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67 | <h1>mex_datasource.h</h1><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef MXDS_H</span> |
68 | <a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define MXDS_H</span> |
69 | <a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
70 | <a name="l00004"></a>00004 |
71 | <a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="preprocessor">#include "../bdm/bdmerror.h"</span> |
72 | <a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="preprocessor">#include "../bdm/base/datasources.h"</span> |
73 | <a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="preprocessor">#include "mex_parser.h"</span> |
74 | <a name="l00008"></a>00008 |
75 | <a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="keyword">namespace </span>bdm { |
76 | <a name="l00017"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html">00017</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html" title="Memory storage of off-line data column-wise.">mxArrayDS</a> : <span class="keyword">public</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html" title="Memory storage of off-line data column-wise.">MemDS</a> { |
77 | <a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="keyword">public</span>: |
78 | <a name="l00020"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html#a6f0733375782b996aa567485ea362bb8">00020</a> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html#a6f0733375782b996aa567485ea362bb8" title="Default constructor.">mxArrayDS</a> ():<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html" title="Memory storage of off-line data column-wise.">MemDS</a>() {}; |
79 | <a name="l00021"></a>00021 |
80 | <a name="l00035"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html#a3f8986832001f54ef808edaf3988d025">00035</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mxArrayDS.html#a3f8986832001f54ef808edaf3988d025" title="Create memory data source from mxArray.">from_setting</a> ( <span class="keyword">const</span> Setting &<span class="keyword">set</span> ) { |
81 | <a name="l00036"></a>00036 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#aa724f4cbfc32e79bacc044253234e260" title="internal matrix of data">Data</a> = mxArray2mat ( mexGetVariable ( <span class="stringliteral">"base"</span>, <span class="keyword">set</span>[<span class="stringliteral">"varname"</span>] ) ); |
82 | <a name="l00037"></a>00037 <span class="comment">/* UI::get ( rowid, set, "rids" , UI::compulsory );</span> |
83 | <a name="l00038"></a>00038 <span class="comment"> bdm_assert_debug ( max ( rowid ) <= Data.rows(), "MemDS rowid is too high for given Dat." );</span> |
84 | <a name="l00039"></a>00039 <span class="comment"></span> |
85 | <a name="l00040"></a>00040 <span class="comment"> UI::get ( delays, set, "tds", UI::compulsory );</span> |
86 | <a name="l00041"></a>00041 <span class="comment"> time = max ( delays );</span> |
87 | <a name="l00042"></a>00042 <span class="comment"> bdm_assert_debug ( time < Data.cols(), "MemDS delays are too high." );</span> |
88 | <a name="l00043"></a>00043 <span class="comment">*/</span> |
89 | <a name="l00044"></a>00044 <span class="comment">//set MemDS</span> |
90 | <a name="l00045"></a>00045 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#a865814d49913dcf672bb20a4334d3dc4" title="vector of rows that are presented in Dt">rowid</a> = linspace(0,<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#aa724f4cbfc32e79bacc044253234e260" title="internal matrix of data">Data</a>.rows()-1); |
91 | <a name="l00046"></a>00046 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html#af96cae44624e79638a91ec4f2c7c81a9" title="size of data returned by getdata() ">dtsize</a>=<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#a865814d49913dcf672bb20a4334d3dc4" title="vector of rows that are presented in Dt">rowid</a>.length(); |
92 | <a name="l00047"></a>00047 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html#ad7467046a0bd05bc992cc5e1bdedb983" title="size of data">utsize</a>=0; |
93 | <a name="l00048"></a>00048 |
94 | <a name="l00049"></a>00049 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1shared__ptr.html" title="A naive implementation of roughly a subset of the std::tr1::shared_ptr spec.">shared_ptr<RV></a> r = UI::build<RV> ( <span class="keyword">set</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"rv"</span>, UI::optional ); |
95 | <a name="l00050"></a>00050 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables.">RV</a> ru = <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables.">RV</a>(); |
96 | <a name="l00051"></a>00051 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (r){ |
97 | <a name="l00052"></a>00052 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#ae0796d428a29a0393173b453a6bb44b7" title="set random variables">set_drv</a> ( *r, ru ); |
98 | <a name="l00053"></a>00053 } <span class="keywordflow">else</span> { |
99 | <a name="l00054"></a>00054 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables.">RV</a> def((<span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span>*)<span class="keyword">set</span>[<span class="stringliteral">"varname"</span>],<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#aa724f4cbfc32e79bacc044253234e260" title="internal matrix of data">Data</a>.rows()); |
100 | <a name="l00055"></a>00055 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html#ae0796d428a29a0393173b453a6bb44b7" title="set random variables">set_drv</a>(def, ru); |
101 | <a name="l00056"></a>00056 } |
102 | <a name="l00057"></a>00057 } |
103 | <a name="l00058"></a>00058 |
104 | <a name="l00059"></a>00059 |
