#include "arx.h" namespace bdm { void ARX::bayes_weighted ( const vec &yt, const vec &cond, const double w ) { bdm_assert_debug ( yt.length() >= dimy, "ARX::bayes yt is smaller then dimc" ); bdm_assert_debug ( cond.length() >= dimc, "ARX::bayes cond is smaller then dimc" ); double lnc; //cache ldmat &V = est._V(); double &nu = est._nu(); dyad.set_subvector ( 0, yt ); if (cond.length()>0) dyad.set_subvector ( dimy, cond ); // possible "1" is there from the beginning if ( frg < 1.0 ) { est.pow ( frg ); // multiply V and nu //stabilize ldmat V0 = alter_est._V(); //$ copy double &nu0 = alter_est._nu(); V0 *= ( 1 - frg ); V += V0; //stabilization nu += ( 1 - frg ) * nu0; // recompute loglikelihood of new "prior" if ( evalll ) { last_lognc = est.lognc(); } } V.opupdt ( dyad, w ); nu += w; // log(sqrt(2*pi)) = 0.91893853320467 if ( evalll ) { lnc = est.lognc(); ll = lnc - last_lognc - 0.91893853320467; last_lognc = lnc; } } double ARX::logpred ( const vec &yt ) const { egiw pred ( est ); ldmat &V = pred._V(); double &nu = pred._nu(); double lll; vec dyad_p = dyad; dyad_p.set_subvector ( 0, yt ); if ( frg < 1.0 ) { pred.pow ( frg ); lll = pred.lognc(); } else//should be save: last_lognc is changed only by bayes; if ( evalll ) { lll = last_lognc; } else { lll = pred.lognc(); } V.opupdt ( dyad_p, 1.0 ); nu += 1.0; // log(sqrt(2*pi)) = 0.91893853320467 return pred.lognc() - lll - 0.91893853320467; } void ARX::flatten ( const BMEF* B ) { const ARX* A = dynamic_cast ( B ); // nu should be equal to B.nu est.pow ( A->posterior()._nu() / posterior()._nu() ); if ( evalll ) { last_lognc = est.lognc(); } } ARX* ARX::_copy ( ) const { ARX* Tmp = new ARX ( *this ); return Tmp; } void ARX::set_statistics ( const BMEF* B0 ) { const ARX* A0 = dynamic_cast ( B0 ); bdm_assert_debug ( dimension() == A0->dimension(), "Statistics of different dimensions" ); set_statistics ( A0->dimensiony(), A0->posterior()._V(), A0->posterior()._nu() ); } enorm* ARX::epredictor ( const vec &rgr ) const { mat mu ( dimy, posterior()._V().rows() - dimy ); mat R ( dimy, dimy ); enorm* tmp; tmp = new enorm ( ); //TODO: too hackish if ( yrv._dsize() > 0 ) { } est.mean_mat ( mu, R ); //mu = //correction for student-t -- TODO check if correct!! //R*=nu/(nu-2); mat p_mu = mu.T() * rgr; //the result is one column tmp->set_parameters ( p_mu.get_col ( 0 ), ldmat ( R ) ); return tmp; } enorm* ARX::epredictor() const { bdm_assert_debug ( dimy == posterior()._V().rows() - 1, "Regressor is not only 1" ); return epredictor ( vec_1 ( 1.0 ) ); } mlstudent* ARX::predictor_student ( ) const { const ldmat &V = posterior()._V(); mat mu ( dimy, V.rows() - dimy ); mat R ( dimy, dimy ); mlstudent* tmp; tmp = new mlstudent ( ); est.mean_mat ( mu, R ); // mu = mu.T(); int end = V._L().rows() - 1; ldmat Lam ( V._L() ( dimy, end, dimy, end ), V._D() ( dimy, end ) ); //exp val of R if ( have_constant ) { // no constant term //Assume the constant term is the last one: if ( mu.cols() > 1 ) { tmp->set_parameters ( mu.get_cols ( 0, mu.cols() - 2 ), mu.get_col ( mu.cols() - 1 ), ldmat ( R ), Lam ); } else { tmp->set_parameters ( mat ( dimy, dimc ), mu.get_col ( mu.cols() - 1 ), ldmat ( R ), Lam ); } } else { // no constant term tmp->set_parameters ( mu, zeros ( dimy ), ldmat ( R ), Lam ); } return tmp; } /*! \brief Return the best structure @param Eg a copy of GiW density that is being examined @param Eg0 a copy of prior GiW density before estimation @param Egll likelihood of the current Eg @param indeces current indeces \return best likelihood in the structure below the given one */ double egiw_bestbelow ( egiw Eg, egiw Eg0, double Egll, ivec &indeces ) { //parameter Eg is a copy! ldmat Vo = Eg._V(); //copy ldmat Vo0 = Eg._V(); //copy ldmat& Vp = Eg._V(); // pointer into Eg ldmat& Vp0 = Eg._V(); // pointer into Eg int end = Vp.rows() - 1; int i; mat Li; mat Li0; double maxll = Egll; double tmpll = Egll; double belll = Egll; ivec tmpindeces; ivec maxindeces = indeces; cout << "bb:(" << indeces << ") ll=" << Egll << endl; //try to remove only one rv for ( i = 0; i < end; i++ ) { //copy original Li = Vo._L(); Li0 = Vo0._L(); //remove stuff Li.del_col ( i + 1 ); Li0.del_col ( i + 1 ); Vp.ldform ( Li, Vo._D() ); Vp0.ldform ( Li0, Vo0._D() ); tmpll = Eg.lognc() - Eg0.lognc(); // likelihood is difference of norm. coefs. cout << "i=(" << i << ") ll=" << tmpll << endl; // if ( tmpll > Egll ) { //increase of the likelihood tmpindeces = indeces; tmpindeces.del ( i ); //search for a better match in this substructure belll = egiw_bestbelow ( Eg, Eg0, tmpll, tmpindeces ); if ( belll > maxll ) { //better match found maxll = belll; maxindeces = tmpindeces; } } } indeces = maxindeces; return maxll; } ivec ARX::structure_est ( egiw est0 ) { ivec ind = linspace ( 1, est.dimension() - 1 ); egiw_bestbelow ( est, est0, est.lognc() - est0.lognc(), ind ); return ind; } ivec ARX::structure_est_LT ( egiw est0 ) { //some stuff with beliefs etc. // ivec ind = bdm::straux1(V,nu, est0._V(), est0._nu()); return ivec();//ind; } void ARX::from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { BMEF::from_setting(set); shared_ptr yrv_ = UI::build ( set, "rv", UI::compulsory ); shared_ptr rrv = UI::build ( set, "rgr", UI::compulsory ); dimy = yrv_->_dsize(); // rgrlen - including constant!!! dimc = rrv->_dsize(); yrv = *yrv_; rvc = *rrv; int constant; if ( !UI::get ( constant, set, "constant", UI::optional ) ) { have_constant = true; } else { have_constant = constant > 0; } int rgrlen = dimc + int ( have_constant == true ); //init shared_ptr pri = UI::build ( set, "prior", UI::optional ); if ( pri ) { bdm_assert ( pri->_dimx() == dimy, "prior is not compatible" ); bdm_assert ( pri->_V().rows() == dimy + rgrlen, "prior is not compatible" ); est.set_parameters ( pri->_dimx(), pri->_V(), pri->_nu() ); est.validate(); } else { est.set_parameters ( dimy, zeros ( dimy + rgrlen ) ); est.validate(); set_prior_default ( est ); } shared_ptr alt = UI::build ( set, "alternative", UI::optional ); if ( alt ) { bdm_assert ( alt->_dimx() == dimy, "alternative is not compatible" ); bdm_assert ( alt->_V().rows() == dimy + rgrlen, "alternative is not compatible" ); alter_est.set_parameters ( alt->_dimx(), alt->_V(), alt->_nu() ); alter_est.validate(); } else { alter_est = est; } // frg handled by BMEF //name results (for logging) shared_ptr rv_par = UI::build ( set, "rv_param", UI::optional ); if ( !rv_par ) { est.set_rv ( RV ( "{theta r }", vec_2 ( dimy*rgrlen, dimy*dimy ) ) ); } else { est.set_rv ( *rv_par ); } } }