EngineUI UserInfo< Engine > StringAttribute StringAttribute EngineUI::producer producer DoubleAttribute DoubleAttribute EngineUI::consumption consumption StringAttribute StringAttribute UserInfo< Engine >::help help Explanation for an user is the only obligatory attribute. EngineUI::EngineUI () EngineUI Engine * Engine* EngineUI::build () build build returns object of templated type filled with data stored in this UserInfo instance DoubleAttribute::value StringAttribute::value CarUI::build void void UserInfo< Engine >::Save (char *fileName) Save char * fileName Save UserInfo to the file (typically with an XML extension). UserInfo< T >::FillElement GlobalXercesConnector::pImplementation GlobalXercesConnector::pSerializer void void UserInfo< Engine >::Load (char *fileName) Load char * fileName Load UserInfo from the file (typically with an XML extension). UserInfo< T >::ParseElement GlobalXercesConnector::pParser void void UserInfo< Engine >::Attach (MappedElements &externalElements) Attach MappedElements & externalElements This method is the key method to connect the element to its parent UI element. void void UserInfo< Engine >::ParseElement (DOMElement *element) ParseElement ParseElement DOMElement * element Fills internal attributes and descendant elements according DOMElement. UserInfo< T >::attributes UserInfo< T >::elements GlobalXercesConnector::XMLCh2str void void UserInfo< Engine >::FillElement (DOMElement &element) FillElement FillElement DOMElement & element Fills DOMElement according internal attributes and descendant elements. UserInfo< T >::attributes UserInfo< T >::elements MappedElements MappedElements UserInfo< Engine >::elements elements MappiLength of the output vector. Attribute::MappedAttributes Attribute::MappedAttributes UserInfo< Engine >::attributes attributes Length of the output vector. User info for strings. < Engine > consumption producer value help help < Engine > EngineUIAttach EngineUIattributes EngineUIbuild EngineUIconsumption EngineUIelements EngineUIEngineUI EngineUIFillElement EngineUIhelp EngineUILoad EngineUIParseElement EngineUIproducer EngineUISave EngineUIUserInfo EngineUI~UserInfo