#ifndef MXDS_H #define MXDS_H #include "../bdm/bdmerror.h" #include "../bdm/base/datasources.h" #include "mex_parser.h" namespace bdm { /*! * \brief DataSource reading data columns from a Matlab matrix The data are stored in a arbitrary Matlab matrix. Each column of the matrix corresponds to one discrete time observation \f$t\f$. The DataSource needs to know the name of the matrix and possibly decription of its contents (via RV)_ */ class mxArrayDS : public DS { protected: //! raw pointer to data double *data; //! maximum length of data int max_len; //! active column int column; public: //!Default constructor mxArrayDS () : DS() {}; /*! Create object from the following structure \code class = 'mxArrayDS'; varname = 'data_matrix'; % name of a Matlab workspace variable -- inherited fields --- bdm::DS::from_setting drv = RV({'names',...},[sizes,...]); % names of data redords in columns \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { string name; UI::get(name, set, "varname", UI::compulsory); mxArray *mxAr = mexGetVariable ( "base", name.c_str() ); bdm_assert(mxIsNumeric(mxAr),"Matlab variable: "+name +" is not a matrix"); dtsize = mxGetM(mxAr); max_len= mxGetN(mxAr); data = (double*)mxGetPr(mxAr); utsize = 0; DS::from_setting(set); //read drv if (Drv._dsize()!=dtsize) { Drv=RV( ( const char* ) set["varname"], dtsize ); } column = 0; if (max_length()>0) { dt = vec(&data[column*dtsize],dtsize); } } int max_length() { return max_len; } void step() { if (column