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[651]60<h1><a class="anchor" name="install">BDM Use - Installation </a></h1>BDM is written as a multiplatform library, which was tested on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. However, installation on each platform is specific.<p>
61BDM comes in two basic versions: <ul>
[323]62<li><b>binary</b> with precompiled executables and matlab mex files that can be configured by external text files </li>
63<li><b>source</b> <b>code</b> that can be compiled into any required form. Distribution of the binary form is not currently available. It is planned in latter stages of development.</li>
[651]65<h2><a class="anchor" name="src">
[323]66Source code</a></h2>
[651]67is available from svn repository: <a href=""></a> using guest/guest as login/password.<p>
68For download use an appropriate SVN client <a href=""></a><p>
69Download the source files to any directory of your choise, this directoory will be refered to as &lt;bdm_dir&gt;.<h3><a class="anchor" name="pre">
[651]71You need to have the following tools available on your system: <ul>
[323]72<li>working C++ compiler, e.g. gcc on Linux, or Visual Studio on windows </li>
73<li>CMake, a cross-platform build system, <a href=""></a> </li>
74<li>ITPP library, <a href=""></a> which is a part of all major linux distributions, for its installation on Windows, see Section Windows.</li>
[651]76<h2><a class="anchor" name="lin">
[651]78All prerequisities are available as binary packages for most distribution. E.g. for debian-based distributions, use <div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">apt-<span class="keyword">get</span> install g++ cmake libitpp-dev
80<dl class="note" compact><dt><b>Note:</b></dt><dd>If you want to use mex files, you need to build IT++ from sources using the classi configure;make;make install. The necessary flags for configure for mex compilation are in file linux/configure_itpp.</dd></dl>
81Compile the BDM library and its applications using <div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">$ cd &lt;bdm_dir&gt;/library/
[323]82$ cmake .
83$ make
[651]84</pre></div><h2><a class="anchor" name="win">
[651]86The following approach was tested on Visual Studio 9, so we recommend to download and install it. <a href=""></a><p>
87Make sure you have cmake installed.<p>
88Expert users are advised to download and compile their ITPP version following a guide on : <a href=""></a><p>
89For convenience of the beginners, DLLS of the ACML and lib+include files for ITPP and ACML are provided at: <a href=""></a> If you want to use them copy the content of the zip file to &lt;bdm_dir&gt;/library/system/win32/ directory and make sure to set your PATH environment variable: <div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"> Path = %PATH%; &lt;bdm_dir&gt;\library\system\win32\dll
91Be sure to set system variable globally, i.e., through the dialog box "System Properties", tab "Advanced" and button "Environment Variables". Otherwise you will not be able to run any programs.<p>
92Compilation of BDM:<p>
93When everything is set-up, make a copy of library\system\win32\run_cmake.bat, edit it to reflect your environment (i.e. change paths to cmake and your C++ target environment) and run it.<p>
94It should generate build files for your compiler in the main BDM directory<h2><a class="anchor" name="mac">
[323]95Mac OS X</a></h2>
[651]96All prerequisities for Mac OS X are avaliable except for ITPP, make sure you have them installed.<p>
97However, its compilation is straightforward.<p>
981. Download the latest stable release from <a href=""></a> 2. Compile it using script system/mac/<p>
99The default cmake configuration is looking for itpp in directory mac/itpp, make sure you have symlinks to this directory.<p>
100If itpp compilation is successfull, you can run Cmake. Fill in the paths to your BDM directory, run Configure followed by Create. Configuration files for your favourite build environment should be created in the BDM directory. </div>
101<hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Oct 7 17:34:44 2009 for mixpp by&nbsp;
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