1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?> |
2 | <doxygen xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="compound.xsd" version="1.5.6"> |
3 | <compounddef id="classRootElement" kind="class" prot="public"> |
4 | <compoundname>RootElement</compoundname> |
5 | <includes refid="userinfo_8h" local="no">userinfo.h</includes> |
6 | <sectiondef kind="private-attrib"> |
7 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classRootElement_19ad71509b6a6fc1c5a6269f20d6f0d7a" prot="private" static="no" mutable="no"> |
8 | <type>const <ref refid="classAssertXercesIsAlive" kindref="compound">AssertXercesIsAlive</ref></type> |
9 | <definition>const AssertXercesIsAlive RootElement::dummy</definition> |
10 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
11 | <name>dummy</name> |
12 | <briefdescription> |
13 | </briefdescription> |
14 | <detaileddescription> |
15 | <para>This private attribute has to be declared as the first attribute in the class. Only this way we can be sure it's constructor is called as the first and thus Xerces is initialized properly and right on time </para> </detaileddescription> |
16 | <inbodydescription> |
17 | </inbodydescription> |
18 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="582" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="582" bodyend="-1"/> |
19 | </memberdef> |
20 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classRootElement_19402605c1fc9d343e6b042c397df3f4c" prot="private" static="no" mutable="no"> |
21 | <type>DOMDocument *</type> |
22 | <definition>DOMDocument* RootElement::pDoc</definition> |
23 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
24 | <name>pDoc</name> |
25 | <briefdescription> |
26 | <para>DOMDocument containing the root element this instance is associated to. </para> </briefdescription> |
27 | <detaileddescription> |
28 | </detaileddescription> |
29 | <inbodydescription> |
30 | </inbodydescription> |
31 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="585" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="585" bodyend="-1"/> |
32 | </memberdef> |
33 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classRootElement_14829b8c8b5c3485033e6bc02dbd8775d" prot="private" static="no" mutable="no"> |
34 | <type>const XMLCh *const</type> |
35 | <definition>const XMLCh* const RootElement::transcodedFileName</definition> |
36 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
37 | <name>transcodedFileName</name> |
38 | <briefdescription> |
39 | </briefdescription> |
40 | <detaileddescription> |
41 | </detaileddescription> |
42 | <inbodydescription> |
43 | </inbodydescription> |
44 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="587" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="587" bodyend="-1"/> |
45 | </memberdef> |
46 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classRootElement_1ba44e86a811d86f51b7da8d3d995faf4" prot="private" static="no" mutable="no"> |
47 | <type>DOMImplementation *</type> |
48 | <definition>DOMImplementation* RootElement::pImplementation</definition> |
49 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
50 | <name>pImplementation</name> |
51 | <briefdescription> |
52 | <para>DOMImplementation is a base class for the all DOM oparations. </para> </briefdescription> |
53 | <detaileddescription> |
54 | </detaileddescription> |
55 | <inbodydescription> |
56 | </inbodydescription> |
57 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="590" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="590" bodyend="-1"/> |
58 | </memberdef> |
59 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classRootElement_138d5457ac80a4c7337a72cae16547609" prot="private" static="no" mutable="no"> |
60 | <type>DOMWriter *</type> |
61 | <definition>DOMWriter* RootElement::pSerializer</definition> |
62 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
63 | <name>pSerializer</name> |
64 | <briefdescription> |
65 | <para>This DOMWriter is used to export internal data into xml file. </para> </briefdescription> |
66 | <detaileddescription> |
67 | </detaileddescription> |
68 | <inbodydescription> |
69 | </inbodydescription> |
70 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="593" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="593" bodyend="-1"/> |
71 | </memberdef> |
72 | </sectiondef> |
73 | <sectiondef kind="private-func"> |
74 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classRootElement_143ee507bba02fd893126062a9dff0683" prot="private" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
75 | <type>void</type> |
76 | <definition>void RootElement::Clean</definition> |
77 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
78 | <name>Clean</name> |
