/*! \file \brief Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions \author Vaclav Smidl. ----------------------------------- BDM++ - C++ library for Bayesian Decision Making under Uncertainty Using IT++ for numerical operations ----------------------------------- */ #ifndef KF_H #define KF_H #include #include "libBM.h" #include "libDC.h" using namespace itpp; /*! * \brief Basic Kalman filter with full matrices (education purpose only)! Will be deleted soon! */ class KalmanFull : public BM { int dimx, dimy, dimu; mat A, B, C, D, R, Q; //cache mat _Pp, _Ry, _iRy, _K; public: //posterior //! Mean value of the posterior density vec mu; //! Variance of the posterior density mat P; public: //! Full constructor KalmanFull ( mat A, mat B, mat C, mat D, mat R, mat Q, mat P0, vec mu0); //! Here dt = [yt;ut] of appropriate dimensions void bayes(const vec &dt, bool evalll=true); friend std::ostream &operator<< ( std::ostream &os, const KalmanFull &kf ); }; /*! * \brief Kalman filter with covaraince matrices in square root form. */ template class Kalman : public BM { int dimx, dimy, dimu; mat A, B, C, D; sq_T R, Q; //cache mat _K; vec _yp; sq_T _Ry,_iRy; public: //posterior //! Mean value of the posterior density vec mu; //! Mean value of the posterior density sq_T P; public: //! Full constructor Kalman ( mat A0, mat B0, mat C0, mat D0, sq_T R0, sq_T Q0, sq_T P0, vec mu0 ); //! Here dt = [yt;ut] of appropriate dimensions void bayes(const vec &dt, bool evalll=true); friend std::ostream &operator<< ( std::ostream &os, const KalmanFull &kf ); }; //////// INstance template Kalman::Kalman( mat A0, mat B0, mat C0, mat D0, sq_T R0, sq_T Q0, sq_T P0, vec mu0 ) { dimx = A0.rows(); dimu = B0.cols(); dimy = C0.rows(); it_assert_debug( A0.cols()==dimx, "Kalman: A is not square" ); it_assert_debug( B0.rows()==dimx, "Kalman: B is not compatible" ); it_assert_debug( C0.cols()==dimx, "Kalman: C is not square" ); it_assert_debug(( D0.rows()==dimy ) || ( D0.cols()==dimu ), "Kalman: D is not compatible" ); it_assert_debug(( R0.cols()==dimy ) || ( R0.rows()==dimy ), "Kalman: R is not compatible" ); it_assert_debug(( Q0.cols()==dimx ) || ( Q0.rows()==dimx ), "Kalman: Q is not compatible" ); A = A0; B = B0; C = C0; D = D0; R = R0; Q = Q0; mu = mu0; P = P0; ll = 0; //Fixme should we assign cache?? _iRy = eye(dimy); // needed in inv(_iRy) } template void Kalman::bayes( const vec &dt , bool evalll) { it_assert_debug( dt.length()==( dimy+dimu ),"KalmanFull::bayes wrong size of dt" ); vec u = dt.get( dimy,dimy+dimu-1 ); vec y = dt.get( 0,dimy-1 ); //Time update mu = A*mu + B*u; //P = A*P*A.transpose() + Q; in sq_T P.mult_sym( A ); P+=Q; //Data update //_Ry = C*P*C.transpose() + R; in sq_T _Ry.mult_sym( C, P); _Ry+=R; mat Pfull = P.to_mat(); _Ry.inv( _iRy ); // result is in _iRy; _K = Pfull*C.transpose()*(_iRy.to_mat()); P -= _K*C*Pfull; // P = P -KCP; _yp = y-C*mu-D*u; //y prediction mu += _K*( _yp ); if (evalll==true) { ll+= -0.5*(_Ry.cols()*0.79817986835811504957 \ +_Ry.logdet() +_iRy.qform(_yp)); } }; //extern template class Kalman; #endif // KF_H