/*! \file \brief Probability distributions for Exponential Family models. \author Vaclav Smidl. ----------------------------------- BDM++ - C++ library for Bayesian Decision Making under Uncertainty Using IT++ for numerical operations ----------------------------------- */ #ifndef EF_H #define EF_H #include "../shared_ptr.h" #include "../base/bdmbase.h" #include "../math/chmat.h" namespace bdm { //! Global Uniform_RNG extern Uniform_RNG UniRNG; //! Global Normal_RNG extern Normal_RNG NorRNG; //! Global Gamma_RNG extern Gamma_RNG GamRNG; /*! * \brief General conjugate exponential family posterior density. * More?... */ class eEF : public epdf { public: // eEF() :epdf() {}; //! default constructor eEF () : epdf () {}; //! logarithm of the normalizing constant, \f$\mathcal{I}\f$ virtual double lognc() const = 0; //!Evaluate normalized log-probability virtual double evallog_nn ( const vec &val ) const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); //!Evaluate normalized log-probability virtual double evallog ( const vec &val ) const { double tmp; tmp = evallog_nn ( val ) - lognc(); return tmp; } //!Evaluate normalized log-probability for many samples virtual vec evallog_mat ( const mat &Val ) const { vec x ( Val.cols() ); for ( int i = 0; i < Val.cols(); i++ ) { x ( i ) = evallog_nn ( Val.get_col ( i ) ) ; } return x - lognc(); } //!Evaluate normalized log-probability for many samples virtual vec evallog_mat ( const Array &Val ) const { vec x ( Val.length() ); for ( int i = 0; i < Val.length(); i++ ) { x ( i ) = evallog_nn ( Val ( i ) ) ; } return x - lognc(); } //!Power of the density, used e.g. to flatten the density virtual void pow ( double p ) NOT_IMPLEMENTED_VOID; }; //! Estimator for Exponential family class BMEF : public BM { protected: //! forgetting factor double frg; //! cached value of lognc() in the previous step (used in evaluation of \c ll ) double last_lognc; public: //! Default constructor (=empty constructor) BMEF ( double frg0 = 1.0 ) : BM (), frg ( frg0 ) {} //! Copy constructor BMEF ( const BMEF &B ) : BM ( B ), frg ( B.frg ), last_lognc ( B.last_lognc ) {} //!get statistics from another model virtual void set_statistics ( const BMEF* BM0 ) NOT_IMPLEMENTED_VOID; //! Weighted update of sufficient statistics (Bayes rule) virtual void bayes_weighted ( const vec &data, const vec &cond = empty_vec, const double w = 1.0 ) {}; //original Bayes void bayes ( const vec &yt, const vec &cond = empty_vec ); //!Flatten the posterior according to the given BMEF (of the same type!) virtual void flatten ( const BMEF * B ) NOT_IMPLEMENTED_VOID; double logpred ( const vec &yt ) const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); virtual epdf* epredictor() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(NULL); virtual pdf* predictor() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(NULL); void to_setting ( Setting &set ) const { BM::to_setting( set ); UI::save(frg, set, "frg"); // TODO DOPLNIT? ALE MOMENTALNE CHYBI FROM_SETTING PRO INSPIRACI } void from_setting( const Setting &set) { BM::from_setting(set); if ( !UI::get ( frg, set, "frg" ) ) frg = 1.0; } void validate() { BM::validate(); } }; /*! Dirac delta density with predefined transformation Density of the type:\f[ f(x_t | y_t) = \delta (x_t - g(y_t)) \f] where \f$ x_t \f$ is the \c rv, \f$ y_t \f$ is the \c rvc and g is a deterministic transformation of class fn. */ class mgdirac: public pdf{ protected: shared_ptr g; public: vec samplecond(const vec &cond) { bdm_assert_debug(cond.length()==g->dimensionc(),"given cond in not compatible with g"); vec tmp = g->eval(cond); return tmp; } double evallogcond ( const vec &yt, const vec &cond ){ return std::numeric_limits< double >::max(); } void from_setting(const Setting& set){ pdf::from_setting(set); g=UI::build(set,"g",UI::compulsory); validate(); } void to_setting(Setting &set) const{ pdf::to_setting(set); UI::save(g.get(), set, "g"); } void validate() { dim = g->dimension(); dimc = g->dimensionc(); } }; UIREGISTER(mgdirac); template class TEpdf> class mlnorm; /*! * \brief Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix. * More?... */ template class enorm : public eEF { protected: //! mean value vec mu; //! Covariance matrix in decomposed form sq_T R; public: //!\name Constructors //!@{ enorm () : eEF (), mu (), R () {}; enorm ( const vec &mu, const sq_T &R ) { set_parameters ( mu, R ); } void set_parameters ( const vec &mu, const sq_T &R ); /*! Create Normal density \f[ f(rv) = N(\mu, R) \f] from structure \code class = 'enorm', (OR) 'enorm', (OR) 'enorm'; mu = []; // mean value R = []; // variance, square matrix of appropriate dimension \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &root ); void to_setting ( Setting &root ) const ; void validate() { bdm_assert ( mu.length() == R.rows(), "mu and R parameters do not match" ); dim = mu.length(); } //!@} //! \name Mathematical operations //!