1 | <map id="G" name="G"> |
2 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1root.html" title="Root class of BDM objects." alt="" coords="7,1485,81,1515"/> |
3 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1BM.html" title="Bayesian Model of a system, i.e. all uncertainty is modeled by probabilities." alt="" coords="187,192,261,221"/> |
4 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1Controller.html" title="bdm::Controller" alt="" coords="169,512,279,541"/> |
5 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1discrete__support.html" title="Discrete support with stored support points." alt="" coords="149,619,299,648"/> |
6 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1DS.html" title="Abstract class for discrete-time sources of data." alt="" coords="188,672,260,701"/> |
7 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1epdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="184,1072,264,1101"/> |
8 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1fnc.html" title="Class representing function  of variable  represented by rv." alt="" coords="188,1445,260,1475"/> |
9 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1logger.html" title="Class for storing results (and semi-results) of an experiment." alt="" coords="180,1525,268,1555"/> |
10 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling , where  is random variable, rv, and..." alt="" coords="183,1765,265,1795"/> |
11 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1Participant.html" title="Basic Participant." alt="" coords="167,1819,281,1848"/> |
12 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1rectangular__support.html" title="bdm::rectangular_support" alt="" coords="140,1872,308,1901"/> |
13 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1RV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="188,1925,260,1955"/> |
14 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1SettingResolver.html" title="This class serves to expand links used within configuration files." alt="" coords="151,1979,297,2008"/> |
15 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1BMEF.html" title="Estimator for Exponential family." alt="" coords="444,59,535,88"/> |
16 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1Kalman.html" title="Common abstract base for Kalman filters." alt="" coords="413,5,565,35"/> |
17 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mexBM.html" title="bdm::mexBM" alt="" coords="440,112,539,141"/> |
18 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1MultiModel.html" title="(Switching) Multiple Model The model runs several models in parallel and evaluates..." alt="" coords="431,165,548,195"/> |
19 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1PF.html" title="Trivial particle filter with proposal density equal to parameter evolution model..." alt="" coords="453,219,525,248"/> |
20 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1Kalman.html" title="bdm::Kalman\< chmat \>" alt="" coords="411,272,568,301"/> |
21 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1Kalman.html" title="bdm::Kalman\< fsqmat \>" alt="" coords="408,325,571,355"/> |
22 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1ARX.html" title="Linear Autoregressive model with Gaussian noise." alt="" coords="720,5,800,35"/> |
23 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1MixEF.html" title="Mixture of Exponential Family Densities." alt="" coords="715,59,805,88"/> |
24 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1multiBM.html" title="Estimator for Multinomial density." alt="" coords="709,112,811,141"/> |
25 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1MPF.html" title="Marginalized Particle filter." alt="" coords="689,219,831,248"/> |
26 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1KalmanCh.html" title="Kalman filter in square root form." alt="" coords="703,272,817,301"/> |
27 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter in Square root." alt="" coords="925,259,1021,288"/> |
28 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__chQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown Q." alt="" coords="1092,192,1220,221"/> |
29 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__cond.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown parameters in IM." alt="" coords="1091,245,1221,275"/> |
30 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__dQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown diagonal Q." alt="" coords="1096,299,1216,328"/> |
31 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1KalmanFull.html" title="Basic Kalman filter with full matrices." alt="" coords="701,325,819,355"/> |
32 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFfull.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter in full matrices." alt="" coords="925,339,1021,368"/> |
33 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFful__unQR.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q and R." alt="" coords="1089,352,1223,381"/> |
34 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1LQG__ARX.html" title="Controller using ARX model for estimation and LQG designer for control." alt="" coords="432,432,547,461"/> |
35 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1ArxDS.html" title="Generator of ARX data." alt="" coords="444,485,535,515"/> |
36 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EpdfDS.html" title="Simulate data from a static pdf Trivial example of a data source, could be used for..." alt="" coords="440,539,539,568"/> |
37 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1MemDS.html" title="Memory storage of off-line data column-wise." alt="" coords="439,592,540,621"/> |
38 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mexDS.html" title="Matlab wrapper for DS mapping functions step() to a matlab function." alt="" coords="441,645,537,675"/> |
39 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1MpdfDS.html" title="Simulate data from conditional density Still having only one density but allowing..." alt="" coords="439,699,540,728"/> |
40 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1stateDS.html" title="bdm::stateDS" alt="" coords="439,752,540,781"/> |
41 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1FileDS.html" title="bdm::FileDS" alt="" coords="713,539,807,568"/> |
42 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html" title="Memory storage of off-line data column-wise." alt="" coords="700,592,820,621"/> |
43 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1CsvFileDS.html" title="CSV file data storage The constructor creates Data matrix from the records in a CSV..." alt="" coords="916,512,1031,541"/> |
44 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1ITppFileDS.html" title="Read Data Matrix from an IT file." alt="" coords="913,565,1033,595"/> |
45 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="451,805,528,835"/> |
46 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eEmp.html" title="Weighted empirical density." alt="" coords="445,859,533,888"/> |
47 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1egrid.html" title="bdm::egrid" alt="" coords="448,912,531,941"/> |
48 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eiWishartCh.html" title="Inverse Wishart on Choleski decomposition." alt="" coords="428,965,551,995"/> |
49 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1emix.html" title="Mixture of epdfs." alt="" coords="448,1019,531,1048"/> |
