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| 26 | <h1>Graphical Class Hierarchy</h1><a href="hierarchy.html">Go to the textual class hierarchy</a> |
[23] | 27 | <p> |
| 28 | <table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"> |
[79] | 29 | <tr><td><img src="inherit__graph__0.png" border="0" alt="" usemap="#DS_map"> |
[23] | 30 | <map name="DS_map"> |
[91] | 31 | <area shape="rect" href="classDS.html" title="Abstract class for discrete-time sources of data." alt="" coords="5,6,45,30"><area shape="rect" href="classMemDS.html" title="Class representing off-line data stored in memory." alt="" coords="95,6,161,30"></map></td></tr> |
[79] | 32 | <tr><td><img src="inherit__graph__1.png" border="0" alt="" usemap="#epdf_map"> |
[23] | 33 | <map name="epdf_map"> |
[91] | 34 | <area shape="rect" href="classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="7,150,52,174"><area shape="rect" href="classeEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="107,102,152,126"><area shape="rect" href="classeEmp.html" title="Weighted empirical density." alt="" coords="101,150,157,174"><area shape="rect" href="classeuni.html" title="Uniform distributed density on a rectangular support." alt="" coords="107,198,152,222"><area shape="rect" href="classegamma.html" title="Gamma posterior density." alt="" coords="231,6,303,30"><area shape="rect" href="classenorm.html" title="Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix." alt="" coords="212,54,321,78"><area shape="rect" href="classenorm.html" title="enorm\< chmat \>" alt="" coords="208,102,325,126"><area shape="rect" href="classenorm.html" title="enorm\< fsqmat \>" alt="" coords="207,150,327,174"><area shape="rect" href="classenorm.html" title="enorm\< ldmat \>" alt="" coords="211,198,323,222"></map></td></tr> |
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[23] | 36 | <map name="fnc_map"> |
[91] | 37 | <area shape="rect" href="classfnc.html" title="Class representing function of variable represented by rv." alt="" coords="5,54,45,78"><area shape="rect" href="classconstfn.html" title="class representing function , here rv is empty" alt="" coords="93,6,157,30"><area shape="rect" href="classdiffbifn.html" title="Class representing a differentiable function of two variables ." alt="" coords="96,54,155,78"><area shape="rect" href="classlinfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="103,102,148,126"><area shape="rect" href="classbilinfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="217,6,273,30"><area shape="rect" href="classIMpmsm.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$." alt="" coords="209,54,281,78"><area shape="rect" href="classOMpmsm.html" title="Observation model for PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$." alt="" coords="207,102,284,126"></map></td></tr> |
[79] | 38 | <tr><td><img src="inherit__graph__3.png" border="0" alt="" usemap="#itpp_1_1Gamma__RNG_map"> |
[32] | 39 | <map name="itpp_1_1Gamma__RNG_map"> |
[91] | 40 | <area shape="rect" href="classitpp_1_1Gamma__RNG.html" title="Gamma distribution." alt="" coords="7,6,137,30"></map></td></tr> |
[79] | 41 | <tr><td><img src="inherit__graph__4.png" border="0" alt="" usemap="#KalmanFull_map"> |
[32] | 42 | <map name="KalmanFull_map"> |
[91] | 43 | <area shape="rect" href="classBM.html" title="Bayesian Model of the world, i.e. all uncertainty is modeled by probabilities." alt="" coords="29,198,69,222"><area shape="rect" href="classARX.html" title="Ligear-Gaussian autoregressive model." alt="" coords="183,5,231,29"><area shape="rect" href="classEKFfixed.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter in full matrices." alt="" coords="337,248,412,272"><area shape="rect" href="classEKFfull.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter in full matrices." alt="" coords="175,392,239,416"><area shape="rect" href="classKalman.html" title="Kalman filter with covariance matrices in square root form." alt="" coords="148,149,265,173"><area shape="rect" href="classKalman.html" title="Kalman\< chmat \>" alt="" coords="144,53,269,77"><area shape="rect" href="classKalman.html" title="Kalman\< fsqmat \>" alt="" coords="143,296,271,320"><area shape="rect" href="classKalman.html" title="Kalman\< ldmat \>" alt="" coords="147,101,267,125"><area shape="rect" href="classPF.html" title="Trivial particle filter with proposal density equal to parameter evolution model..." alt="" coords="188,344,225,368"><area shape="rect" href="classKalmanCh.html" title="Kalman filter in square root form." alt="" coords="335,53,415,77"><area shape="rect" href="classEKFCh.