1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?> |
2 | <doxygen xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="compound.xsd" version="1.5.6"> |
3 | <compounddef id="classlogger" kind="class" prot="public"> |
4 | <compoundname>logger</compoundname> |
5 | <derivedcompoundref refid="classmemlog" prot="public" virt="non-virtual">memlog</derivedcompoundref> |
6 | <includes refid="loggers_8h" local="no">loggers.h</includes> |
7 | <sectiondef kind="protected-attrib"> |
8 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classlogger_183eea0cf4fbca59474d015f751f128a7" prot="protected" static="no" mutable="no"> |
9 | <type>Array< <ref refid="classRV" kindref="compound">RV</ref> ></type> |
10 | <definition>Array<RV> logger::entries</definition> |
11 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
12 | <name>entries</name> |
13 | <briefdescription> |
14 | <para>RVs of all logged variables. </para> </briefdescription> |
15 | <detaileddescription> |
16 | </detaileddescription> |
17 | <inbodydescription> |
18 | </inbodydescription> |
19 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="31" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="31" bodyend="-1"/> |
20 | <referencedby refid="classlogger_1cfb250a559b71e07a1a6aa92f2185c1b" compoundref="loggers_8h" startline="39" endline="45">add</referencedby> |
21 | <referencedby refid="classmemlog_1b081ef5acb4816e6b5fcb56c19cc7e47" compoundref="loggers_8h" startline="81" endline="86">memlog::init</referencedby> |
22 | <referencedby refid="classdirfilelog_1afeaebe003110f9db1ac43edf8e53a92" compoundref="loggers_8cpp" startline="25" endline="74">dirfilelog::init</referencedby> |
23 | <referencedby refid="classmemlog_165571ebbb16577b5211adbb27baf769c" compoundref="loggers_8cpp" startline="10" endline="23">memlog::itsave</referencedby> |
24 | <referencedby refid="classdirfilelog_1bd95cdb46af194245f88a7b4bf4c66c7" compoundref="loggers_8cpp" startline="77" endline="115">dirfilelog::write_buffers</referencedby> |
25 | </memberdef> |
26 | <memberdef kind="variable" id="classlogger_139cb79e839ca8f8bb9dcbc8c5b9c7786" prot="protected" static="no" mutable="no"> |
27 | <type>Array< string ></type> |
28 | <definition>Array<string> logger::names</definition> |
29 | <argsstring></argsstring> |
30 | <name>names</name> |
31 | <briefdescription> |
32 | <para>Names of logged quantities, e.g. names of algorithm variants. </para> </briefdescription> |
33 | <detaileddescription> |
34 | </detaileddescription> |
35 | <inbodydescription> |
36 | </inbodydescription> |
37 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="33" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="33" bodyend="-1"/> |
38 | <referencedby refid="classlogger_1cfb250a559b71e07a1a6aa92f2185c1b" compoundref="loggers_8h" startline="39" endline="45">add</referencedby> |
39 | <referencedby refid="classdirfilelog_1afeaebe003110f9db1ac43edf8e53a92" compoundref="loggers_8cpp" startline="25" endline="74">dirfilelog::init</referencedby> |
40 | <referencedby refid="classmemlog_165571ebbb16577b5211adbb27baf769c" compoundref="loggers_8cpp" startline="10" endline="23">memlog::itsave</referencedby> |
41 | </memberdef> |
42 | </sectiondef> |
43 | <sectiondef kind="public-func"> |
44 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classlogger_14f753a510e00c892b38e95c2284363a6" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="yes" virt="non-virtual"> |
45 | <type></type> |
46 | <definition>logger::logger</definition> |
47 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
48 | <name>logger</name> |
49 | <briefdescription> |
50 | <para>Default constructor. </para> </briefdescription> |
51 | <detaileddescription> |
52 | </detaileddescription> |
53 | <inbodydescription> |
54 | </inbodydescription> |
55 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="36" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="36" bodyend="36"/> |
56 | </memberdef> |
57 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classlogger_1cfb250a559b71e07a1a6aa92f2185c1b" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="yes" virt="virtual"> |
58 | <type>int</type> |
59 | <definition>virtual int logger::add</definition> |
60 | <argsstring>(const RV &rv, string name="")</argsstring> |
61 | <name>add</name> |
62 | <param> |
63 | <type>const <ref refid="classRV" kindref="compound">RV</ref> &</type> |
64 | <declname>rv</declname> |
65 | </param> |
66 | <param> |
67 | <type>string</type> |
68 | <declname>name</declname> |
69 | <defval>""</defval> |
70 | </param> |
71 | <briefdescription> |
72 | <para>returns an identifier which will be later needed for calling the log() function </para> </briefdescription> |
73 | <detaileddescription> |
74 | </detaileddescription> |
75 | <inbodydescription> |
76 | </inbodydescription> |
77 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="39" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="39" bodyend="45"/> |
78 | <references refid="classlogger_183eea0cf4fbca59474d015f751f128a7" compoundref="loggers_8h" startline="31">entries</references> |
79 | <references refid="classlogger_139cb79e839ca8f8bb9dcbc8c5b9c7786" compoundref="loggers_8h" startline="33">names</references> |
80 | <referencedby refid="sim__var_8cpp_1e66f6b31b5ad750f1fe042a706a4e3d4" compoundref="sim__var_8cpp" startline="28" endline="166">main</referencedby> |
81 | </memberdef> |
82 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classlogger_1efb5a59cb329f58810b09bd9cc270b78" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="pure-virtual"> |
83 | <type>void</type> |
84 | <definition>virtual void logger::logit</definition> |
85 | <argsstring>(int id, vec v)=0</argsstring> |
86 | <name>logit</name> |
