* \file
* \brief Definition of frequency domain filter class
* \author Simon Wood
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* This file is part of IT++ - a C++ library of mathematical, signal
* processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions.
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#ifndef FREQ_FILT_H
#define FREQ_FILT_H
namespace itpp
\brief Freq_Filt Frequency domain filtering using the overlap-add technique
\ingroup filters
The Freq_Filt class implements an FFT based filter using the overlap-add
technique. The data is filtered by first transforming the input sequence
into the frequency domain with an efficient FFT implementation (i.e. FFTW)
and then multiplied with a Fourier transformed version of the impulse
response. The resulting data is then inversed Fourier transformed to return
a filtered time domain signal.
Freq_Filt is a templated class. The template paramter \c Num_T defines the
data type for the impulse response \c b, input data \c x and output data
\c y.
The class constructor chooses an optimal FFT length and data block
size that minimizes execution time.
For example,
vec b = "1 2 3 4";
Freq_Filt FF(b,8000);
where 8000 corresponds to the expected vector length of the data
to be filtered. The actual number of elements does not have to be
exact, but it should be close.
Here is a complete example:
vec b = "1 2 3 4";
vec x(20);
x(0) = 1;
// Define a filter object for doubles
Freq_Filt FF(b,x.length());
// Filter the data
vec y = FF.filter(x);
// Check the FFT and block sizes that were used
int fftsize = FF.getFFTSize();
int blk = FF.getBlkSize();
To facilitate large data sets the Freq_Filt class has a streaming
option. In this mode of operation data history is internally
stored. This allows the class to be used for large data sets that
are read from disk or streamed in real-time.
bool stream = true;
vec b = "1 2 3 4";
Freq_Filt FF(b,1000);
vec x,y;
while(!EOF) {
x = "read buffer of data";
y = FF.filter(x,stream);
cout << << endl;
class Freq_Filt
\brief Constructor
The empty constructor makes it possible to have other container objects
of the Freq_Filt class
Freq_Filt() {}
\brief Constructor with initialization of the impulse response \b b.
Create a filter object with impulse response \b b. The FFT size and
data block size are also initialized.
vec b = "1 2 3 4";
vec x(20);
Freq_Filt FF(b,x.length());
Freq_Filt(const Vec &b, const int xlength) {init(b, xlength);}
\brief Filter data in the input vector \b x
Filters data in batch mode or streaming mode
FF.filter(x); // Filters data in batch mode
FF.filter(x,1); // Filters data in streaming mode
Vec filter(const Vec &x, const int strm = 0);
//! Return FFT size
int get_fft_size() { return fftsize; }
//! Return the data block size
int get_blk_size() { return blksize; }
//! Destructor
~Freq_Filt() {}
int fftsize, blksize;
cvec B; // FFT of impulse vector
Vec impulse;
Vec old_data;
cvec zfinal;
void init(const Vec &b, const int xlength);
vec overlap_add(const vec &x);
svec overlap_add(const svec &x);
ivec overlap_add(const ivec &x);
cvec overlap_add(const cvec &x);
void overlap_add(const cvec &x, cvec &y);
// Initialize impulse rsponse, FFT size and block size
void Freq_Filt::init(const Vec &b, const int xlength)
// Set the impulse response
impulse = b;
// Get the length of the impulse response
int num_elements = impulse.length();
// Initizlize old data
old_data.set_size(0, false);
// Initialize the final state
zfinal.set_size(num_elements - 1, false);
vec Lvec;
* Compute the FFT size and the data block size to use.
* The FFT size is N = L + M -1, where L corresponds to
* the block size (to be determined) and M corresponds
* to the impulse length. The method used here is designed
* to minimize the (number of blocks) * (number of flops per FFT)
* Use the FFTW flop computation of 5*N*log2(N).
vec n = linspace(1, 20, 20);
n = pow(2.0, n);
ivec fftflops = to_ivec(elem_mult(5.0 * n, log2(n)));
// Find where the FFT sizes are > (num_elements-1)
//ivec index = find(n,">", static_cast(num_elements-1));
ivec index(n.length());
int cnt = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < n.length(); ii++) {
if (n(ii) > (num_elements - 1)) {
index(cnt) = ii;
cnt += 1;
index.set_size(cnt, true);
fftflops = fftflops(index);
n = n(index);
// Minimize number of blocks * number of flops per FFT
Lvec = n - (double)(num_elements - 1);
int min_ind = min_index(elem_mult(ceil((double)xlength / Lvec), to_vec(fftflops)));
fftsize = static_cast(n(min_ind));
blksize = static_cast(Lvec(min_ind));
// Finally, compute the FFT of the impulse response
B = fft(to_cvec(impulse), fftsize);
// Filter data
Vec Freq_Filt::filter(const Vec &input, const int strm)
Vec x, tempv;
Vec output;
* If we are not in streaming mode we want to process all of the data.
* However, if we are in streaming mode we want to process the data in
* blocks that are commensurate with the designed 'blksize' parameter.
* So, we do a little book keeping to divide the iinput vector into the
* correct size.
if (!strm) {
x = input;
old_data.set_size(0, false);
else { // we aare in streaming mode
tempv = concat(old_data, input);
if (tempv.length() <= blksize) {
x = tempv;
old_data.set_size(0, false);
else {
int end = tempv.length();
int numblks = end / blksize;
if ((end % blksize)) {
x = tempv(0, blksize * numblks - 1);
old_data = tempv(blksize * numblks, end - 1);
else {
x = tempv(0, blksize * numblks - 1);
old_data.set_size(0, false);
output = overlap_add(x);
return output;
} // namespace itpp
#endif // #ifndef FREQ_FILT_H