@{ //! dupdate in exponential form (not really handy) void dupdate ( mat &v, double nu = 1.0 ); //! evaluate bhattacharya distance double bhattacharyya(const enorm &e2){ bdm_assert(dim == e2.dimension(), "enorms of differnt dimensions"); sq_T P=R; P.add(e2._R()); double tmp = 0.125*P.invqform(mu - e2._mu()) + 0.5*(P.logdet() - 0.5*(R.logdet() + e2._R().logdet())); return tmp; } vec sample() const; double evallog_nn ( const vec &val ) const; double lognc () const; vec mean() const { return mu; } vec variance() const { return diag ( R.to_mat() ); } mat covariance() const { return R.to_mat(); } // mlnorm* condition ( const RV &rvn ) const ; <=========== fails to cmpile. Why? shared_ptr condition ( const RV &rvn ) const; // target not typed to mlnorm > & // because that doesn't compile (perhaps because we // haven't finished defining enorm yet), but the type // is required void condition ( const RV &rvn, pdf &target ) const; shared_ptr marginal ( const RV &rvn ) const; void marginal ( const RV &rvn, enorm &target ) const; //!@} //! \name Access to attributes //!@{ vec& _mu() { return mu; } const vec& _mu() const { return mu; } void set_mu ( const vec mu0 ) { mu = mu0; } sq_T& _R() { return R; } const sq_T& _R() const { return R; } //!@} }; UIREGISTER2 ( enorm, chmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( enorm, chmat ); UIREGISTER2 ( enorm, ldmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( enorm, ldmat ); UIREGISTER2 ( enorm, fsqmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( enorm, fsqmat ); //forward declaration class mstudent; /*! distribution of multivariate Student t density Based on article by Genest and Zidek, */ template class estudent : public eEF{ protected: //! mena value vec mu; //! matrix H sq_T H; //! degrees of freedom double delta; public: double evallog_nn(const vec &val) const{ double tmp = -0.5*H.logdet() - 0.5*(delta + dim) * log(1+ H.invqform(val - mu)/delta); return tmp; } double lognc() const { //log(pi) = 1.14472988584940 double tmp = -lgamma(0.5*(delta+dim))+lgamma(0.5*delta) + 0.5*dim*(log(delta) + 1.14472988584940); return tmp; } void marginal (const RV &rvm, estudent &marg) const { ivec ind = rvm.findself_ids(rv); // indeces of rvm in rv marg._mu() = mu(ind); marg._H() = sq_T(H,ind); marg._delta() = delta; marg.validate(); } shared_ptr marginal(const RV &rvm) const { shared_ptr > tmp = new estudent; marginal(rvm, *tmp); return tmp; } vec sample() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(vec(0)) vec mean() const {return mu;} mat covariance() const {return delta/(delta-2)*H.to_mat();} vec variance() const {return diag(covariance());} //! \name access //! @{ //! access function vec& _mu() {return mu;} //! access function sq_T& _H() {return H;} //! access function double& _delta() {return delta;} //!@} //! todo void from_setting(const Setting &set){ epdf::from_setting(set); mat H0; UI::get(H0,set, "H"); H= H0; // conversion!! UI::get(delta,set,"delta"); UI::get(mu,set,"mu"); } void to_setting(Setting &set) const{ epdf::to_setting(set); UI::save(H.to_mat(), set, "H"); UI::save(delta, set, "delta"); UI::save(mu, set, "mu"); } void validate() { dim = H.rows(); } }; UIREGISTER2(estudent,fsqmat); UIREGISTER2(estudent,ldmat); UIREGISTER2(estudent,chmat); /*! * \brief Gauss-inverse-Wishart density stored in LD form * For \f$p\f$-variate densities, given rv.count() should be \f$p\times\f$ V.rows(). * */ class egiw : public eEF { LOG_LEVEL(egiw,tri); protected: //! Extended information matrix of sufficient statistics ldmat V; //! Number of data records (degrees of freedom) of sufficient statistics double nu; //! Dimension of the output int dimx; //! Dimension of the regressor int nPsi; public: //!\name Constructors //!@{ egiw() : eEF() {}; egiw ( int dimx0, ldmat V0, double nu0 = -1.0 ) : eEF() { set_parameters ( dimx0, V0, nu0 ); }; void set_parameters ( int dimx0, ldmat V0, double nu0 = -1.0 ); //!@} vec sample() const; mat sample_mat ( int n ) const; vec mean() const; vec variance() const; void sample_mat ( mat &Mi, chmat &Ri ) const; void factorize ( mat &M, ldmat &Vz, ldmat &Lam ) const; //! LS estimate of \f$\theta\f$ vec est_theta() const; //! Covariance of the LS estimate ldmat est_theta_cov() const; //! expected values of the linear coefficient and the covariance matrix are written to \c M and \c R , respectively void mean_mat ( mat &M, mat&R ) const; //! In this instance, val= [theta, r]. For multivariate instances, it is stored columnwise val = [theta_1 theta_2 ... r_1 r_2 ] double evallog_nn ( const vec &val ) const; double lognc () const; void pow ( double p ) { V *= p; nu *= p; }; //! marginal density (only student for now) shared_ptr marginal(const RV &rvm) const { bdm_assert(dimx==1, "Not supported"); //TODO - this is too trivial!!! ivec ind = rvm.findself_ids(rv); if (min(ind)==0) { //assume it si shared_ptr > tmp = new estudent; mat M; ldmat Vz; ldmat Lam; factorize(M,Vz,Lam); tmp->_mu() = M.get_col(0); ldmat H; Vz.inv(H); H *=Lam._D()(0)/nu; tmp->_H() = H; tmp->_delta() = nu; tmp->validate(); return tmp; } return NULL; } //! \name Access attributes //!@{ ldmat& _V() { return V; } const ldmat& _V() const { return V; } double& _nu() { return nu; } const double& _nu() const { return nu; } const int & _dimx() const { return dimx; } /*! Create Gauss-inverse-Wishart density \f[ f(rv) = GiW(V,\nu) \f] from structure \code class = 'egiw'; V = []; // square matrix dV = []; // vector of diagonal of V (when V not given) nu = []; // scalar \nu ((almost) degrees of freedom) // when missing, it will be computed to obtain proper pdf dimx = []; // dimension of the wishart part rv = RV({'name'}) // description of RV rvc = RV({'name'}) // description of RV in condition \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { epdf::from_setting ( set ); UI::get ( dimx, set, "dimx", UI::compulsory ); if ( !UI::get ( nu, set, "nu", UI::optional ) ) { nu = -1; } mat V; if ( !UI::get ( V, set, "V", UI::optional ) ) { vec dV; UI::get ( dV, set, "dV", UI::compulsory ); set_parameters ( dimx, ldmat ( dV ), nu ); } else { set_parameters ( dimx, V, nu ); } } void to_setting ( Setting& set ) const { epdf::to_setting ( set ); UI::save ( dimx, set, "dimx" ); UI::save ( V.to_mat(), set, "V" ); UI::save ( nu, set, "nu" ); }; void validate() { // check sizes, rvs etc. // also check if RV are meaningful!!! // meaningful = rv for theta and rv for r are split! } void log_register ( bdm::logger& L, const string& prefix ); void log_write() const; //!