root/library/doc/html/ @ 499

Revision 398, 0.7 kB (checked in by smidl, 16 years ago)

doc 2

1digraph G
3  edge [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="10",labelfontname="FreeSans",labelfontsize="10"];
4  node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="10",shape=record];
5  rankdir=LR;
6  Node1 [label="bdm::UI",height=0.2,width=0.4,color="black", fillcolor="white", style="filled",URL="$classbdm_1_1UI.html",tooltip="UI is an abstract class and it is intended for internal purposes only."];
7  Node1 -> Node2 [dir=back,color="firebrick4",fontsize="10",style="solid",fontname="FreeSans"];
8  Node2 [label="bdm::ParticularUI\< T \>",height=0.2,width=0.4,color="black", fillcolor="white", style="filled",URL="$classbdm_1_1ParticularUI.html",tooltip="The only UI descendant class which is not intended for direct use. It should be accessed..."];
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