1 | \hypertarget{classegamma}{ |
2 | \section{egamma Class Reference} |
3 | \label{classegamma}\index{egamma@{egamma}} |
4 | } |
5 | Gamma posterior density. |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | {\tt \#include $<$libEF.h$>$} |
9 | |
10 | Inheritance diagram for egamma:\nopagebreak |
11 | \begin{figure}[H] |
12 | \begin{center} |
13 | \leavevmode |
14 | \includegraphics[width=49pt]{classegamma__inherit__graph} |
15 | \end{center} |
16 | \end{figure} |
17 | Collaboration diagram for egamma:\nopagebreak |
18 | \begin{figure}[H] |
19 | \begin{center} |
20 | \leavevmode |
21 | \includegraphics[width=49pt]{classegamma__coll__graph} |
22 | \end{center} |
23 | \end{figure} |
24 | \subsection*{Public Member Functions} |
25 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
26 | \item |
27 | \hypertarget{classegamma_4b1d34f3b244ea51a58ec10c468788c1}{ |
28 | \hyperlink{classegamma_4b1d34f3b244ea51a58ec10c468788c1}{egamma} (const \hyperlink{classRV}{RV} \&\hyperlink{classepdf_74da992e3f5d598da8850b646b79b9d9}{rv})} |
29 | \label{classegamma_4b1d34f3b244ea51a58ec10c468788c1} |
30 | |
31 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Default constructor. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
32 | \hypertarget{classegamma_8e348b89be82b70471fe8c5630f61339}{ |
33 | void \hyperlink{classegamma_8e348b89be82b70471fe8c5630f61339}{set\_\-parameters} (const vec \&a, const vec \&b)} |
34 | \label{classegamma_8e348b89be82b70471fe8c5630f61339} |
35 | |
36 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Sets parameters. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
37 | \hypertarget{classegamma_8e10c0021b5dfdd9cb62c6959b5ef425}{ |
38 | vec \hyperlink{classegamma_8e10c0021b5dfdd9cb62c6959b5ef425}{sample} () const } |
39 | \label{classegamma_8e10c0021b5dfdd9cb62c6959b5ef425} |
40 | |
41 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Returns a sample, $x$ from density $epdf(rv)$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
42 | \hypertarget{classegamma_de84faac8f9799dfe2777ddbedf997ef}{ |
43 | double \hyperlink{classegamma_de84faac8f9799dfe2777ddbedf997ef}{evalpdflog} (const vec \&val) const } |
44 | \label{classegamma_de84faac8f9799dfe2777ddbedf997ef} |
45 | |
46 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em TODO: is it used anywhere? \item\end{CompactList}\item |
47 | \hypertarget{classegamma_d6dbbdb72360f9e54d64501f80318bb6}{ |
48 | double \hyperlink{classegamma_d6dbbdb72360f9e54d64501f80318bb6}{lognc} () const } |
49 | \label{classegamma_d6dbbdb72360f9e54d64501f80318bb6} |
50 | |
51 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em logarithm of the normalizing constant, $\mathcal{I}$ \item\end{CompactList}\item |
52 | \hypertarget{classegamma_44445c56e60b91b377f207f8d5089790}{ |
53 | void \hyperlink{classegamma_44445c56e60b91b377f207f8d5089790}{\_\-param} (vec $\ast$\&a, vec $\ast$\&b)} |
54 | \label{classegamma_44445c56e60b91b377f207f8d5089790} |
55 | |
56 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Returns poiter to alpha and beta. Potentially dengerous: use with care! \item\end{CompactList}\item |
57 | \hypertarget{classegamma_6ab5ba56f7cdb2e5921c3e77524fa50a}{ |
58 | vec \hyperlink{classegamma_6ab5ba56f7cdb2e5921c3e77524fa50a}{mean} () const } |
59 | \label{classegamma_6ab5ba56f7cdb2e5921c3e77524fa50a} |
60 | |
61 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em return expected value \item\end{CompactList}\item |
62 | \hypertarget{classeEF_a89bef8996410609004fa019b5b48964}{ |
63 | virtual void \hyperlink{classeEF_a89bef8996410609004fa019b5b48964}{dupdate} (mat \&v)} |
64 | \label{classeEF_a89bef8996410609004fa019b5b48964} |
65 | |
66 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em TODO decide if it is really needed. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
67 | \hypertarget{classeEF_48cdd33d0e20d1a1aa45683c956bc61c}{ |
68 | virtual double \hyperlink{classeEF_48cdd33d0e20d1a1aa45683c956bc61c}{evalpdflog\_\-nn} (const vec \&val) const } |
69 | \label{classeEF_48cdd33d0e20d1a1aa45683c956bc61c} |
70 | |
71 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Evaluate normalized log-probability. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
72 | \hypertarget{classeEF_c71faf4b2d153efda14bf1f87dca1507}{ |
73 | virtual vec \hyperlink{classeEF_c71faf4b2d153efda14bf1f87dca1507}{evalpdflog} (const mat \&Val) const } |
74 | \label{classeEF_c71faf4b2d153efda14bf1f87dca1507} |
75 | |
76 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Evaluate normalized log-probability for many samples. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
77 | \hypertarget{classeEF_4f8385dd1cc9740522dc373b1dc3cbf5}{ |
78 | virtual void \hyperlink{classeEF_4f8385dd1cc9740522dc373b1dc3cbf5}{pow} (double p)} |
