[261] | 1 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm}{ |
| 2 | \section{bdm Namespace Reference} |
| 3 | \label{namespacebdm}\index{bdm@{bdm}} |
| 4 | } |
| 5 | Space of basic BDM structures. |
| 6 | |
| 7 | |
| 8 | \subsection*{Classes} |
| 9 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
| 10 | \item |
| 11 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1ARX}{ARX} |
| 12 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Linear Autoregressive model with Gaussian noise. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 13 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1EKFful__unQR}{EKFful\_\-unQR} |
| 14 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Extended \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} filter with unknown {\tt Q} and {\tt R}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 15 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1EKFCh__unQ}{EKFCh\_\-unQ} |
| 16 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Extended \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} filter in Choleski form with unknown {\tt Q}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 17 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1EKFCh__cond}{EKFCh\_\-cond} |
| 18 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Extended \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} filter with unknown parameters in {\tt IM}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 19 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1KalmanFull}{KalmanFull} |
| 20 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Basic \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} filter with full matrices (education purpose only)! Will be deleted soon! \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 21 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} |
| 22 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} filter with covariance matrices in square root form. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 23 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1KalmanCh}{KalmanCh} |
| 24 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} filter in square root form. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 25 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1EKFfull}{EKFfull} |
| 26 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Extended \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} Filter in full matrices. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 27 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1EKF}{EKF} |
| 28 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Extended \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} Filter. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 29 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1EKFCh}{EKFCh} |
| 30 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Extended \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} Filter in Square root. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 31 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1KFcondQR}{KFcondQR} |
| 32 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 33 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1KFcondR}{KFcondR} |
| 34 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1Kalman}{Kalman} Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 35 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1PF}{PF} |
| 36 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Trivial particle filter with proposal density equal to parameter evolution model. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 37 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1MPF}{MPF} |
| 38 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Marginalized Particle filter. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 39 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1merger}{merger} |
| 40 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Function for general combination of pdfs. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 41 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1MixEF}{MixEF} |
| 42 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Mixture of Exponential Family Densities. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 43 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mratio}{mratio} |
| 44 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class representing ratio of two densities which arise e.g. by applying the Bayes rule. It represents density in the form: \[ f(rv|rvc) = \frac{f(rv,rvc)}{f(rvc)} \] where $ f(rvc) = \int f(rv,rvc) d\ rv $. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 45 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1emix}{emix} |
| 46 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Mixture of epdfs. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 47 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mprod}{mprod} |
| 48 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Chain rule decomposition of \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1epdf}{epdf}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 49 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1eprod}{eprod} |
| 50 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Product of independent epdfs. For dependent pdfs, use \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mprod}{mprod}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 51 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mmix}{mmix} |
| 52 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Mixture of mpdfs with constant weights, all mpdfs are of equal type. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 53 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1bdmroot}{bdmroot} |
| 54 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Root class of BDM objects. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 55 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1str}{str} |
