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drobnosti a dokumentace

1<area shape="rect" href="$classmgamma.html" title="Gamma random walk." alt="" coords="23,351,97,375">
2<area shape="rect" href="$classmEF.html" title="Exponential family model." alt="" coords="5,263,53,287">
3<area shape="rect" href="$classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="8,186,59,210">
4<area shape="rect" href="$classRV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="41,7,79,31">
5<area shape="rect" href="$classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="75,96,120,120">
6<area shape="rect" href="$classeEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="88,186,133,210">
7<area shape="rect" href="$classegamma.html" title="Gamma posterior density." alt="" coords="77,263,149,287">
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