1 | \section{RV Class Reference} |
2 | \label{classRV}\index{RV@{RV}} |
3 | Class representing variables, most often random variables. |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | {\tt \#include $<$libBM.h$>$} |
7 | |
8 | \subsection*{Public Member Functions} |
9 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
10 | \item |
11 | {\bf RV} (ivec in\_\-ids, Array$<$ std::string $>$ in\_\-names, ivec in\_\-sizes, ivec in\_\-times)\label{classRV_e032d2e90e5b6e156d15f137caca940f} |
12 | |
13 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Full constructor which is called by the others. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
14 | {\bf RV} (ivec {\bf ids})\label{classRV_cf911c3900214460ade1366b04058462} |
15 | |
16 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em default constructor \item\end{CompactList}\item |
17 | {\bf RV} ()\label{classRV_6a22f5c06d6403870d4e414b1993bf9e} |
18 | |
19 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Empty constructor will be set later. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
20 | int {\bf count} () const \label{classRV_f5c7b8bd589eef09ccdf3329a0addea0} |
21 | |
22 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Return number of scalars in the \doxyref{RV}{p.}{classRV}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
23 | int {\bf length} () const \label{classRV_c114a6f3ff06796cc2f4dacba74291eb} |
24 | |
25 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Return length (number of entries) of the \doxyref{RV}{p.}{classRV}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
26 | ivec {\bf find} ({\bf RV} rv2)\label{classRV_6b078b1086224aca3a9e5a203e647fb6} |
27 | |
28 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Find indexes of another rv in self. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
29 | bool {\bf equal} ({\bf RV} rv2) const \label{classRV_c4f547370d67eba414caafe91c64b12a} |
30 | |
31 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Compare if {\tt rv2} is identical to this {\tt \doxyref{RV}{p.}{classRV}}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
32 | void {\bf add} (const {\bf RV} \&rv2)\label{classRV_4fc941a5ebc9f82aa372f54f2e02dab2} |
33 | |
34 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Add (concat) another variable to the current one. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
35 | {\bf RV} {\bf subt} ({\bf RV} rv2)\label{classRV_4c5ec5e913fc598e242cb930ae8bdf4a} |
36 | |
37 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Subtract another variable from the current one. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
38 | {\bf RV} {\bf subselect} (ivec ind)\label{classRV_2bf35b18a32aad419f0516273939628e} |
39 | |
40 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Select only variables at indeces ind. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
41 | {\bf RV} {\bf operator()} (ivec ind)\label{classRV_28bbcb8873bafdac317bafb7b481cc45} |
42 | |
43 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Select only variables at indeces ind. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
44 | void {\bf t} (int delta)\label{classRV_e0a158d53ab9430627241f844f4c9a60} |
45 | |
46 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Generate new {\tt \doxyref{RV}{p.}{classRV}} with {\tt time} shifted by delta. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
47 | ivec {\bf indexlist} ()\label{classRV_8470cf53be6e7bdba78ad0efbd203ee7} |
48 | |
49 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em generate a list of indeces, i.e. which \item\end{CompactList}\item |
50 | Array$<$ std::string $>$ \& {\bf \_\-names} ()\label{classRV_b88ef5124713c9e30fd9446846b3f044} |
51 | |
52 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em access function \item\end{CompactList}\item |
53 | int {\bf id} (int at)\label{classRV_4a0069bc69f5a98d7ce9ed59077f2e6c} |
54 | |
55 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em access function \item\end{CompactList}\item |
56 | int {\bf size} (int at)\label{classRV_20db23a5585d64a6e24404cc8379bc28} |
57 | |
58 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em access function \item\end{CompactList}\item |
59 | int {\bf time} (int at)\label{classRV_af068cf478864fe1a4fbfc6b4693b088} |
60 | |
61 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em access function \item\end{CompactList}\item |
62 | std::string {\bf name} (int at)\label{classRV_3ae4dd6e368f814a02710636ac8e1721} |
63 | |
64 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em access function \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
65 | \subsection*{Protected Attributes} |
66 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
67 | \item |
68 | int {\bf tsize}\label{classRV_f2396efe2e6d656ebe9e6f06018cbe25} |
69 | |
70 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em size = sum of sizes \item\end{CompactList}\item |
71 | int {\bf len}\label{classRV_0d7b36e2bbccf880c8fcf1e8cc43c1a9} |
72 | |
73 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em len = number of individual rvs \item\end{CompactList}\item |
74 | ivec {\bf ids}\label{classRV_1bd7165140f4b880a7f344bbb1c433f9} |
75 | |
76 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Vector of unique IDs. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
77 | ivec {\bf sizes}\label{classRV_c878aab13f34b420e1eb5b485563682b} |
78 | |
79 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Vector of sizes. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
80 | ivec {\bf times}\label{classRV_646e530c47a2dd38254b778d9f11ac89} |
81 | |
82 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Vector of shifts from current time. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
83 | Array$<$ std::string $>$ {\bf names}\label{classRV_df5d0030b277a1db2f1fd5fb79152acb} |
84 | |
85 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Array of names. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
86 | \subsection*{Friends} |
87 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
88 | \item |
89 | std::ostream \& {\bf operator$<$$<$} (std::ostream \&os, const {\bf RV} \&rv)\label{classRV_cad6f15535d10437f6690cb4492176a8} |
90 | |
91 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Printing output e.g. for debugging. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
92 | {\bf RV} {\bf concat} (const {\bf RV} \&rv1, const {\bf RV} \&rv2)\label{classRV_33c114e83980d883c5b211c47d5322a4} |
93 | |
94 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Add (concat) another variable to the current one. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
95 | |
96 | |
97 | \subsection{Detailed Description} |
98 | Class representing variables, most often random variables. |
99 | |
100 | More?... |
101 | |
102 | The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize} |
103 | \item |
104 | work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/{\bf libBM.h}\item |
105 | work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/libBM.cpp\end{CompactItemize} |