@} }; UIREGISTER ( egiw ); SHAREDPTR ( egiw ); /*! \brief Dirichlet posterior density Continuous Dirichlet density of \f$n\f$-dimensional variable \f$x\f$ \f[ f(x|\beta) = \frac{\Gamma[\gamma]}{\prod_{i=1}^{n}\Gamma(\beta_i)} \prod_{i=1}^{n}x_i^{\beta_i-1} \f] where \f$\gamma=\sum_i \beta_i\f$. */ class eDirich: public eEF { protected: //!sufficient statistics vec beta; public: //!\name Constructors //!@{ eDirich () : eEF () {}; eDirich ( const eDirich &D0 ) : eEF () { set_parameters ( D0.beta ); }; eDirich ( const vec &beta0 ) { set_parameters ( beta0 ); }; void set_parameters ( const vec &beta0 ) { beta = beta0; dim = beta.length(); } //!@} //! using sampling procedure from wikipedia vec sample() const { vec y ( beta.length() ); for ( int i = 0; i < beta.length(); i++ ) { GamRNG.setup ( beta ( i ), 1 ); #pragma omp critical y ( i ) = GamRNG(); } return y / sum ( y ); } vec mean() const { return beta / sum ( beta ); }; vec variance() const { double gamma = sum ( beta ); return elem_mult ( beta, ( gamma - beta ) ) / ( gamma*gamma* ( gamma + 1 ) ); } //! In this instance, val is ... double evallog_nn ( const vec &val ) const { double tmp; tmp = ( beta - 1 ) * log ( val ); return tmp; } double lognc () const { double tmp; double gam = sum ( beta ); double lgb = 0.0; for ( int i = 0; i < beta.length(); i++ ) { lgb += lgamma ( beta ( i ) ); } tmp = lgb - lgamma ( gam ); return tmp; } //!access function vec& _beta() { return beta; } /*! configuration structure \code class = 'eDirich'; beta = []; //parametr beta \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { epdf::from_setting ( set ); UI::get ( beta, set, "beta", UI::compulsory ); validate(); } void validate() { //check rv dim = beta.length(); } void to_setting ( Setting &set ) const { eEF::to_setting( set ); UI::save( beta, set, "beta" ); } }; UIREGISTER ( eDirich ); /*! Random Walk on Dirichlet Using simple assignment \f[ \beta = rvc / k + \beta_c \f] hence, mean value = rvc, variance = (k+1)*mean*mean; The greater k is, the greater is the variance of the random walk; \f$ \beta_c \f$ is used as regularizing element to avoid corner cases, i.e. when one element of rvc is zero. By default is it set to 0.1; */ class mDirich: public pdf_internal { protected: //! constant \f$ k \f$ of the random walk double k; //! cache of beta_i vec &_beta; //! stabilizing coefficient \f$ \beta_c \f$ vec betac; public: mDirich() : pdf_internal(), _beta ( iepdf._beta() ) {}; void condition ( const vec &val ) { _beta = val / k + betac; }; /*! Create Dirichlet random walk \f[ f(rv|rvc) = Di(rvc*k) \f] from structure \code class = 'mDirich'; k = 1; // multiplicative constant k --- optional --- rv = RV({'name'},size) // description of RV beta0 = []; // initial value of beta betac = []; // initial value of beta \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { pdf::from_setting ( set ); // reads rv and rvc if ( _rv()._dsize() > 0 ) { rvc = _rv().copy_t ( -1 ); } vec beta0; if ( !UI::get ( beta0, set, "beta0", UI::optional ) ) { beta0 = ones ( _rv()._dsize() ); } if ( !UI::get ( betac, set, "betac", UI::optional ) ) { betac = 0.1 * ones ( _rv()._dsize() ); } _beta = beta0; UI::get ( k, set, "k", UI::compulsory ); validate(); } void validate() { pdf_internal::validate(); bdm_assert ( _beta.length() == betac.length(), "beta0 and betac are not compatible" ); if ( _rv()._dsize() > 0 ) { bdm_assert ( ( _rv()._dsize() == dimension() ) , "Size of rv does not match with beta" ); } dimc = _beta.length(); }; }; UIREGISTER ( mDirich ); //! \brief Estimator for Multinomial density class multiBM : public BMEF { protected: //! Conjugate prior and posterior eDirich est; //! Pointer inside est to sufficient statistics vec β public: //!Default constructor multiBM () : BMEF (), est (), beta ( est._beta() ) { if ( beta.length() > 0 ) { last_lognc = est.lognc(); } else { last_lognc = 0.0; } } //!Copy constructor multiBM ( const multiBM &B ) : BMEF ( B ), est ( B.est ), beta ( est._beta() ) {} //! Sets sufficient statistics to match that of givefrom mB0 void set_statistics ( const BM* mB0 ) { const multiBM* mB = dynamic_cast ( mB0 ); beta = mB->beta; } void bayes ( const vec &yt, const vec &cond = empty_vec ); double logpred ( const vec &yt ) const; void flatten ( const BMEF* B ); //! return correctly typed posterior (covariant return) const eDirich& posterior() const { return est; }; //! constructor function void set_parameters ( const vec &beta0 ) { est.set_parameters ( beta0 ); est.validate(); if ( evalll ) { last_lognc = est.lognc(); } } void to_setting ( Setting &set ) const { BMEF::to_setting ( set ); UI::save( &est, set, "prior" ); } }; UIREGISTER( multiBM ); /*! \brief Gamma posterior density Multivariate Gamma density as product of independent univariate densities. \f[ f(x|\alpha,\beta) = \prod f(x_i|\alpha_i,\beta_i) \f] */ class egamma : public eEF { protected: //! Vector \f$\alpha\f$ vec alpha; //! Vector \f$\beta\f$ vec beta; public : //! \name Constructors //!