79 | <briefdescription> |
80 | </briefdescription> |
81 | <detaileddescription> |
82 | </detaileddescription> |
83 | <inbodydescription> |
84 | </inbodydescription> |
85 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="595" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="106" bodyend="112"/> |
86 | </memberdef> |
87 | </sectiondef> |
88 | <sectiondef kind="public-func"> |
89 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classRootElement_125cd0a3019e91c5bbe8bc09cdf6e61aa" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
90 | <type></type> |
91 | <definition>RootElement::RootElement</definition> |
92 | <argsstring>(char *fileName)</argsstring> |
93 | <name>RootElement</name> |
94 | <param> |
95 | <type>char *</type> |
96 | <declname>fileName</declname> |
97 | </param> |
98 | <briefdescription> |
99 | <para>attach new <ref refid="classRootElement" kindref="compound">RootElement</ref> instance to a file (typically with an XML extension) </para> </briefdescription> |
100 | <detaileddescription> |
101 | </detaileddescription> |
102 | <inbodydescription> |
103 | </inbodydescription> |
104 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="599" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="79" bodyend="95"/> |
105 | </memberdef> |
106 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classRootElement_12ca3893547fd56ceb30536210ceecf29" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
107 | <type></type> |
108 | <definition>RootElement::~RootElement</definition> |
109 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
110 | <name>~RootElement</name> |
111 | <briefdescription> |
112 | </briefdescription> |
113 | <detaileddescription> |
114 | </detaileddescription> |
115 | <inbodydescription> |
116 | </inbodydescription> |
117 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="601" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="97" bodyend="104"/> |
118 | </memberdef> |
119 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classRootElement_1888749537060fd60a939486cd2e73b9b" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
120 | <type>bool</type> |
121 | <definition>bool RootElement::Load</definition> |
122 | <argsstring>(void)</argsstring> |
123 | <name>Load</name> |
124 | <param> |
125 | <type>void</type> |
126 | </param> |
127 | <briefdescription> |
128 | <para>this method loads root element and all its subnodes from the attached file </para> </briefdescription> |
129 | <detaileddescription> |
130 | <para>loads root element from a file </para> </detaileddescription> |
131 | <inbodydescription> |
132 | <para>This DOMWriter is used to import external data from xml files </para> </inbodydescription> |
133 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="604" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="115" bodyend="139"/> |
134 | </memberdef> |
135 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classRootElement_15ce717e64c3b7be09f695e6ede6294db" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
136 | <type>void</type> |
137 | <definition>void RootElement::Save</definition> |
138 | <argsstring>(void)</argsstring> |
139 | <name>Save</name> |
140 | <param> |
141 | <type>void</type> |
142 | </param> |
143 | <briefdescription> |
144 | <para>this method saves all the previsoulsy attached DOMElements into the file </para> </briefdescription> |
145 | <detaileddescription> |
146 | <para>Save <ref refid="classUserInfo" kindref="compound">UserInfo</ref> to the file (typically with an XML extension). </para> </detaileddescription> |
147 | <inbodydescription> |
148 | </inbodydescription> |
149 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="607" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="143" bodyend="147"/> |
150 | </memberdef> |
151 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classRootElement_19ad2ae1c73d73b06bc98afa0f32d9ad3" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
152 | <type></type> |
153 | <definition>RootElement::operator DOMElement &</definition> |
154 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
155 | <name>operator DOMElement &</name> |
156 | <briefdescription> |
157 | <para>this operator allows to use a <ref refid="classRootElement" kindref="compound">RootElement</ref> instance whenever a DOMElement variable is accepted </para> </briefdescription> |
158 | <detaileddescription> |
159 | </detaileddescription> |
160 | <inbodydescription> |
161 | </inbodydescription> |
162 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="610" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="149" bodyend="152"/> |
163 | </memberdef> |
164 | </sectiondef> |
165 | <briefdescription> |
