UserInfo BindingFrame TypedUserInfo< T > TypedUserInfo< Bike > TypedUserInfo< bool > TypedUserInfo< Car > TypedUserInfo< double > TypedUserInfo< int > TypedUserInfo< string > userinfo.h UserInfo::StringToUIMap UserInfo *const typedef UserInfo* const UserInfo::pUserInfo pUserInfo just a typedef shortuct for a constant pointer to UserInfo const string const string UserInfo::userFriendlyTypeName userFriendlyTypeName an user-friendly type name const string const string UserInfo::typeNameByRTTI typeNameByRTTI a type name obtained by RTTI void * virtual void* UserInfo::AssemblyTypelessInstance ()=0 AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance AssemblyTypelessInstance internal method assembling a typeless instance from components obtained by the 'AssemblyComponentsFromXML()' method bool virtual bool UserInfo::DisassemblyTypelessInstance (void *pInstance)=0 DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance DisassemblyTypelessInstance void * pInstance internal method disassembling a typeless instance to components which are processed by the 'DisassemblyComponentsToXML()' method UserInfo::UserInfo (const string &userFriendlyTypeName, const string &typeNameByRTTI) UserInfo const string & userFriendlyTypeName const string & typeNameByRTTI default constructor string string BindingFrame::XMLCh2str (const XMLCh *const XMLCh_str) XMLCh2str const XMLCh *const XMLCh_str function which transcodes Xerces' XMLCh-based strings into C++ strings string string BindingFrame::removeSpaces (const string &str) removeSpaces const string & str void virtual void BindingFrame::AssemblyComponentsFromXML (DOMElement &element)=0 AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML AssemblyComponentsFromXML DOMElement & element This method parse DOMElement, finds proper DOMNode and fills binded data accordingly. void virtual void BindingFrame::ReleaseMemory () ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory ReleaseMemory A method for releasing memory allocated within the 'AssemblyComponentsFromXML()' method. bool virtual bool BindingFrame::DisassemblyComponentsToXML (DOMElement &element)=0 DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DisassemblyComponentsToXML DOMElement & element This method reads binded data, fill them into a new DOMNode, which then appends to the passed DOMElement class T T T * static T* UserInfo::Assembly (DOMElement &element, const string tagName) Assembly DOMElement & element const string tagName This methods tries to assembly a new instance of type T (or some of its descendant types) according to a data stored in a DOMNode named tagName within a child nodes of the passed element. If an error occurs, it returns a NULL pointer. Attribute::Get Attribute::type class T T bool static bool UserInfo::Disassembly (T &instance, DOMElement &element, const string tagName, const string help) Disassembly T & instance DOMElement & element const string tagName const string help This methods tries to disassembly an instance of type T (or some of its descendant types) and build DOM tree accordingly. Then, it creates a new DOMNode named according tagName and connecti it to the passed DOMElement as a new child node (with a help attribute filled). Attribute::help Attribute::Set Attribute::type Disassembly CompoundUserInfo< T >::BindedElement< U >::DisassemblyComponentsToXML class T T bool static bool UserInfo::Disassembly (T &instance, DOMElement &element, const string tagName) Disassembly T & instance DOMElement & element const string tagName This methods tries to disassembly an instance of type T (or some of its descendant types) and build DOM tree accordingly. Then, it creates a new DOMNode named according tagName and connecti it to the passed DOMElement as a new child node. Disassembly UserInfo is an abstract is for internal purposes only. Use CompoundUserInfo<T> or ValuedUserInfo<T> instead. The raison d'etre of this class is to allow pointers to its templated descendants. Also, the main functions of the whole UserInfo library are included within this class, see static methods 'Assembly' and 'Disassembly'. < int > < string > < Bike > < Car > < double > < Car > < string > < Bike > < int > < bool > < bool > < double > userFriendlyTypeName typeNameByRTTI dummy UserInfoAssembly UserInfoAssemblyComponentsFromXML UserInfoAssemblyTypelessInstance UserInfoBindingFrame UserInfoDisassembly UserInfoDisassembly UserInfoDisassemblyComponentsToXML UserInfoDisassemblyTypelessInstance UserInfopUserInfo UserInfoReleaseMemory UserInforemoveSpaces UserInfotypeNameByRTTI UserInfouserFriendlyTypeName UserInfoUserInfo UserInfoXMLCh2str