87 | <reimplementedby refid="classmemlog_18d2feeb826f7249e9104d616b5a67144">logit</reimplementedby> |
88 | <param> |
89 | <type>int</type> |
90 | <declname>id</declname> |
91 | </param> |
92 | <param> |
93 | <type>vec</type> |
94 | <declname>v</declname> |
95 | </param> |
96 | <briefdescription> |
97 | <para>log this vector </para> </briefdescription> |
98 | <detaileddescription> |
99 | </detaileddescription> |
100 | <inbodydescription> |
101 | </inbodydescription> |
102 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="48"/> |
103 | </memberdef> |
104 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classlogger_1709b3ebefa0da3ed371aa802b06512a2" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="no" virt="pure-virtual"> |
105 | <type>void</type> |
106 | <definition>virtual void logger::step</definition> |
107 | <argsstring>()=0</argsstring> |
108 | <name>step</name> |
109 | <reimplementedby refid="classdirfilelog_1f5fe9483a041591bfe6f3d6393b02aa7">step</reimplementedby> |
110 | <reimplementedby refid="classmemlog_1c97961eda9cda9f0e63c703cf21e5804">step</reimplementedby> |
111 | <briefdescription> |
112 | <para>Shifts storage position for another time step. </para> </briefdescription> |
113 | <detaileddescription> |
114 | </detaileddescription> |
115 | <inbodydescription> |
116 | </inbodydescription> |
117 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="51"/> |
118 | </memberdef> |
119 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classlogger_151c1aa8a84a14097b51607a187ae3617" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="yes" virt="virtual"> |
120 | <type>void</type> |
121 | <definition>virtual void logger::finalize</definition> |
122 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
123 | <name>finalize</name> |
124 | <reimplementedby refid="classdirfilelog_14d671baf6f88444d7fe25a5b8a80834a">finalize</reimplementedby> |
125 | <briefdescription> |
126 | <para>Finalize storing information. </para> </briefdescription> |
127 | <detaileddescription> |
128 | </detaileddescription> |
129 | <inbodydescription> |
130 | </inbodydescription> |
131 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="54" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="54" bodyend="54"/> |
132 | </memberdef> |
133 | <memberdef kind="function" id="classlogger_192c63a0a87392c62b9ed3c00faa9d5df" prot="public" static="no" const="no" explicit="no" inline="yes" virt="virtual"> |
134 | <type></type> |
135 | <definition>virtual logger::~logger</definition> |
136 | <argsstring>()</argsstring> |
137 | <name>~logger</name> |
138 | <briefdescription> |
139 | <para>for future use </para> </briefdescription> |
140 | <detaileddescription> |
141 | </detaileddescription> |
142 | <inbodydescription> |
143 | </inbodydescription> |
144 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="57" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="57" bodyend="57"/> |
145 | </memberdef> |
146 | </sectiondef> |
147 | <briefdescription> |
148 | <para>Class for storing results (and semi-results) of an experiment. </para> </briefdescription> |
149 | <detaileddescription> |
150 | <para>This class abstracts logging of results from implementation. This class replaces direct logging of results (e.g. to files or to global variables) by calling methods of a <ref refid="classlogger" kindref="compound">logger</ref>. Specializations of this abstract class for specific storage method are designed. </para> </detaileddescription> |
151 | <inheritancegraph> |
152 | <node id="1162"> |
153 | <label>memlog</label> |
154 | <link refid="classmemlog"/> |
155 | <childnode refid="1161" relation="public-inheritance"> |
156 | </childnode> |
157 | </node> |
158 | <node id="1163"> |
159 | <label>dirfilelog</label> |
160 | <link refid="classdirfilelog"/> |
161 | <childnode refid="1162" relation="public-inheritance"> |
162 | </childnode> |
163 | </node> |
164 | <node id="1161"> |
165 | <label>logger</label> |
166 | <link refid="classlogger"/> |
167 | </node> |
168 | </inheritancegraph> |
169 | <location file="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" line="28" bodyfile="/home/smidl/work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.h" bodystart="28" bodyend="58"/> |
170 | <listofallmembers> |
171 | <member refid="classlogger_1cfb250a559b71e07a1a6aa92f2185c1b" prot="public" virt="virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>add</name></member> |
172 | <member refid="classlogger_183eea0cf4fbca59474d015f751f128a7" prot="protected" virt="non-virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>entries</name></member> |
173 | <member refid="classlogger_151c1aa8a84a14097b51607a187ae3617" prot="public" virt="virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>finalize</name></member> |
174 | <member refid="classlogger_14f753a510e00c892b38e95c2284363a6" prot="public" virt="non-virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>logger</name></member> |
175 | <member refid="classlogger_1efb5a59cb329f58810b09bd9cc270b78" prot="public" virt="pure-virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>logit</name></member> |
176 | <member refid="classlogger_139cb79e839ca8f8bb9dcbc8c5b9c7786" prot="protected" virt="non-virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>names</name></member> |
177 | <member refid="classlogger_1709b3ebefa0da3ed371aa802b06512a2" prot="public" virt="pure-virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>step</name></member> |
178 | <member refid="classlogger_192c63a0a87392c62b9ed3c00faa9d5df" prot="public" virt="virtual"><scope>logger</scope><name>~logger</name></member> |
179 | </listofallmembers> |
180 | </compounddef> |
181 | </doxygen> |