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter in Square root." alt="" coords="477,101,541,125"><area shape="rect" href="classEKF__unQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q." alt="" coords="591,150,668,174"><area shape="rect" href="classEKF.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter." alt="" coords="325,296,424,320"><area shape="rect" href="classKFcondQR.html" title="Kalman Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q." alt="" coords="332,149,417,173"><area shape="rect" href="classKFcondR.html" title="Kalman Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q." alt="" coords="337,101,412,125"><area shape="rect" href="classMPF.html" title="Marginalized Particle filter." alt="" coords="321,344,428,368"><area shape="rect" href="classBMcond.html" title="Conditional Bayesian Filter." alt="" coords="172,197,241,221"><area shape="rect" href="classKalmanFull.html" title="Basic Kalman filter with full matrices (education purpose only)! Will be deleted..." alt="" coords="7,392,92,416"></map></td></tr> |
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| 46 | <area shape="rect" href="classlogger.html" title="Class for storing results (and semi-results) of an experiment." alt="" coords="5,6,61,30"><area shape="rect" href="classmemlog.html" title="Logging into matrices in data format in memory." alt="" coords="111,6,177,30"><area shape="rect" href="classdirfilelog.html" title="Logging into dirfile with buffer in memory." alt="" coords="227,6,296,30"></map></td></tr> |
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[23] | 48 | <map name="mpdf_map"> |
[91] | 49 | <area shape="rect" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="5,30,56,54"><area shape="rect" href="classmEF.html" title="Exponential family model." alt="" coords="105,30,153,54"><area shape="rect" href="classmgamma.html" title="Gamma random walk." alt="" coords="224,6,299,30"><area shape="rect" href="classmlnorm.html" title="Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value;." alt="" coords="203,54,320,78"><area shape="rect" href="classmgamma__fix.html" title="Gamma random walk around a fixed point." alt="" coords="368,6,464,30"></map></td></tr> |
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[23] | 51 | <map name="RV_map"> |
[91] | 52 | <area shape="rect" href="classRV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="7,6,44,30"></map></td></tr> |
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[23] | 54 | <map name="sqmat_map"> |
[91] | 55 | <area shape="rect" href="classsqmat.html" title="Virtual class for representation of double symmetric matrices in square-root form..." alt="" coords="7,54,63,78"><area shape="rect" href="classchmat.html" title="Symmetric matrix stored in square root decomposition using upper cholesky." alt="" coords="115,6,171,30"><area shape="rect" href="classfsqmat.html" title="Fake sqmat. This class maps sqmat operations to operations on full matrix." alt="" coords="112,54,173,78"><area shape="rect" href="classldmat.html" title="Matrix stored in LD form, (typically known as UD)." alt="" coords="116,102,169,126"></map></td></tr> |
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[91] | 58 | <area shape="rect" href="classuibase.html" title="User Info base class." alt="" coords="7,102,65,126"><area shape="rect" href="classuicompound.html" title="Compound user info." alt="" coords="120,6,211,30"><area shape="rect" href="classuimatrix.html" title="User info for matrices." alt="" coords="116,54,215,78"><area shape="rect" href="classuiscalar.html" title="User info for scalars." alt="" coords="116,102,215,126"><area shape="rect" href="classuistring.html" title="User info for strings." alt="" coords="133,150,197,174"><area shape="rect" href="classuivector.html" title="User info for vectors." alt="" coords="116,198,215,222"></map></td></tr> |
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