@{ egamma () : eEF (), alpha ( 0 ), beta ( 0 ) {}; egamma ( const vec &a, const vec &b ) { set_parameters ( a, b ); }; void set_parameters ( const vec &a, const vec &b ) { alpha = a, beta = b; dim = alpha.length(); }; //!@} vec sample() const; double evallog ( const vec &val ) const; double lognc () const; //! Returns pointer to internal alpha. Potentially dengerous: use with care! vec& _alpha() { return alpha; } //! Returns pointer to internal beta. Potentially dengerous: use with care! vec& _beta() { return beta; } vec mean() const { return elem_div ( alpha, beta ); } vec variance() const { return elem_div ( alpha, elem_mult ( beta, beta ) ); } /*! Create Gamma density \f[ f(rv|rvc) = \Gamma(\alpha, \beta) \f] from structure \code class = 'egamma'; alpha = [...]; // vector of alpha beta = [...]; // vector of beta rv = RV({'name'}) // description of RV \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { epdf::from_setting ( set ); // reads rv UI::get ( alpha, set, "alpha", UI::compulsory ); UI::get ( beta, set, "beta", UI::compulsory ); validate(); } void validate() { bdm_assert ( alpha.length() == beta.length(), "parameters do not match" ); dim = alpha.length(); } }; UIREGISTER ( egamma ); SHAREDPTR ( egamma ); /*! \brief Inverse-Gamma posterior density Multivariate inverse-Gamma density as product of independent univariate densities. \f[ f(x|\alpha,\beta) = \prod f(x_i|\alpha_i,\beta_i) \f] Vector \f$\beta\f$ has different meaning (in fact it is 1/beta as used in definition of iG) Inverse Gamma can be converted to Gamma using \f[ x\sim iG(a,b) => 1/x\sim G(a,1/b) \f] This relation is used in sampling. */ class eigamma : public egamma { protected: public : //! \name Constructors //! All constructors are inherited //!@{ //!@} vec sample() const { return 1.0 / egamma::sample(); }; //! Returns poiter to alpha and beta. Potentially dangerous: use with care! vec mean() const { return elem_div ( beta, alpha - 1 ); } vec variance() const { vec mea = mean(); return elem_div ( elem_mult ( mea, mea ), alpha - 2 ); } }; /* //! Weighted mixture of epdfs with external owned components. class emix : public epdf { protected: int n; vec &w; Array Coms; public: //! Default constructor emix ( const RV &rv, vec &w0): epdf(rv), n(w0.length()), w(w0), Coms(n) {}; void set_parameters( int &i, double wi, epdf* ep){w(i)=wi;Coms(i)=ep;} vec mean(){vec pom; for(int i=0;imean()*w(i);} return pom;}; }; */ //! Uniform distributed density on a rectangular support class euni: public epdf { protected: //! lower bound on support vec low; //! upper bound on support vec high; //! internal vec distance; //! normalizing coefficients double nk; //! cache of log( \c nk ) double lnk; public: //! \name Constructors //!@{ euni () : epdf () {} euni ( const vec &low0, const vec &high0 ) { set_parameters ( low0, high0 ); } void set_parameters ( const vec &low0, const vec &high0 ) { distance = high0 - low0; low = low0; high = high0; nk = prod ( 1.0 / distance ); lnk = log ( nk ); dim = low.length(); } //!@} double evallog ( const vec &val ) const { if ( any ( val < low ) && any ( val > high ) ) { return -inf; } else return lnk; } vec sample() const { vec smp ( dim ); #pragma omp critical UniRNG.sample_vector ( dim , smp ); return low + elem_mult ( distance, smp ); } //! set values of \c low and \c high vec mean() const { return ( high - low ) / 2.0; } vec variance() const { return ( pow ( high, 2 ) + pow ( low, 2 ) + elem_mult ( high, low ) ) / 3.0; } /*! Create Uniform density \f[ f(rv) = U(low,high) \f] from structure \code class = 'euni' high = [...]; // vector of upper bounds low = [...]; // vector of lower bounds rv = RV({'name'}); // description of RV \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { epdf::from_setting ( set ); // reads rv and rvc UI::get ( high, set, "high", UI::compulsory ); UI::get ( low, set, "low", UI::compulsory ); set_parameters ( low, high ); validate(); } void validate() { bdm_assert ( high.length() == low.length(), "Incompatible high and low vectors" ); dim = high.length(); bdm_assert ( min ( distance ) > 0.0, "bad support" ); } }; UIREGISTER ( euni ); //! Uniform density with conditional mean value class mguni : public pdf_internal { //! function of the mean value shared_ptr mean; //! distance from mean to both sides vec delta; public: void condition ( const vec &cond ) { vec mea = mean->eval ( cond ); iepdf.set_parameters ( mea - delta, mea + delta ); } //! load from void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { pdf::from_setting ( set ); //reads rv and rvc UI::get ( delta, set, "delta", UI::compulsory ); mean = UI::build ( set, "mean", UI::compulsory ); iepdf.set_parameters ( -delta, delta ); dimc = mean->dimensionc(); validate(); } }; UIREGISTER ( mguni ); /*! \brief Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value; Mean value \f$ \mu=A*\mbox{rvc}+\mu_0 \f$. */ template < class sq_T, template class TEpdf = enorm > class mlnorm : public pdf_internal< TEpdf > { protected: //! Internal epdf that arise by conditioning on \c rvc mat A; //! Constant additive term vec mu_const; // vec& _mu; //cached epdf.mu; !!!!!! WHY NOT? public: //! \name Constructors //!