166 | <para>This class serves to load and/or save DOMElements into/from files stored on a hard-disk. </para> </briefdescription> |
167 | <detaileddescription> |
168 | <para>Firstly, you associate new <ref refid="classRootElement" kindref="compound">RootElement</ref> instance with some filename during a time of its construtcion. Then, you disassembly some object into the new <ref refid="classRootElement" kindref="compound">RootElement</ref> instance, and save it into the file this way: <programlisting><codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/>CAudi<sp/>audi;</highlight></codeline> |
169 | <codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><ref refid="classRootElement" kindref="compound" tooltip="This class serves to load and/or save DOMElements into/from files stored on a hard-disk...">RootElement</ref><sp/>root(</highlight><highlight class="stringliteral">"cars.xml"</highlight><highlight class="normal">);</highlight></codeline> |
170 | <codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><ref refid="classUserInfo_11d402661b82feccb5265a70f65c242e1" kindref="member">UserInfo::Disassembly</ref>(<sp/>audi,<sp/>root,<sp/></highlight><highlight class="stringliteral">"TT"</highlight><highlight class="normal">);</highlight></codeline> |
171 | <codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/>root.Save();</highlight></codeline> |
172 | </programlisting></para><para>In the other way round, when loading object from a XML file, the appropriate code looks like this: <programlisting><codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><ref refid="classRootElement" kindref="compound" tooltip="This class serves to load and/or save DOMElements into/from files stored on a hard-disk...">RootElement</ref><sp/>root(</highlight><highlight class="stringliteral">"cars.xml"</highlight><highlight class="normal">);</highlight></codeline> |
173 | <codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/>root.Load();</highlight></codeline> |
174 | <codeline><highlight class="normal"><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/><sp/>UserInfo::Assembly<T>(root,</highlight><highlight class="stringliteral">"TT"</highlight><highlight class="normal">);</highlight></codeline> |
175 | </programlisting> </para> </detaileddescription> |
176 | <collaborationgraph> |
177 | <node id="1287"> |
178 | <label>AssertXercesIsAlive</label> |
179 | <link refid="classAssertXercesIsAlive"/> |
180 | </node> |
181 | <node id="1286"> |
182 | <label>RootElement</label> |
183 | <link refid="classRootElement"/> |
184 | <childnode refid="1287" relation="usage"> |
185 | <edgelabel>dummy</edgelabel> |
186 | </childnode> |
187 | </node> |
188 | </collaborationgraph> |
189 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="577" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="576" bodyend="611"/> |
190 | <listofallmembers> |
191 | <member refid="classRootElement_143ee507bba02fd893126062a9dff0683" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>Clean</name></member> |
192 | <member refid="classRootElement_19ad71509b6a6fc1c5a6269f20d6f0d7a" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>dummy</name></member> |
193 | <member refid="classRootElement_1888749537060fd60a939486cd2e73b9b" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>Load</name></member> |
194 | <member refid="classRootElement_19ad2ae1c73d73b06bc98afa0f32d9ad3" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>operator DOMElement &</name></member> |
195 | <member refid="classRootElement_19402605c1fc9d343e6b042c397df3f4c" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>pDoc</name></member> |
196 | <member refid="classRootElement_1ba44e86a811d86f51b7da8d3d995faf4" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>pImplementation</name></member> |
197 | <member refid="classRootElement_138d5457ac80a4c7337a72cae16547609" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>pSerializer</name></member> |
198 | <member refid="classRootElement_125cd0a3019e91c5bbe8bc09cdf6e61aa" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>RootElement</name></member> |
199 | <member refid="classRootElement_15ce717e64c3b7be09f695e6ede6294db" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>Save</name></member> |
200 | <member refid="classRootElement_14829b8c8b5c3485033e6bc02dbd8775d" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>transcodedFileName</name></member> |
201 | <member refid="classRootElement_12ca3893547fd56ceb30536210ceecf29" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>RootElement</scope><name>~RootElement</name></member> |
202 | </listofallmembers> |
203 | </compounddef> |
204 | </doxygen> |