1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?> |
2 | <doxygen xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="compound.xsd" version="1.5.6"> |
3 | <compounddef id="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap" kind="class" prot="private"> |
4 | <compoundname>UserInfo::StringToUIMap</compoundname> |
5 | <sectiondef kind="private-type"> |
6 | <memberdef kind="typedef" id="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_1f1060481e01aa7ae16062898591e0bbf" prot="private" static="no"> |
7 | <type>map< const string, pUserInfo ></type> |
8 | <definition>typedef map< const string, pUserInfo > UserInfo::StringToUIMap::MappedString2UI</definition> |
9 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
10 | <name>MappedString2UI</name> |
11 | <briefdescription> |
12 | <para>Type definition of mapping which transforms type names to the related user infors. </para> </briefdescription> |
13 | <detaileddescription> |
14 | </detaileddescription> |
15 | <inbodydescription> |
16 | </inbodydescription> |
17 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="181" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="181" bodyend="-1"/> |
18 | </memberdef> |
19 | </sectiondef> |
20 | <sectiondef kind="private-static-func"> |
21 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_12edb689bb92bdc8d2ae74294f4321d83" prot="private" static="yes" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
22 | <type>MappedString2UI &</type> |
23 | <definition>UserInfo::StringToUIMap::MappedString2UI & UserInfo::StringToUIMap::privateMap</definition> |
24 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
25 | <name>privateMap</name> |
26 | <briefdescription> |
27 | <para>immediately initialized instance of type MappedString2UI </para> </briefdescription> |
28 | <detaileddescription> |
29 | </detaileddescription> |
30 | <inbodydescription> |
31 | </inbodydescription> |
32 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="184" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="61" bodyend="65"/> |
33 | </memberdef> |
34 | </sectiondef> |
35 | <sectiondef kind="public-static-func"> |
36 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_1f4962fd52d2205413135736cd51a5478" prot="public" static="yes" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
37 | <type>void</type> |
38 | <definition>void UserInfo::StringToUIMap::Add</definition> |
39 | <argsstring>(string key, pUserInfo pInstance)</argsstring> |
40 | <name>Add</name> |
41 | <param> |
42 | <type>string</type> |
43 | <declname>key</declname> |
44 | </param> |
45 | <param> |
46 | <type>pUserInfo</type> |
47 | <declname>pInstance</declname> |
48 | </param> |
49 | <briefdescription> |
50 | <para>add a pair key-userinfo into the internal map </para> </briefdescription> |
51 | <detaileddescription> |
52 | </detaileddescription> |
53 | <inbodydescription> |
54 | </inbodydescription> |
55 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="188" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="67" bodyend="70"/> |
56 | </memberdef> |
57 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_160bddc0e4acb36e4789de5a7e30a862d" prot="public" static="yes" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="non-virtual"> |
58 | <type>pUserInfo</type> |
59 | <definition>UserInfo::pUserInfo UserInfo::StringToUIMap::Retrieve</definition> |
60 | <argsstring>(string key)</argsstring> |
61 | <name>Retrieve</name> |
62 | <param> |
63 | <type>string</type> |
64 | <declname>key</declname> |
65 | </param> |
66 | <briefdescription> |
67 | <para>search for an userinfo related to the passed key within the internal map </para> </briefdescription> |
68 | <detaileddescription> |
69 | </detaileddescription> |
70 | <inbodydescription> |
71 | </inbodydescription> |
72 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="191" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.cpp" bodystart="72" bodyend="77"/> |
73 | </memberdef> |
74 | </sectiondef> |
75 | <briefdescription> |
76 | </briefdescription> |
77 | <detaileddescription> |
78 | <para>static class encalupsating map of names to related UserInfos</para><para>The key property of this class is that it initilaized the internal map immediately when it is used for a first time. </para> </detaileddescription> |
79 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" line="178" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/userinfo.h" bodystart="177" bodyend="192"/> |
80 | <listofallmembers> |
81 | <member refid="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_1f4962fd52d2205413135736cd51a5478" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>UserInfo::StringToUIMap</scope><name>Add</name></member> |
82 | <member refid="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_1f1060481e01aa7ae16062898591e0bbf" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>UserInfo::StringToUIMap</scope><name>MappedString2UI</name></member> |
83 | <member refid="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_12edb689bb92bdc8d2ae74294f4321d83" prot="private" virt="non-virtual"><scope>UserInfo::StringToUIMap</scope><name>privateMap</name></member> |
84 | <member refid="classUserInfo_1_1StringToUIMap_160bddc0e4acb36e4789de5a7e30a862d" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>UserInfo::StringToUIMap</scope><name>Retrieve</name></member> |
85 | </listofallmembers> |
86 | </compounddef> |
87 | </doxygen> |