| 56 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Structure of \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} (used internally), i.e. expanded RVs. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 57 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} |
| 58 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class representing variables, most often random variables. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 59 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1fnc}{fnc} |
| 60 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class representing function $f(x)$ of variable $x$ represented by {\tt rv}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 61 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1epdf}{epdf} |
| 62 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 63 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mpdf}{mpdf} |
| 64 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 65 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1datalink__e2e}{datalink\_\-e2e} |
| 66 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em DataLink is a connection between two data vectors Up and Down. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 67 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1datalink__m2e}{datalink\_\-m2e} |
| 68 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em data link between \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 69 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1datalink__m2m}{datalink\_\-m2m} |
| 70 | \item |
| 71 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mepdf}{mepdf} |
| 72 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Unconditional \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mpdf}{mpdf}, allows using \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1epdf}{epdf} in the role of \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mpdf}{mpdf}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 73 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1compositepdf}{compositepdf} |
| 74 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Abstract composition of pdfs, will be used for specific classes this abstract class is common to \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1epdf}{epdf} and \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mpdf}{mpdf}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 75 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1DS}{DS} |
| 76 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Abstract class for discrete-time sources of data. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 77 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1BM}{BM} |
| 78 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Bayesian Model of the world, i.e. all uncertainty is modeled by probabilities. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 79 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1BMcond}{BMcond} |
| 80 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Conditional Bayesian Filter. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 81 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1MemDS}{MemDS} |
| 82 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Memory storage of off-line data column-wise. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 83 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1ArxDS}{ArxDS} |
| 84 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Generator of \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1ARX}{ARX} data. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 85 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1eEF}{eEF} |
| 86 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em General conjugate exponential family posterior density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 87 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mEF}{mEF} |
| 88 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Exponential family model. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 89 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1BMEF}{BMEF} |
| 90 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Estimator for Exponential family. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 91 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1enorm}{enorm} |
| 92 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 93 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1egiw}{egiw} |
| 94 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Gauss-inverse-Wishart density stored in LD form. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 95 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1eDirich}{eDirich} |
| 96 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Dirichlet posterior density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 97 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1multiBM}{multiBM} |
| 98 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Estimator for Multinomial density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 99 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1egamma}{egamma} |
| 100 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Gamma posterior density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 101 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1eigamma}{eigamma} |
| 102 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Inverse-Gamma posterior density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 103 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1euni}{euni} |
| 104 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Uniform distributed density on a rectangular support. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 105 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mlnorm}{mlnorm} |
| 106 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value;. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 107 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mlstudent}{mlstudent} |
| 108 | \item |
| 109 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mgamma}{mgamma} |
