sqmat Class Reference

Virtual class for representation of double symmetric matrices in square-root form. More...

#include <libDC.h>

Inheritance diagram for sqmat:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void opupdt (const vec &v, double w)=0
virtual mat to_mat ()=0
 Conversion to full matrix.
virtual void mult_sym (const mat &C, bool trans=true)=0
 Inplace symmetric multiplication by a SQUARE matrix $C$, i.e. $V = C*V*C'$.
virtual double logdet ()=0
 Logarithm of a determinant.
virtual double qform (vec &v)=0
 Evaluates quadratic form $x= v'*V*v$;.
virtual void clear ()=0
 Clearing matrix so that it corresponds to zeros.
virtual int cols ()=0
 Reimplementing common functions of mat: cols().
virtual int rows ()=0
 Reimplementing common functions of mat: cols().


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, sqmat &sq)

Detailed Description

Virtual class for representation of double symmetric matrices in square-root form.

All operations defined on this class should be optimized for the chosed decomposition.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void sqmat::opupdt ( const vec &  v,
double  w 
) [pure virtual]

Perfroms a rank-1 update by outer product of vectors: $V = V + w v v'$.

v Vector forming the outer product to be added
w weight of updating; can be negative
BLAS-2b operation.

virtual void sqmat::mult_sym ( const mat &  C,
bool  trans = true 
) [pure virtual]

Inplace symmetric multiplication by a SQUARE matrix $C$, i.e. $V = C*V*C'$.

C multiplying matrix,
trans if true, product $V = C'*V*C$ will be computed instead;

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