%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: Graphviz version 2.20.2 (Sat Aug 16 05:41:32 UTC 2008) %%For: (smidl) Vaclav Smidl,,, %%Title: G %%Pages: (atend) %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%EndComments save %%BeginProlog /DotDict 200 dict def DotDict begin /setupLatin1 { mark /EncodingVector 256 array def EncodingVector 0 ISOLatin1Encoding 0 255 getinterval putinterval EncodingVector 45 /hyphen put % Set up ISO Latin 1 character encoding /starnetISO { dup dup findfont dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne { def }{ pop pop } ifelse } forall /Encoding EncodingVector def currentdict end definefont } def /Times-Roman starnetISO def /Times-Italic starnetISO def /Times-Bold starnetISO def /Times-BoldItalic starnetISO def /Helvetica starnetISO def /Helvetica-Oblique starnetISO def /Helvetica-Bold starnetISO def /Helvetica-BoldOblique starnetISO def /Courier starnetISO def /Courier-Oblique starnetISO def /Courier-Bold starnetISO def /Courier-BoldOblique starnetISO def cleartomark } bind def %%BeginResource: 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curlayer ne {invis} if } def /onlayers { /myupper exch def /mylower exch def curlayer mylower lt curlayer myupper gt or {invis} if } def /curlayer 0 def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 14 default-font-family set_font 1 setmiterlimit % /arrowlength 10 def % /arrowwidth 5 def % make sure pdfmark is harmless for PS-interpreters other than Distiller /pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse % make '<<' and '>>' safe on PS Level 1 devices /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel}{1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn ([) cvn load put } if %%EndSetup setupLatin1 %%Page: 1 1 %%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 1132 426 %%PageOrientation: Portrait 0 0 1 beginpage gsave 36 36 1096 390 boxprim clip newpath 1 1 set_scale 0 rotate 40 40 translate % Node1 gsave 0.000 0.000 0.749 nodecolor newpath 1 230 moveto 1 251 lineto 82 251 lineto 82 230 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth filled 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor newpath 1 230 moveto 1 251 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newpath 614 -1 moveto 614 20 lineto 740 20 lineto 740 -1 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 622 6.5 moveto 110 (TypedUserInfo< bool >) alignedtext grestore % Node3->Node23 gsave 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 257 200 moveto 281 165 338 93 404 59 curveto 470 25 556 14 614 11 curveto stroke 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 254.2 197.9 moveto 251 208 lineto 259.8 202.1 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 254.2 197.9 moveto 251 208 lineto 259.8 202.1 lineto closepath stroke grestore % Node24 gsave [ /Rect [ 614 362 740 382 ] /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI ($classTypedUserInfo.html) >> /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark 0.000 0.000 1.000 nodecolor newpath 614 361 moveto 614 382 lineto 740 382 lineto 740 361 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth filled 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor newpath 614 361 moveto 614 382 lineto 740 382 lineto 740 361 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 622 368.5 moveto 110 (TypedUserInfo< Bike >) alignedtext grestore % Node3->Node24 gsave 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 281 215 moveto 307 215 342 219 366 238 curveto 384 252 388 317 404 333 curveto 449 373 475 364 534 373 curveto 560 377 589 377 614 376 curveto stroke 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 280.6 211.52 moveto 271 216 lineto 281.3 218.49 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 280.6 211.52 moveto 271 216 lineto 281.3 218.49 lineto closepath stroke grestore % Node5 gsave [ /Rect [ 609 265 745 285 ] /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI ($classCompoundUserInfo.html) >> /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark 0.000 0.000 1.000 nodecolor newpath 609 264 moveto 609 285 lineto 745 285 lineto 745 264 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth filled 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor newpath 609 264 moveto 609 285 lineto 745 285 lineto 745 264 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 617 271.5 moveto 120 (CompoundUserInfo< T >) alignedtext grestore % Node4->Node5 gsave 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 494 232 moveto 507 237 521 242 534 246 curveto 560 253 589 259 614 264 curveto stroke 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 495.59 228.84 moveto 485 229 lineto 493.38 235.48 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 495.59 228.84 moveto 485 229 lineto 493.38 235.48 lineto closepath stroke grestore % Node10 gsave [ /Rect [ 619 166 735 186 ] /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI ($classValuedUserInfo.html) >> /Subtype /Link /ANN pdfmark 0.000 0.000 1.000 nodecolor newpath 619 165 moveto 619 186 lineto 735 186 lineto 735 165 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth filled 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor newpath 619 165 moveto 619 186 lineto 735 186 lineto 735 165 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 627 172.5 moveto 100 (ValuedUserInfo< T >) 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1.000 1.000 edgecolor newpath 485 234 moveto 499 243 518 254 534 264 curveto 576 286 625 309 653 323 curveto stroke 0.106 1.000 1.000 edgecolor newpath 486.44 230.8 moveto 476 229 lineto 483.04 236.92 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.106 1.000 1.000 edgecolor newpath 486.44 230.8 moveto 476 229 lineto 483.04 236.92 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 542.5 293.5 moveto 39 (< Car >) alignedtext grestore % Node4->Node23 gsave 1 setlinewidth dashed 0.106 1.000 1.000 edgecolor newpath 468 199 moveto 479 170 502 118 534 81 curveto 561 50 572 46 608 29 curveto 615 25 623 22 631 20 curveto stroke 0.106 1.000 1.000 edgecolor newpath 464.86 197.44 moveto 464 208 lineto 471.26 200.28 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.106 1.000 1.000 edgecolor newpath 464.86 197.44 moveto 464 208 lineto 471.26 200.28 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 540.5 87.5 moveto 43 (< bool >) alignedtext grestore % 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301 1026 301 1037 301 curveto stroke 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 998 297.5 moveto 988 301 lineto 998 304.5 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 998 297.5 moveto 988 301 lineto 998 304.5 lineto closepath stroke grestore % Node9 gsave 0.000 0.000 1.000 nodecolor newpath 1035 341 moveto 1035 362 lineto 1081 362 lineto 1081 341 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth filled 0.000 0.000 0.749 nodecolor newpath 1035 341 moveto 1035 362 lineto 1081 362 lineto 1081 341 lineto closepath stroke 0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor 10 /FreeSans set_font 1043 348.5 moveto 30 (BikeUI) alignedtext grestore % Node8->Node9 gsave 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 1000 352 moveto 1013 352 1025 352 1035 352 curveto stroke 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 1000 348.5 moveto 990 352 lineto 1000 355.5 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0.667 0.776 0.439 edgecolor newpath 1000 348.5 moveto 990 352 lineto 1000 355.5 lineto closepath stroke 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