| 110 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Gamma random walk. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 111 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1migamma}{migamma} |
| 112 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Inverse-Gamma random walk. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 113 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mgamma__fix}{mgamma\_\-fix} |
| 114 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Gamma random walk around a fixed point. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 115 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1migamma__fix}{migamma\_\-fix} |
| 116 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Inverse-Gamma random walk around a fixed point. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 117 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1eEmp}{eEmp} |
| 118 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Weighted empirical density. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 119 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1constfn}{constfn} |
| 120 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em class representing function $f(x) = a$, here {\tt rv} is empty \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 121 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1linfn}{linfn} |
| 122 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class representing function $f(x) = Ax+B$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 123 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1diffbifn}{diffbifn} |
| 124 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class representing a differentiable function of two variables $f(x,u)$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 125 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1bilinfn}{bilinfn} |
| 126 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class representing function $f(x,u) = Ax+Bu$. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 127 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1logger}{logger} |
| 128 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Class for storing results (and semi-results) of an experiment. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 129 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1memlog}{memlog} |
| 130 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Logging into matrices in data format in memory. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 131 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1dirfilelog}{dirfilelog} |
| 132 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Logging into dirfile with buffer in memory. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 133 | class \textbf{UIFile} |
| 134 | \item |
| 135 | class \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1UIbuilder}{UIbuilder} |
| 136 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Builds computational object from a \hyperlink{classUserInfo}{UserInfo} structure. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 137 | class \textbf{UIexternal} |
| 138 | \item |
| 139 | class \textbf{UIinternal} |
| 140 | \end{CompactItemize} |
| 141 | \subsection*{Typedefs} |
| 142 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
| 143 | \item |
| 144 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_4dc620a66ce2fcd4c5f42a03a3909b7c}{ |
| 145 | typedef map$<$ const string, const \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1UIbuilder}{UIbuilder} $\ast$ $>$ \hyperlink{namespacebdm_4dc620a66ce2fcd4c5f42a03a3909b7c}{UImap}} |
| 146 | \label{namespacebdm_4dc620a66ce2fcd4c5f42a03a3909b7c} |
| 147 | |
| 148 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Internal structure mapping strings to UIBuilder objects. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
| 149 | \subsection*{Enumerations} |
| 150 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
| 151 | \item |
| 152 | enum \textbf{MixEF\_\-METHOD} \{ \textbf{EM} = 0, |
| 153 | \textbf{QB} = 1 |
| 154 | \} |
| 155 | \item |
| 156 | enum \hyperlink{namespacebdm_33aac0be76ded31d2e3081c5a3f6c418}{RESAMPLING\_\-METHOD} \{ \textbf{MULTINOMIAL} = 0, |
| 157 | \textbf{STRATIFIED} = 1, |
| 158 | \textbf{SYSTEMATIC} = 3 |
| 159 | \} |
| 160 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Switch between various resampling methods. \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
| 161 | \subsection*{Functions} |
| 162 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
| 163 | \item |
| 164 | double \hyperlink{namespacebdm_384d37434e33cef41e2785e247b5d4d6}{egiw\_\-bestbelow} (\hyperlink{classbdm_1_1egiw}{egiw} Eg, \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1egiw}{egiw} Eg0, double Egll, ivec \&indeces) |
| 165 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Return the best structure. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 166 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_1d111e8cdcd92244244a44f6b4af397c}{ |
| 167 | std::ostream \& \textbf{operator$<$$<$} (std::ostream \&os, const \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1KalmanFull}{KalmanFull} \&kf)} |
| 168 | \label{namespacebdm_1d111e8cdcd92244244a44f6b4af397c} |
| 169 | |
| 170 | \item |
| 171 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_35914b7631534d21c50a9e1b70146da0}{ |
| 172 | std::ostream \& \textbf{operator$<$$<$} (std::ostream \&os, const \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} \&rv)} |
| 173 | \label{namespacebdm_35914b7631534d21c50a9e1b70146da0} |
| 174 | |
| 175 | \item |
| 176 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_b9016687c0e874ca5cdcf75ae28811aa}{ |
| 177 | \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} \hyperlink{namespacebdm_b9016687c0e874ca5cdcf75ae28811aa}{concat} (const \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} \&rv1, const \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} \&rv2)} |
| 178 | \label{namespacebdm_b9016687c0e874ca5cdcf75ae28811aa} |
| 179 | |
| 180 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Concat two random variables. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 181 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_9a39066aa68568b4b97f8d3103c8699c}{ |