79 | \label{classeEF_4f8385dd1cc9740522dc373b1dc3cbf5} |
80 | |
81 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Power of the density, used e.g. to flatten the density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
82 | \hypertarget{classepdf_76608914c3b19e150292d5c56e93e508}{ |
83 | virtual mat \hyperlink{classepdf_76608914c3b19e150292d5c56e93e508}{sample\_\-m} (int N) const } |
84 | \label{classepdf_76608914c3b19e150292d5c56e93e508} |
85 | |
86 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Returns N samples from density $epdf(rv)$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
87 | \hypertarget{classepdf_cebbdd7a85e6328f7358fc0ba8eee06c}{ |
88 | virtual vec \hyperlink{classepdf_cebbdd7a85e6328f7358fc0ba8eee06c}{evalpdflog\_\-m} (const mat \&Val) const } |
89 | \label{classepdf_cebbdd7a85e6328f7358fc0ba8eee06c} |
90 | |
91 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Compute log-probability of multiple values argument {\tt val}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
92 | \hypertarget{classepdf_e87dc8260a5c37bc1b03eb66174741a0}{ |
93 | virtual \hyperlink{classmpdf}{mpdf} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classepdf_e87dc8260a5c37bc1b03eb66174741a0}{condition} (const \hyperlink{classRV}{RV} \&\hyperlink{classepdf_74da992e3f5d598da8850b646b79b9d9}{rv}) const } |
94 | \label{classepdf_e87dc8260a5c37bc1b03eb66174741a0} |
95 | |
96 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Return conditional density on the given \hyperlink{classRV}{RV}, the remaining rvs will be in conditioning. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
97 | \hypertarget{classepdf_38de9f59b65ee06028554f3f74b66025}{ |
98 | virtual \hyperlink{classepdf}{epdf} $\ast$ \hyperlink{classepdf_38de9f59b65ee06028554f3f74b66025}{marginal} (const \hyperlink{classRV}{RV} \&\hyperlink{classepdf_74da992e3f5d598da8850b646b79b9d9}{rv}) const } |
99 | \label{classepdf_38de9f59b65ee06028554f3f74b66025} |
100 | |
101 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Return marginal density on the given \hyperlink{classRV}{RV}, the remainig rvs are intergrated out. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
102 | \hypertarget{classepdf_ca0d32aabb4cbba347e0c37fe8607562}{ |
103 | const \hyperlink{classRV}{RV} \& \hyperlink{classepdf_ca0d32aabb4cbba347e0c37fe8607562}{\_\-rv} () const } |
104 | \label{classepdf_ca0d32aabb4cbba347e0c37fe8607562} |
105 | |
106 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em access function, possibly dangerous! \item\end{CompactList}\item |
107 | \hypertarget{classepdf_7fb94ce90d1ac7077d29f7d6a6c3e0a5}{ |
108 | void \hyperlink{classepdf_7fb94ce90d1ac7077d29f7d6a6c3e0a5}{\_\-renewrv} (const \hyperlink{classRV}{RV} \&in\_\-rv)} |
109 | \label{classepdf_7fb94ce90d1ac7077d29f7d6a6c3e0a5} |
110 | |
111 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em modifier function - useful when copying epdfs \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
112 | \subsection*{Protected Attributes} |
113 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
114 | \item |
115 | \hypertarget{classegamma_376cebd8932546c440f21b182910b01b}{ |
116 | vec \hyperlink{classegamma_376cebd8932546c440f21b182910b01b}{alpha}} |
117 | \label{classegamma_376cebd8932546c440f21b182910b01b} |
118 | |
119 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Vector $\alpha$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
120 | \hypertarget{classegamma_cfc5f136467488a421ab22f886323790}{ |
121 | vec \hyperlink{classegamma_cfc5f136467488a421ab22f886323790}{beta}} |
122 | \label{classegamma_cfc5f136467488a421ab22f886323790} |
123 | |
124 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Vector $\beta$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
125 | \hypertarget{classepdf_74da992e3f5d598da8850b646b79b9d9}{ |
126 | \hyperlink{classRV}{RV} \hyperlink{classepdf_74da992e3f5d598da8850b646b79b9d9}{rv}} |
127 | \label{classepdf_74da992e3f5d598da8850b646b79b9d9} |
128 | |
129 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Identified of the random variable. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
130 | |
131 | |
132 | \subsection{Detailed Description} |
133 | Gamma posterior density. |
134 | |
135 | Multivariate Gamma density as product of independent univariate densities. \[ f(x|\alpha,\beta) = \prod f(x_i|\alpha_i,\beta_i) \] |
136 | |
137 | The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:\begin{CompactItemize} |
138 | \item |
139 | work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/\hyperlink{libEF_8h}{libEF.h}\item |
140 | work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/libEF.cpp\end{CompactItemize} |