#include "discrete.h" namespace bdm { void rectangular_support::set_parameters ( const Array &ranges0, const ivec &gridsize0 ) { ranges = ranges0; gridsizes = gridsize0; initialize(); } void rectangular_support::initialize() { dim = ranges.length(); bdm_assert ( gridsizes.length() == dim, "Incompatible dimensions of input" ); Npoints = prod ( gridsizes ); bdm_assert ( Npoints > 0, "Wrong input parameters" ); //precompute steps steps.set_size ( dim ); for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) { steps ( j ) = ( ranges ( j ) ( 1 ) - ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) ) / gridsizes ( j ); } actvec.set_size ( dim ); actvec_ind.set_size ( dim ); } vec rectangular_support::get_vec ( const ivec &inds ) { vec v ( dim ); for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) { bdm_assert_debug ( inds ( j ) < gridsizes ( j ), "Index out of bounds" ); v ( j ) = ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) + ( 0.5 + inds ( j ) ) * steps ( j ); } return v; } long rectangular_support::linear_index ( const ivec inds ) { long ind = 0; bdm_assert_debug ( inds.length() == dim, "Improper indices inds" ); int dim_skips = 1; // skips in active dimension, in the first dimension, the skips are 1 index per value for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) { ind += dim_skips * ( inds ( j ) ); // add shift in linear index caused by this dimension dim_skips *= gridsizes ( j ); // indices in the next dimension are repeated with period gridsizes(j) times greater that in this dimesion } return ind; } const vec& rectangular_support::first_vec() { for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) { actvec ( j ) = ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) + 0.5 * steps ( j ); actvec_ind ( j ) = 0; } return actvec; } const vec& rectangular_support::next_vec() { // go through all dimensions int j = 0; while ( j < dim ) { if ( actvec_ind ( j ) == gridsizes ( j ) - 1 ) { //j-th index is full actvec_ind ( j ) = 0; //shift back actvec ( j ) = ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) + 0.5 * steps ( j ); j++; } else { actvec_ind ( j ) ++; actvec ( j ) += steps ( j ); break; } } return actvec; } ivec rectangular_support::nearest_point ( const vec &val ) { ivec inds; inds.set_size ( dim ); for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) { if ( val ( j ) < ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) ) inds ( j ) = 0; else { if ( val ( j ) > ranges ( j ) ( 1 ) ) //! \todo GRIDSIZES prejmenovat.. inds ( j ) = gridsizes ( j ) - 1; else { inds ( j ) = (int) ::round ( val ( j ) - ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) / steps ( j ) ); } } } return inds; } void rectangular_support::from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { UI::get ( ranges , set, "ranges", UI::compulsory ); UI::get ( gridsizes, set, "gridsizes", UI::compulsory ); initialize(); } void discrete_support::from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { UI::get ( Spoints, set, "points", UI::optional ); if ( points() < 1 ) { int npoints; shared_ptr ep = UI::build ( set, "epdf", UI::compulsory ); if ( !UI::get ( npoints, set, "npoints", UI::optional ) ) { npoints = 100; } //sample Spoints.set_size ( npoints ); for ( int i = 0; i < points(); i++ ) { Spoints ( i ) = ep->sample(); } } } void grid_fnc::set_values ( double ( *evalptr ) ( const vec& ) ) { if ( sup.points() > 0 ) { values ( 0 ) = ( *evalptr ) ( sup.first_vec() ); for ( int j = 1; j < sup.points(); j++ ) { values ( j ) = ( *evalptr ) ( sup.next_vec() ); } } } void grid_fnc::set_values ( const epdf &ep ) { if ( sup.points() > 0 ) { values ( 0 ) = exp ( ep.evallog ( sup.first_vec() ) ); for ( int j = 1; j < sup.points(); j++ ) { values ( j ) = exp ( ep.evallog ( sup.next_vec() ) ); } } } }