50 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eprod.html" title="Product of independent epdfs. For dependent pdfs, use mprod." alt="" coords="447,1072,532,1101"/> |
51 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1euni.html" title="Uniform distributed density on a rectangular support." alt="" coords="451,1125,528,1155"/> |
52 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eWishartCh.html" title="bdm::eWishartCh" alt="" coords="429,1179,549,1208"/> |
53 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1merger__base.html" title="Base class for general combination of pdfs on discrete support." alt="" coords="425,1232,553,1261"/> |
54 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mexEpdf.html" title="bdm::mexEpdf" alt="" coords="436,1285,543,1315"/> |
55 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eDirich.html" title="Dirichlet posterior density." alt="" coords="713,645,807,675"/> |
56 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1egamma.html" title="Gamma posterior density." alt="" coords="708,699,812,728"/> |
57 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1egiw.html" title="Gauss-inverse-Wishart density stored in LD form." alt="" coords="720,752,800,781"/> |
58 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1enorm.html" title="Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix." alt="" coords="688,805,832,835"/> |
59 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1enorm.html" title="bdm::enorm\< chmat \>" alt="" coords="685,859,835,888"/> |
60 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1enorm.html" title="bdm::enorm\< fsqmat \>" alt="" coords="683,912,837,941"/> |
61 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1enorm.html" title="bdm::enorm\< ldmat \>" alt="" coords="687,965,833,995"/> |
62 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1eigamma.html" title="Inverse-Gamma posterior density." alt="" coords="920,699,1027,728"/> |
63 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1egiwmix.html" title="Mixture of egiws." alt="" coords="924,752,1023,781"/> |
64 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1elognorm.html" title="bdm::elognorm" alt="" coords="920,965,1027,995"/> |
65 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1merger__mix.html" title="Merger using importance sampling with mixture proposal density." alt="" coords="699,1232,821,1261"/> |
66 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1constfn.html" title="class representing function , here rv is empty" alt="" coords="441,1339,537,1368"/> |
67 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1diffbifn.html" title="Class representing a differentiable function of two variables ." alt="" coords="443,1392,536,1421"/> |
68 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1grid__fnc.html" title="bdm::grid_fnc" alt="" coords="440,1445,539,1475"/> |
69 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1linfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="451,1499,528,1528"/> |
70 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1bilinfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="716,1392,804,1421"/> |
71 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1memlog.html" title="bdm::memlog" alt="" coords="440,1552,539,1581"/> |
72 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1dirfilelog.html" title="Logging into dirfile with buffer in memory." alt="" coords="709,1525,811,1555"/> |
73 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mexlog.html" title="Logger storing results into an mxArray." alt="" coords="712,1579,808,1608"/> |
74 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mepdf.html" title="Unconditional mpdf, allows using epdf in the role of mpdf." alt="" coords="444,1605,535,1635"/> |
75 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mmix.html" title="Mixture of mpdfs with constant weights, all mpdfs are of equal RV and RVC." alt="" coords="447,1659,532,1688"/> |
76 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="Mpdf with internal epdf that is modified by function condition." alt="" coords="393,1712,585,1741"/> |
77 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mprod.html" title="Chain rule decomposition of epdf." alt="" coords="444,1765,535,1795"/> |
78 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mratio.html" title="Class representing ratio of two densities which arise e.g. by applying the Bayes..." alt="" coords="444,1819,535,1848"/> |
79 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< egamma \>" alt="" coords="387,1872,592,1901"/> |
80 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< eigamma \>" alt="" coords="385,1925,593,1955"/> |
81 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< eiWishartCh \>" alt="" coords="376,1979,603,2008"/> |
82 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< elognorm \>" alt="" coords="385,2032,593,2061"/> |
83 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< enorm\< ldmat \> \>" alt="" coords="365,2085,613,2115"/> |
84 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< enorm\< sq_T \> \>" alt="" coords="367,2139,612,2168"/> |
85 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mpdf__internal.html" title="bdm::mpdf_internal\< TEpdf\< sq_T \> \>" alt="" coords="368,2192,611,2221"/> |
86 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mgamma.html" title="Gamma random walk." alt="" coords="707,1872,813,1901"/> |
87 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mgamma__fix.html" title="Gamma random walk around a fixed point." alt="" coords="909,1872,1037,1901"/> |
88 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1migamma.html" title="Inverse-Gamma random walk." alt="" coords="704,1925,816,1955"/> |
89 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1migamma__ref.html" title="Inverse-Gamma random walk around a fixed point." alt="" coords="907,1925,1040,1955"/> |
90 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1rwiWishartCh.html" title="Random Walk on inverse Wishart." alt="" coords="695,1979,825,2008"/> |
91 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mlognorm.html" title="Log-Normal random walk." alt="" coords="704,2032,816,2061"/> |
92 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mlnorm.html" title="bdm::mlnorm\< ldmat, enorm \>" alt="" coords="661,2085,859,2115"/> |
93 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mlstudent.html" title="bdm::mlstudent" alt="" coords="917,2085,1029,2115"/> |
94 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mgnorm.html" title="Mpdf with general function for mean value." alt="" coords="683,2139,837,2168"/> |
95 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mlnorm.html" title="Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value;." alt="" coords="664,2192,856,2221"/> |
96 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1StateSpace.html" title="Basic elements of linear state-space model." alt="" coords="136,5,312,35"/> |
97 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1StateSpace.html" title="bdm::StateSpace\< chmat \>" alt="" coords="133,272,315,301"/> |
98 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1StateSpace.html" title="bdm::StateSpace\< fsqmat \>" alt="" coords="131,352,317,381"/> |
99 | <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1StateCanonical.html" title="conversion of outer ARX model (mlnorm) to state space model" alt="" coords="419,379,560,408"/> |
100 | </map> |