@{ mlnorm() : pdf_internal< TEpdf >() {}; mlnorm ( const mat &A, const vec &mu0, const sq_T &R ) : pdf_internal< TEpdf >() { set_parameters ( A, mu0, R ); } //! Set \c A and \c R void set_parameters ( const mat &A0, const vec &mu0, const sq_T &R0 ) { this->iepdf.set_parameters ( zeros ( A0.rows() ), R0 ); A = A0; mu_const = mu0; this->dimc = A0.cols(); } //!@} //! Set value of \c rvc . Result of this operation is stored in \c epdf use function \c _ep to access it. void condition ( const vec &cond ) { this->iepdf._mu() = A * cond + mu_const; //R is already assigned; } //!access function const vec& _mu_const() const { return mu_const; } //!access function const mat& _A() const { return A; } //!access function mat _R() const { return this->iepdf._R().to_mat(); } //!access function sq_T __R() const { return this->iepdf._R(); } //! Debug stream template friend std::ostream &operator<< ( std::ostream &os, mlnorm &ml ); /*! Create Normal density with linear function of mean value \f[ f(rv|rvc) = N(A*rvc+const, R) \f] from structure \code class = 'mlnorm', (OR) 'mlnorm', (OR) 'mlnorm'; A = []; // matrix or vector of appropriate dimension const = []; // vector of constant term R = []; // square matrix of appropriate dimension \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { pdf::from_setting ( set ); UI::get ( A, set, "A", UI::compulsory ); UI::get ( mu_const, set, "const", UI::compulsory ); mat R0; UI::get ( R0, set, "R", UI::compulsory ); set_parameters ( A, mu_const, R0 ); validate(); }; void to_setting (Setting &set) const { pdf::to_setting(set); UI::save ( A, set, "A"); UI::save ( mu_const, set, "const"); UI::save ( _R(), set, "R"); } void validate() { pdf_internal >::validate(); bdm_assert ( A.rows() == mu_const.length(), "mlnorm: A vs. mu mismatch" ); bdm_assert ( A.rows() == _R().rows(), "mlnorm: A vs. R mismatch" ); } }; UIREGISTER2 ( mlnorm, ldmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( mlnorm, ldmat ); UIREGISTER2 ( mlnorm, fsqmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( mlnorm, fsqmat ); UIREGISTER2 ( mlnorm, chmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( mlnorm, chmat ); //! pdf with general function for mean value template class mgnorm : public pdf_internal< enorm< sq_T > > { private: // vec μ WHY NOT? shared_ptr g; public: //!default constructor mgnorm() : pdf_internal >() { } //!set mean function inline void set_parameters ( const shared_ptr &g0, const sq_T &R0 ); inline void condition ( const vec &cond ); /*! Create Normal density with given function of mean value \f[ f(rv|rvc) = N( g(rvc), R) \f] from structure \code class = 'mgnorm'; g.class = 'fnc'; // function for mean value evolution g._fields_of_fnc = ...; R = [1, 0; // covariance matrix 0, 1]; --OR -- dR = [1, 1]; // diagonal of cavariance matrix rv = RV({'name'}) // description of RV rvc = RV({'name'}) // description of RV in condition \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { pdf::from_setting ( set ); shared_ptr g = UI::build ( set, "g", UI::compulsory ); mat R; vec dR; if ( UI::get ( dR, set, "dR" ) ) R = diag ( dR ); else UI::get ( R, set, "R", UI::compulsory ); set_parameters ( g, R ); validate(); } void validate() { bdm_assert ( g->dimension() == this->dimension(), "incompatible function" ); } }; UIREGISTER2 ( mgnorm, chmat ); SHAREDPTR2 ( mgnorm, chmat ); /*! (Approximate) Student t density with linear function of mean value The internal epdf of this class is of the type of a Gaussian (enorm). However, each conditioning is trying to assure the best possible approximation by taking into account the zeta function. See [] for reference. Perhaps a moment-matching technique? */ class mlstudent : public mlnorm { protected: //! Variable \f$ \Lambda \f$ from theory ldmat Lambda; //! Reference to variable \f$ R \f$ ldmat &_R; //! Variable \f$ R_e \f$ ldmat Re; public: mlstudent () : mlnorm (), Lambda (), _R ( iepdf._R() ) {} //! constructor function void set_parameters ( const mat &A0, const vec &mu0, const ldmat &R0, const ldmat& Lambda0 ) { iepdf.set_parameters ( mu0, R0 );// was Lambda, why? A = A0; mu_const = mu0; Re = R0; Lambda = Lambda0; } void condition ( const vec &cond ); void validate() { bdm_assert ( A.rows() == mu_const.length(), "mlstudent: A vs. mu mismatch" ); bdm_assert ( _R.rows() == A.rows(), "mlstudent: A vs. R mismatch" ); } }; /*! \brief Gamma random walk Mean value, \f$\mu\f$, of this density is given by \c rvc . Standard deviation of the random walk is proportional to one \f$k\f$-th the mean. This is achieved by setting \f$\alpha=k\f$ and \f$\beta=k/\mu\f$. The standard deviation of the walk is then: \f$\mu/\sqrt(k)\f$. */ class mgamma : public pdf_internal { protected: //! Constant \f$k\f$ double k; //! cache of iepdf.beta vec &_beta; public: //! Constructor mgamma() : pdf_internal(), k ( 0 ), _beta ( iepdf._beta() ) { } //! Set value of \c k void set_parameters ( double k, const vec &beta0 ); void condition ( const vec &val ) { _beta = k / val; }; /*! Create Gamma density with conditional mean value \f[ f(rv|rvc) = \Gamma(k, k/rvc) \f] from structure \code class = 'mgamma'; beta = [...]; // vector of initial alpha k = 1.1; // multiplicative constant k rv = RV({'name'}) // description of RV rvc = RV({'name'}) // description of RV in condition \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { pdf::from_setting ( set ); // reads rv and rvc vec betatmp; // ugly but necessary UI::get ( betatmp, set, "beta", UI::compulsory ); UI::get ( k, set, "k", UI::compulsory ); set_parameters ( k, betatmp ); validate(); } void validate() { pdf_internal::validate(); dim = _beta.length(); dimc = _beta.length(); } }; UIREGISTER ( mgamma ); SHAREDPTR ( mgamma ); /*! \brief Inverse-Gamma random walk Mean value, \f$ \mu \f$, of this density is given by \c rvc . Standard deviation of the random walk is proportional to one \f$ k \f$-th the mean. This is achieved by setting \f$ \alpha=\mu/k^2+2 \f$ and \f$ \beta=\mu(\alpha-1)\f$. The standard deviation of the walk is then: \f$ \mu/\sqrt(k)\f$. */ class migamma : public pdf_internal { protected: //! Constant \f$k\f$ double k; //! cache of iepdf.alpha vec &_alpha; //! cache of iepdf.beta vec &_beta; public: //! \name Constructors //!