DoubleAttribute Attribute userinfo.h double double DoubleAttribute::value value EngineUI::build DoubleAttribute::DoubleAttribute (const string name) DoubleAttribute const string name void void DoubleAttribute::Set (const string str) Set Set const string str Set accessor to this attribute converting input string into a properly-typed value. const string const string DoubleAttribute::Get () Get Get Get accessor converting stored value into a string. void void Attribute::Attach (MappedAttributes &externalAttributes) Attach MappedAttributes & externalAttributes This method is the key method to connect the attribute to the related UI element. void void Attribute::FillAttribute (DOMElement &element) FillAttribute DOMElement & element This method add and DOMAttribute node to the DOMElement passed as an argument. Attribute::Get map< const XMLCh *const, Attribute *const, GlobalXercesConnector::Comparator > typedef map<const XMLCh* const, Attribute* const, GlobalXercesConnector::Comparator> Attribute::MappedAttributes MappedAttributes Type definition of mapping which transforms names to the related attributes. Class encapsulating all the necessary stuff to work with the double attribute. DoubleAttributeAttach DoubleAttributeAttribute DoubleAttributeDoubleAttribute DoubleAttributeFillAttribute DoubleAttributeGet DoubleAttributeMappedAttributes DoubleAttributeSet DoubleAttributevalue DoubleAttribute~Attribute