BindingFrame CompoundUserInfo< T >::BindedElement< U > UserInfo userinfo.h AssertXercesIsAlive AssertXercesIsAlive BindingFrame::dummy dummy This private attribute has to be declared as the first attribute in the class. Only this way we can be sure it's constructor is called as the first and thus Xerces is initialized properly and right on time BindingFrame::BindingFrame () BindingFrame default constructor string string BindingFrame::XMLCh2str (const XMLCh *const XMLCh_str) XMLCh2str const XMLCh *const XMLCh_str function which transcodes Xerces' XMLCh-based strings into C++ strings string string BindingFrame::removeSpaces (const string &str) removeSpaces const string & str void virtual void BindingFrame::AssemblyComponentsFromXML (DOMElement &element)=0 AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML DOMElement & element This method parse DOMElement, finds proper DOMNode and fills binded data accordingly. void virtual void BindingFrame::ReleaseMemory () ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory A method for releasing memory allocated within the 'AssemblyComponentsFromXML()' method. bool virtual bool BindingFrame::DisassemblyComponentsToXML (DOMElement &element)=0 DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DOMElement & element This method reads binded data, fill them into a new DOMNode, which then appends to the passed DOMElement Abstract class declaring general properties of a frame for data binding. < int > < string > < Bike > < Car > < double > < Car > < string > < Bike > < int > < bool > < bool > < double > dummy BindingFrameAssemblyComponentsFromXML BindingFrameBindingFrame BindingFrameDisassemblyComponentsToXML BindingFramedummy BindingFrameReleaseMemory BindingFrameremoveSpaces BindingFrameXMLCh2str