,value,(*a_ref).first); gamma_facs[k] += value; } } double int_value = 0; double volume = det_jacobian/fact(jacobian.rows()); int gamma_size = (int)gamma_facs.size(); if(sigma_order-gamma_size>=0) { for(int k = 0;kcondition_order); } } else { int_value = -1; } simplex->probability = int_value; simplex->volume = volume; cout << "Probability:" << int_value << endl << endl; //pause(0.1); return int_value; } else { cout << "Improper probability density." << endl; return 0.0; } }