Attribute userinfo.h AssertXercesIsAlive AssertXercesIsAlive Attribute::dummy dummy This private attribute has to be declared as the first attribute in the class. Only this way we can be sure it's constructor is called as the first and thus Xerces is initialized properly and right on time const XMLCh *const const XMLCh* const Attribute::transcodedAttributeName transcodedAttributeName an attribute name const Attribute const Attribute Attribute::help help Static member, an instance related to an attribute named 'help'. UserInfo::Disassembly const Attribute const Attribute Attribute::type type Static member, a constant instance related to an attribute named 'type'. UserInfo::Assembly UserInfo::Disassembly const Attribute const Attribute Attribute::value value Static member, a constant instance related to the attribute named 'value'. Attribute::Attribute (string attributeName) Attribute string attributeName Default constructor fixing a name of the related attribute. Attribute::~Attribute () ~Attribute string & string & Attribute::Get (DOMElement &element) const Get DOMElement & element This method parse DOMElement, finds proper attribute and returns its value. UserInfo::Assembly void void Attribute::Set (DOMElement &element, const string &str) const Set DOMElement & element const string & str This method adds the passed string as an new attribute into the passed DOMElement. UserInfo::Disassembly Abstract class declaring general properties of a frame for data binding. dummy help value type AttributeAttribute Attributedummy AttributeGet Attributehelp AttributeSet AttributetranscodedAttributeName Attributetype Attributevalue Attribute~Attribute