\hypertarget{estimator_8cpp}{ \section{estimator.cpp File Reference} \label{estimator_8cpp}\index{estimator.cpp@{estimator.cpp}} } \subsection{Detailed Description} Application Estimator. The general task of estimation is defined on the following scheme: \begin{center} \begin{ImageNoCaption}\mbox{\includegraphics{inline_dotgraph_1}} \end{ImageNoCaption} \end{center} Here, \begin{itemize} \item Data Source is an object (class DS) providing sequential data, $ [d_1, d_2, \ldots d_t] $. \item Bayesian Model is an object (class BM) performing Bayesian filtering, \item Result Logger is an object (class logger) dedicated to storing important data from the experiment.\end{itemize} \hypertarget{arx_ui_cmd}{}\subsection{Command-line usage}\label{arx_ui_cmd} Execute command: \begin{Code}\begin{verbatim}$> estimator config_file.cfg \end{verbatim} \end{Code} Full description of the experiment is in the file config\_\-file.cfg which is expected to have the following structure: \begin{Code}\begin{verbatim}system = {type = "DS_offspring", ...}; // definition of a data source estimator = {type = "BM_offspring", ...}; // definition of an estimator logger = {type = "logger_type",...}; // definition of a logger experiment = {ndat = 11000; }; // definition of number of data records \end{verbatim} \end{Code} The above description must be specialized to specific classes. See, \hyperlink{arx_ui}{Running experiment {\tt estimator} with ARX data fields} how to do it for estimation of an ARX model.\hypertarget{estimator_8cpp_ex}{}\subsection{Matlab usage}\label{estimator_8cpp_ex} Execute command: \begin{Code}\begin{verbatim}>> estimator('config_file.cfg'); \end{verbatim} \end{Code} when using loggers storing results on hard drives, and \begin{Code}\begin{verbatim}>> Res=estimator('config_file.cfg'); \end{verbatim} \end{Code} when using logger of the type {\tt \char`\"{}mexlog\char`\"{}}. The results will be stored in structure {\tt M}. {\tt \#include $<$stat/libDS\_\-ui.h$>$}\par {\tt \#include $<$estim/arx\_\-ui.h$>$}\par \subsection*{Functions} \begin{CompactItemize} \item \hypertarget{estimator_8cpp_0ddf1224851353fc92bfbff6f499fa97}{ int \textbf{main} (int argc, char $\ast$argv\mbox{[}$\,$\mbox{]})} \label{estimator_8cpp_0ddf1224851353fc92bfbff6f499fa97} \end{CompactItemize}