osutils.h itpp/itbase.h work/git/mixpp/bdm/osutils.cpp work/git/mixpp/bdm/stat/loggers.cpp std void void get_fname (char *filename, std::string &dirname, std::string &f) get_fname char * filename std::string & dirname std::string & f Function concats name of a directory and file. void void makedir (string &dirname, bool rewrite=true) makedir string & dirname bool rewrite true Function creates a directory and raises it_error if it is not possible. dirname name of the directory to be created rewrite if true then existence of the directory is not an error // //C++Interface:osutils // //Description:Agr // // //Author:smidl<smidl@utia.cas.cz>,(C)2008 // //Copyright:SeeCOPYINGfilethatcomeswiththisdistribution // // #include<itpp/itbase.h> usingnamespacestd; voidget_fname(char*filename,std::string&dirname,std::string&f); voidmakedir(string&dirname,boolrewrite=true);