root/applications @ 1276

Name Size Rev Age Last Change
trading_models 1266 14 years sindj: Dodelavani vypoctu integralu v polyhedronech. JS
robust 1276 14 years sindj: Oprava chyb ve vypoctu integralu pres polytopy. JS
python 1152 15 years smidl: test for itpp way
pmsm 1264 14 years smidl: experiments
mpdm 706 15 years smidl: eol-native
example_application 982 15 years smidl: Example application using bdm in C++
dual 1261 14 years smidl: LQG changes + lyx
doprava 1151 15 years jabu:
bdmtoolbox 1191 14 years smidl: OO implementation of Kalman in Matlab
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