| 182 | {\footnotesize template$<$class sq\_\-T$>$ }\\std::ostream \& \textbf{operator$<$$<$} (std::ostream \&os, \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1mlnorm}{mlnorm}$<$ sq\_\-T $>$ \&ml)} |
| 183 | \label{namespacebdm_9a39066aa68568b4b97f8d3103c8699c} |
| 184 | |
| 185 | \item |
| 186 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_c8d6de8f4e080550406df7c1600117fe}{ |
| 187 | \textbf{UIREGISTER} (UIexternal)} |
| 188 | \label{namespacebdm_c8d6de8f4e080550406df7c1600117fe} |
| 189 | |
| 190 | \item |
| 191 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_3a4ea5a3dc0198c5df3795970e82d629}{ |
| 192 | \textbf{UIREGISTER} (UIinternal)} |
| 193 | \label{namespacebdm_3a4ea5a3dc0198c5df3795970e82d629} |
| 194 | |
| 195 | \item |
| 196 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_f420706e534b420cf6561aa529be9a9e}{ |
| 197 | void \hyperlink{namespacebdm_f420706e534b420cf6561aa529be9a9e}{UI\_\-DBG} (Setting \&S, const string \&spc)} |
| 198 | \label{namespacebdm_f420706e534b420cf6561aa529be9a9e} |
| 199 | |
| 200 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em \mbox{[}Debugging\mbox{]} Print values in current S to cout \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 201 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_b547b14af614cba1ab6c8942dde34462}{ |
| 202 | {\footnotesize template$<$class T$>$ }\\void \hyperlink{namespacebdm_b547b14af614cba1ab6c8942dde34462}{UIbuild} (Setting \&S, T $\ast$\&ret)} |
| 203 | \label{namespacebdm_b547b14af614cba1ab6c8942dde34462} |
| 204 | |
| 205 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Prototype of a UI builder. Return value is by the second argument since it type checking via {\tt dynamic\_\-cast}. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 206 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_0760231b120a0b42f80b09515456d57b}{ |
| 207 | {\footnotesize template$<$class T$>$ }\\void \hyperlink{namespacebdm_0760231b120a0b42f80b09515456d57b}{UIcall} (Setting \&S, void($\ast$func)(Setting \&, T), T Tmp)} |
| 208 | \label{namespacebdm_0760231b120a0b42f80b09515456d57b} |
| 209 | |
| 210 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Auxiliary function allowing recursivity in S (too complex, remove?). \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
| 211 | \subsection*{Variables} |
| 212 | \begin{CompactItemize} |
| 213 | \item |
| 214 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_bdd4760f14ec7d6fea083aa2170f6236}{ |
| 215 | \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} \hyperlink{namespacebdm_bdd4760f14ec7d6fea083aa2170f6236}{RV0} = \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV}()} |
| 216 | \label{namespacebdm_bdd4760f14ec7d6fea083aa2170f6236} |
| 217 | |
| 218 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Default empty \hyperlink{classbdm_1_1RV}{RV} that can be used as default argument. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 219 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_96288dbda6916cd442af735f66a9f40b}{ |
| 220 | Uniform\_\-RNG \hyperlink{namespacebdm_96288dbda6916cd442af735f66a9f40b}{UniRNG}} |
| 221 | \label{namespacebdm_96288dbda6916cd442af735f66a9f40b} |
| 222 | |
| 223 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Global Uniform\_\-RNG. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 224 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_c959a7382efbcc31af4b58cf0f0f951a}{ |
| 225 | Normal\_\-RNG \hyperlink{namespacebdm_c959a7382efbcc31af4b58cf0f0f951a}{NorRNG}} |
| 226 | \label{namespacebdm_c959a7382efbcc31af4b58cf0f0f951a} |
| 227 | |
| 228 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Global Normal\_\-RNG. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 229 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_2828dc833cc283a1fb39a5e8dc06518f}{ |
| 230 | \hyperlink{classitpp_1_1Gamma__RNG}{Gamma\_\-RNG} \hyperlink{namespacebdm_2828dc833cc283a1fb39a5e8dc06518f}{GamRNG}} |
| 231 | \label{namespacebdm_2828dc833cc283a1fb39a5e8dc06518f} |
| 232 | |
| 233 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em Global Gamma\_\-RNG. \item\end{CompactList}\item |
| 234 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_edbf34217028dd95a3680c346af85fea}{ |
| 235 | \hyperlink{namespacebdm_4dc620a66ce2fcd4c5f42a03a3909b7c}{UImap} \hyperlink{namespacebdm_edbf34217028dd95a3680c346af85fea}{\_\-\_\-uimap\_\-\_\-}} |
| 236 | \label{namespacebdm_edbf34217028dd95a3680c346af85fea} |
| 237 | |
| 238 | \begin{CompactList}\small\item\em global map of UIbulder names to instances of UIbuilders. Created by UIREGISTER macro \item\end{CompactList}\end{CompactItemize} |
| 239 | |
| 240 | |
| 241 | \subsection{Detailed Description} |
| 242 | Space of basic BDM structures. |
| 243 | |
| 244 | \subsection{Function Documentation} |
| 245 | \hypertarget{namespacebdm_384d37434e33cef41e2785e247b5d4d6}{ |
| 246 | \index{bdm@{bdm}!egiw\_\-bestbelow@{egiw\_\-bestbelow}} |
| 247 | \index{egiw\_\-bestbelow@{egiw\_\-bestbelow}!bdm@{bdm}} |
| 248 | \subsubsection[egiw\_\-bestbelow]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}double bdm::egiw\_\-bestbelow (egiw {\em Eg}, \/ egiw {\em Eg0}, \/ double {\em Egll}, \/ ivec \& {\em indeces})}} |
| 249 | \label{namespacebdm_384d37434e33cef41e2785e247b5d4d6} |
| 250 | |
| 251 | |
| 252 | Return the best structure. |
| 253 | |
| 254 | \begin{Desc} |
| 255 | \item[Parameters:] |
| 256 | \begin{description} |
| 257 | \item[{\em Eg}]a copy of GiW density that is being examined \item[{\em Eg0}]a copy of prior GiW density before estimation \item[{\em Egll}]likelihood of the current Eg \item[{\em indeces}]current indeces \end{description} |
| 258 | \end{Desc} |
| 259 | \begin{Desc} |
| 260 | \item[Returns:]best likelihood in the structure below the given one \end{Desc} |
| 261 | |
| 262 | |
| 263 | References ldmat::\_\-D(), ldmat::\_\-L(), bdm::egiw::\_\-V(), ldmat::ldform(), bdm::egiw::lognc(), and ldmat::rows(). |
| 264 | |
| 265 | Referenced by bdm::ARX::structure\_\-est(). |