@{ migamma() : pdf_internal(), k ( 0 ), _alpha ( iepdf._alpha() ), _beta ( iepdf._beta() ) { } migamma ( const migamma &m ) : pdf_internal(), k ( 0 ), _alpha ( iepdf._alpha() ), _beta ( iepdf._beta() ) { } //!@} //! Set value of \c k void set_parameters ( int len, double k0 ) { k = k0; iepdf.set_parameters ( ( 1.0 / ( k*k ) + 2.0 ) *ones ( len ) /*alpha*/, ones ( len ) /*beta*/ ); dimc = dimension(); }; void condition ( const vec &val ) { _beta = elem_mult ( val, ( _alpha - 1.0 ) ); }; }; /*! \brief Gamma random walk around a fixed point Mean value, \f$\mu\f$, of this density is given by a geometric combination of \c rvc and given fixed point, \f$p\f$. \f$l\f$ is the coefficient of the geometric combimation \f[ \mu = \mu_{t-1} ^{l} p^{1-l}\f] Standard deviation of the random walk is proportional to one \f$k\f$-th the mean. This is achieved by setting \f$\alpha=k\f$ and \f$\beta=k/\mu\f$. The standard deviation of the walk is then: \f$\mu/\sqrt(k)\f$. */ class mgamma_fix : public mgamma { protected: //! parameter l double l; //! reference vector vec refl; public: //! Constructor mgamma_fix () : mgamma (), refl () {}; //! Set value of \c k void set_parameters ( double k0 , vec ref0, double l0 ) { mgamma::set_parameters ( k0, ref0 ); refl = pow ( ref0, 1.0 - l0 ); l = l0; dimc = dimension(); }; void condition ( const vec &val ) { vec mean = elem_mult ( refl, pow ( val, l ) ); _beta = k / mean; }; }; /*! \brief Inverse-Gamma random walk around a fixed point Mean value, \f$\mu\f$, of this density is given by a geometric combination of \c rvc and given fixed point, \f$p\f$. \f$l\f$ is the coefficient of the geometric combimation \f[ \mu = \mu_{t-1} ^{l} p^{1-l}\f] ==== Check == vv = Standard deviation of the random walk is proportional to one \f$k\f$-th the mean. This is achieved by setting \f$\alpha=k\f$ and \f$\beta=k/\mu\f$. The standard deviation of the walk is then: \f$\mu/\sqrt(k)\f$. */ class migamma_ref : public migamma { protected: //! parameter l double l; //! reference vector vec refl; public: //! Constructor migamma_ref () : migamma (), refl () {}; //! Set value of \c k void set_parameters ( double k0 , vec ref0, double l0 ) { migamma::set_parameters ( ref0.length(), k0 ); refl = pow ( ref0, 1.0 - l0 ); l = l0; dimc = dimension(); }; void condition ( const vec &val ) { vec mean = elem_mult ( refl, pow ( val, l ) ); migamma::condition ( mean ); }; /*! Create inverse-Gamma density with conditional mean value \f[ f(rv|rvc) = i\Gamma(k, k/(rvc^l \circ ref^{(1-l)}) \f] from structure \code class = 'migamma_ref'; ref = [1e-5; 1e-5; 1e-2 1e-3]; // reference vector l = 0.999; // constant l k = 0.1; // constant k rv = RV({'name'}) // description of RV rvc = RV({'name'}) // description of RV in condition \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ); // TODO dodelat void to_setting( Setting &set ) const; }; UIREGISTER ( migamma_ref ); SHAREDPTR ( migamma_ref ); /*! Log-Normal probability density only allow diagonal covariances! Density of the form \f$ \log(x)\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2) \f$ , i.e. \f[ x \sim \frac{1}{x\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\log(x)-\mu)} \f] Function from_setting loads mu and R in the same way as it does for enorm<>! */ class elognorm: public enorm { public: vec sample() const { return exp ( enorm::sample() ); }; vec mean() const { vec var = enorm::variance(); return exp ( mu - 0.5*var ); }; }; /*! \brief Log-Normal random walk Mean value, \f$\mu\f$, is... */ class mlognorm : public pdf_internal { protected: //! parameter 1/2*sigma^2 double sig2; //! access vec μ public: //! Constructor mlognorm() : pdf_internal(), sig2 ( 0 ), mu ( iepdf._mu() ) { } //! Set value of \c k void set_parameters ( int size, double k ) { sig2 = 0.5 * log ( k * k + 1 ); iepdf.set_parameters ( zeros ( size ), 2*sig2*eye ( size ) ); dimc = size; }; void condition ( const vec &val ) { mu = log ( val ) - sig2;//elem_mult ( refl,pow ( val,l ) ); }; /*! Create logNormal random Walk \f[ f(rv|rvc) = log\mathcal{N}( \log(rvc)-0.5\log(k^2+1), k I) \f] from structure \code class = 'mlognorm'; k = 0.1; // "variance" k mu0 = 0.1; // Initial value of mean rv = RV({'name'}) // description of RV rvc = RV({'name'}) // description of RV in condition \endcode */ void from_setting ( const Setting &set ); // TODO dodelat void to_setting( Setting &set ) const; }; UIREGISTER ( mlognorm ); SHAREDPTR ( mlognorm ); /*! inverse Wishart density defined on Choleski decomposition */ class eWishartCh : public epdf { protected: //! Upper-Triagle of Choleski decomposition of \f$ \Psi \f$ chmat Y; //! dimension of matrix \f$ \Psi \f$ int p; //! degrees of freedom \f$ \nu \f$ double delta; public: //! Set internal