bdm::datalink_m2m Class Reference

#include <libBM.h>

Inheritance diagram for bdm::datalink_m2m:

bdm::datalink_m2e bdm::datalink

List of all members.

Detailed Description

DataLink is a connection between mpdf and its superordinate (Up) This class links

Public Member Functions

 datalink_m2m (const RV &rv, const RV &rvc, const RV &rv_up, const RV &rvc_up)
vec get_cond (const vec &val_up, const vec &cond_up)
 Get cond for myself from val and cond of "Up".
vec get_cond (const vec &val_up)
 Construct condition.
void pushup_cond (vec &val_up, const vec &val, const vec &cond)
void set_connection (const RV &rv, const RV &rv_up)
 set connection, rv must be fully present in rv_up
vec pushdown (const vec &val_up)
 Get val for myself from val of "Up".
void pushup (vec &val_up, const vec &val)
 Fill val of "Up" by my pieces.

Protected Attributes

ivec c2c_up
 cond-to-cond link, indeces of the upper cond
ivec c2c_lo
 cond-to-cond link, indeces of the local cond
int condsize
 Remember how long cond should be.
ivec v2c_up
 upper_val-to-local_cond link, indeces of the upper val
ivec v2c_lo
 upper_val-to-local_cond link, ideces of the local cond
int downsize
 Remember how long val should be.
int upsize
 Remember how long val of "Up" should be.
ivec v2v_up
 val-to-val link, indeces of the upper val

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