root/doc/html/ @ 68

Revision 37, 1.3 kB (checked in by smidl, 17 years ago)

Matrix in Cholesky decomposition, Square-root Kalman and many bug fixes

1<area shape="rect" href="$classeEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="132,87,177,113">
2<area shape="rect" href="$classeEmp.html" title="Weighted empirical density." alt="" coords="201,87,260,113">
3<area shape="rect" href="$classeuni.html" title="Uniform distributed density on a rectangular support." alt="" coords="284,87,332,113">
4<area shape="rect" title="internal class for MPDF providing composition of eEmp with external components" alt="" coords="356,87,535,113">
5<area shape="rect" href="$classegamma.html" title="Gamma posterior density." alt="" coords="5,167,85,193">
6<area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix." alt="" coords="160,167,280,193">
7<area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\&lt; ldmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="79,263,209,289">
8<area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\&lt; chmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="260,263,393,289">
9<area shape="rect" title="\&lt; ldmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="191,191,199,199">
10<area shape="rect" title="\&lt; ldmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="144,259,152,267">
11<area shape="rect" title="\&lt; chmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="225,191,233,199">
12<area shape="rect" title="\&lt; chmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="296,259,304,267">
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