structures void set_parameters ( const mat &Y0, const double delta0 ) { Y = chmat ( Y0 ); delta = delta0; p = Y.rows(); dim = p * p; } //! Set internal structures void set_parameters ( const chmat &Y0, const double delta0 ) { Y = Y0; delta = delta0; p = Y.rows(); dim = p * p; } //! Sample matrix argument mat sample_mat() const { mat X = zeros ( p, p ); //sample diagonal for ( int i = 0; i < p; i++ ) { GamRNG.setup ( 0.5* ( delta - i ) , 0.5 ); // no +1 !! index if from 0 #pragma omp critical X ( i, i ) = sqrt ( GamRNG() ); } //do the rest for ( int i = 0; i < p; i++ ) { for ( int j = i + 1; j < p; j++ ) { #pragma omp critical X ( i, j ) = NorRNG.sample(); } } return X*Y._Ch();// return upper triangular part of the decomposition } vec sample () const { return vec ( sample_mat()._data(), p*p ); } virtual vec mean() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); //! return expected variance (not covariance!) virtual vec variance() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); virtual double evallog ( const vec &val ) const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); //! fast access function y0 will be copied into Y.Ch. void setY ( const mat &Ch0 ) { copy_vector ( dim, Ch0._data(), Y._Ch()._data() ); } //! fast access function y0 will be copied into Y.Ch. void _setY ( const vec &ch0 ) { copy_vector ( dim, ch0._data(), Y._Ch()._data() ); } //! access function const chmat& getY() const { return Y; } }; //! Inverse Wishart on Choleski decomposition /*! Being computed by conversion from `standard' Wishart */ class eiWishartCh: public epdf { protected: //! Internal instance of Wishart density eWishartCh W; //! size of Ch int p; //! parameter delta double delta; public: //! constructor function void set_parameters ( const mat &Y0, const double delta0 ) { delta = delta0; W.set_parameters ( inv ( Y0 ), delta0 ); p = Y0.rows(); } virtual void validate (){ dim = W.dimension(); } vec sample() const { mat iCh; iCh = inv ( W.sample_mat() ); return vec ( iCh._data(), dim ); } //! access function void _setY ( const vec &y0 ) { mat Ch ( p, p ); mat iCh ( p, p ); copy_vector ( dim, y0._data(), Ch._data() ); iCh = inv ( Ch ); W.setY ( iCh ); } virtual double evallog ( const vec &val ) const { chmat X ( p ); const chmat& Y = W.getY(); copy_vector ( p*p, val._data(), X._Ch()._data() ); chmat iX ( p ); X.inv ( iX ); // compute // \frac{ |\Psi|^{m/2}|X|^{-(m+p+1)/2}e^{-tr(\Psi X^{-1})/2} }{ 2^{mp/2}\Gamma_p(m/2)}, mat M = Y.to_mat() * iX.to_mat(); double log1 = 0.5 * p * ( 2 * Y.logdet() ) - 0.5 * ( delta + p + 1 ) * ( 2 * X.logdet() ) - 0.5 * trace ( M ); //Fixme! Multivariate gamma omitted!! it is ok for sampling, but not otherwise!! /* if (0) { mat XX=X.to_mat(); mat YY=Y.to_mat(); double log2 = 0.5*p*log(det(YY))-0.5*(delta+p+1)*log(det(XX))-0.5*trace(YY*inv(XX)); cout << log1 << "," << log2 << endl; }*/ return log1; }; virtual vec mean() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); //! return expected variance (not covariance!) virtual vec variance() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); }; //! Random Walk on inverse Wishart class rwiWishartCh : public pdf_internal { protected: //!square root of \f$ \nu-p-1 \f$ - needed for computation of \f$ \Psi \f$ from conditions double sqd; //!reference point for diagonal vec refl; //! power of the reference double l; //! dimension int p; public: rwiWishartCh() : sqd ( 0 ), l ( 0 ), p ( 0 ) {} //! constructor function void set_parameters ( int p0, double k, vec ref0, double l0 ) { p = p0; double delta = 2 / ( k * k ) + p + 3; sqd = sqrt ( delta - p - 1 ); l = l0; refl = pow ( ref0, 1 - l ); iepdf.set_parameters ( eye ( p ), delta ); dimc = iepdf.dimension(); } void condition ( const vec &c ) { vec z = c; int ri = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < p*p; i += ( p + 1 ) ) {//trace diagonal element z ( i ) = pow ( z ( i ), l ) * refl ( ri ); ri++; } iepdf._setY ( sqd*z ); } }; //! Switch between various resampling methods. enum RESAMPLING_METHOD { MULTINOMIAL = 0, STRATIFIED = 1, SYSTEMATIC = 3 }; /*! \brief Weighted empirical density Used e.g. in particle filters. */ class eEmp: public epdf { protected : //! Number of particles int n; //! Sample weights \f$w\f$ vec w; //! Samples \f$x^{(i)}, i=1..n\f$ Array samples; public: //! \name Constructors //!@{ eEmp () : epdf (), w (), samples () {}; //! copy constructor eEmp ( const eEmp &e ) : epdf ( e ), w ( e.w ), samples ( e.samples ) {}; //!@} //! Set samples and weights void set_statistics ( const vec &w0, const epdf &pdf0 ); //! Set samples and weights void set_statistics ( const epdf &pdf0 , int n ) { set_statistics ( ones ( n ) / n, pdf0 ); }; //! Set sample void set_samples ( const epdf* pdf0 ); //! Set sample void set_parameters ( int n0, bool copy = true ) { n = n0; w.set_size ( n0, copy ); samples.set_size ( n0, copy ); }; //! Set samples void set_parameters ( const Array &Av ) { n = Av.size(); w = 1 / n * ones ( n ); samples = Av; }; virtual void validate (){ bdm_assert (samples.length()==w.length(),"samples and weigths are of different lengths"); n = w.length(); if (n>0) pdf::dim = samples ( 0 ).length(); } //! Potentially dangerous, use with care. vec& _w() { return w; }; //! Potentially dangerous, use with care. const vec& _w() const { return w; }; //! access function Array& _samples() { return samples; }; //! access function const vec& _sample ( int i ) const { return samples ( i ); }; //! access function const Array& _samples() const { return samples; }; //! Function performs resampling, i.e. removal of low-weight samples and duplication of high-weight samples such that the new samples represent the same density. //! The vector with indeces of new samples is returned in variable \c index. void resample ( ivec &index, RESAMPLING_METHOD method = SYSTEMATIC ); //! Resampling without returning index of new particles. void resample ( RESAMPLING_METHOD method = SYSTEMATIC ) { ivec ind; resample ( ind, method ); }; //! inherited operation : NOT implemented vec sample() const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); //! inherited operation : NOT implemented double evallog ( const vec &val ) const NOT_IMPLEMENTED(0); vec mean() const { vec pom = zeros ( dim ); for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { pom += samples ( i ) * w ( i ); } return pom; } vec variance() const { vec pom = zeros ( dim ); for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { pom += pow ( samples ( i ), 2 ) * w ( i ); } return pom - pow ( mean(), 2 ); } //! For this class, qbounds are minimum and maximum value of the population! void qbounds ( vec &lb, vec &ub, double perc = 0.95 ) const; void to_setting ( Setting &set ) const { epdf::to_setting( set ); UI::save ( samples, set, "samples" ); UI::save ( w, set, "w" ); } void from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { epdf::from_setting( set ); UI::get( samples, set, "samples", UI::compulsory ); UI::get ( w, set, "w", UI::compulsory ); validate(); } }; UIREGISTER(eEmp); //////////////////////// template void enorm::set_parameters ( const vec &mu0, const sq_T &R0 ) { //Fixme test dimensions of mu0 and R0; mu = mu0; R = R0; validate(); }; template void enorm::from_setting ( const Setting &set ) { epdf::from_setting ( set ); //reads rv UI::get ( mu, set, "mu", UI::compulsory ); mat Rtmp;// necessary for conversion UI::get ( Rtmp, set, "R", UI::compulsory ); R = Rtmp; // conversion validate(); } template void enorm::to_setting ( Setting &set ) const { epdf::to_setting ( set ); //reads rv UI::save ( mu, set, "mu"); UI::save ( R.to_mat(), set, "R"); } template void enorm::dupdate ( mat &v, double nu ) { // }; // template // void enorm::tupdate ( double phi, mat &vbar, double nubar ) { // // // }; template vec enorm::sample() const { vec x ( dim ); #pragma omp critical NorRNG.sample_vector ( dim, x ); vec smp = R.sqrt_mult ( x ); smp += mu; return smp; }; // template // double enorm::eval ( const vec &val ) const { // double pdfl,e; // pdfl = evallog ( val ); // e = exp ( pdfl ); // return e; // }; template double enorm::evallog_nn ( const vec &val ) const { // 1.83787706640935 = log(2pi) double tmp = -0.5 * ( R.invqform ( mu - val ) );// - lognc(); return tmp; }; template inline double enorm::lognc () const { // 1.83787706640935 = log(2pi) double tmp = 0.5 * ( R.cols() * 1.83787706640935 + R.logdet() ); return tmp; }; // template // vec mlnorm::samplecond (const vec &cond, double &lik ) { // this->condition ( cond ); // vec smp = epdf.sample(); // lik = epdf.eval ( smp ); // return smp; // } // template // mat mlnorm::samplecond (const vec &cond, vec &lik, int n ) { // int i; // int dim = rv.count(); // mat Smp ( dim,n ); // vec smp ( dim ); // this->condition ( cond ); // // for ( i=0; i shared_ptr enorm::marginal ( const RV &rvn ) const { enorm *tmp = new enorm (); shared_ptr narrow ( tmp ); marginal ( rvn, *tmp ); return narrow; } template void enorm::marginal ( const RV &rvn, enorm &target ) const { bdm_assert ( isnamed(), "rv description is not assigned" ); ivec irvn = rvn.dataind ( rv ); sq_T Rn ( R, irvn ); // select rows and columns of R target.set_rv ( rvn ); target.set_parameters ( mu ( irvn ), Rn ); } template shared_ptr enorm::condition ( const RV &rvn ) const { mlnorm *tmp = new mlnorm (); shared_ptr narrow ( tmp ); condition ( rvn, *tmp ); return narrow; } template void enorm::condition ( const RV &rvn, pdf &target ) const { typedef mlnorm TMlnorm; bdm_assert ( isnamed(), "rvs are not assigned" ); TMlnorm &uptarget = dynamic_cast ( target ); RV rvc = rv.subt ( rvn ); bdm_assert ( ( rvc._dsize() + rvn._dsize() == rv._dsize() ), "wrong rvn" ); //Permutation vector of the new R ivec irvn = rvn.dataind ( rv ); ivec irvc = rvc.dataind ( rv ); ivec perm = concat ( irvn , irvc ); sq_T Rn ( R, perm ); //fixme - could this be done in general for all sq_T? mat S = Rn.to_mat(); //fixme int n = rvn._dsize() - 1; int end = R.rows() - 1; mat S11 = S.get ( 0, n, 0, n ); mat S12 = S.get ( 0, n , rvn._dsize(), end ); mat S22 = S.get ( rvn._dsize(), end, rvn._dsize(), end ); vec mu1 = mu ( irvn ); vec mu2 = mu ( irvc ); mat A = S12 * inv ( S22 ); sq_T R_n ( S11 - A *S12.T() ); uptarget.set_rv ( rvn ); uptarget.set_rvc ( rvc ); uptarget.set_parameters ( A, mu1 - A*mu2, R_n ); uptarget.validate(); } //// /////// template void mgnorm::set_parameters ( const shared_ptr &g0, const sq_T &R0 ) { g = g0; this->dim = g->dimension(); this->dimc = g->dimensionc(); this->iepdf.set_parameters ( zeros ( g->dimension() ), R0 ); } template void mgnorm::condition ( const vec &cond ) { this->iepdf._mu() = g->eval ( cond ); }; //! \todo unify this stuff with to_string() template std::ostream &operator<< ( std::ostream &os, mlnorm &ml ) { os << "A:" << ml.A << endl; os << "mu:" << ml.mu_const << endl; os << "R:" << ml._R() << endl; return os; }; } #endif //EF_H