105 | <a name="l00060"></a>00060 <span class="comment">// TODO dodelat void to_setting( Setting &set ) const;</span> |
106 | <a name="l00061"></a>00061 }; |
107 | <a name="l00062"></a>00062 |
108 | <a name="l00063"></a>00063 <a class="code" href="user__info_8h.html#a4f9de2f17e844047726487b99def99c6" title="Macro for registration of class into map of user-infos, registered class is scriptable...">UIREGISTER</a> ( mxArrayDS ); |
109 | <a name="l00064"></a>00064 SHAREDPTR ( mxArrayDS ); |
110 | <a name="l00065"></a>00065 |
111 | <a name="l00074"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html">00074</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html" title="Matlab wrapper for DS mapping functions step() to a matlab function.">mexDS</a> : <span class="keyword">public</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html" title="Abstract class for discrete-time sources of data.">DS</a> { |
112 | <a name="l00075"></a>00075 <span class="keyword">protected</span>: |
113 | <a name="l00077"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a5ef7f516ff47b8355a682d8c40dc908f">00077</a> <span class="keywordtype">string</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a5ef7f516ff47b8355a682d8c40dc908f" title="identifier of matlab function">step_name</a>; |
114 | <a name="l00079"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#acfc4e8e5da04afde522bd23b07ab9230">00079</a> <span class="keywordtype">string</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#acfc4e8e5da04afde522bd23b07ab9230" title="identifier of matlab input variabel">input_name</a>; |
115 | <a name="l00081"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#abe43c4f080b96eed869071ab54dcd3d0">00081</a> vec <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#abe43c4f080b96eed869071ab54dcd3d0" title="cache of results from name_step">dt</a>; |
116 | <a name="l00083"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a3b4f1f85ecbe6f2d4ac3aa197b4bf1cf">00083</a> vec <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a3b4f1f85ecbe6f2d4ac3aa197b4bf1cf" title="cache of inputs">ut</a>; |
117 | <a name="l00084"></a>00084 <span class="keyword">public</span>: |
118 | <a name="l00086"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#aca52c608ce9317abadc964b66ad12fa7">00086</a> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#aca52c608ce9317abadc964b66ad12fa7" title="Default constructor.">mexDS</a> ():<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html" title="Abstract class for discrete-time sources of data.">DS</a>() {}; |
119 | <a name="l00087"></a>00087 |
120 | <a name="l00103"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a850902c28c607e11a624643b56592cf1">00103</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a850902c28c607e11a624643b56592cf1" title="Create memory data source from mxArray.">from_setting</a> ( <span class="keyword">const</span> Setting &<span class="keyword">set</span> ) { |
121 | <a name="l00104"></a>00104 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1UI.html#acd1667e6fec99ec64dabcb3ca2ff922d">UI::get</a>(<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a5ef7f516ff47b8355a682d8c40dc908f" title="identifier of matlab function">step_name</a>, <span class="keyword">set</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"step_name"</span>, UI::compulsory); |
122 | <a name="l00105"></a>00105 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1UI.html#acd1667e6fec99ec64dabcb3ca2ff922d">UI::get</a>(<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#acfc4e8e5da04afde522bd23b07ab9230" title="identifier of matlab input variabel">input_name</a>, <span class="keyword">set</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"input_name"</span>, UI::compulsory); |
123 | <a name="l00106"></a>00106 |
124 | <a name="l00107"></a>00107 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1shared__ptr.html" title="A naive implementation of roughly a subset of the std::tr1::shared_ptr spec.">shared_ptr<RV></a> ry = UI::build<RV> ( <span class="keyword">set</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"rv_out"</span>, UI::compulsory ); |
125 | <a name="l00108"></a>00108 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1shared__ptr.html" title="A naive implementation of roughly a subset of the std::tr1::shared_ptr spec.">shared_ptr<RV></a> ru = UI::build<RV> ( <span class="keyword">set</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"rv_in"</span>, UI::compulsory); |
126 | <a name="l00109"></a>00109 |
127 | <a name="l00110"></a>00110 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html#af96cae44624e79638a91ec4f2c7c81a9" title="size of data returned by getdata() ">dtsize</a>=ry->_dsize(); |
128 | <a name="l00111"></a>00111 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html#ad7467046a0bd05bc992cc5e1bdedb983" title="size of data">utsize</a>=ru->_dsize(); |
129 | <a name="l00112"></a>00112 |
130 | <a name="l00113"></a>00113 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html#a3a92d77fd97fdb6bf1c8edb1e38c6bbc" title="set random variables">set_drv</a>(*ry, *ru); |
131 | <a name="l00114"></a>00114 } |
132 | <a name="l00115"></a>00115 |
133 | <a name="l00116"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a0b45e92047ef1676ad19a42902956c8b">00116</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a0b45e92047ef1676ad19a42902956c8b" title="Moves from to , i.e. perfroms the actions and reads response of the system.">step</a>() { |
134 | <a name="l00117"></a>00117 mxArray* tmp; |
135 | <a name="l00118"></a>00118 mxArray* tmp2; |
136 | <a name="l00119"></a>00119 <span class="comment">// write inputs to variable input_name</span> |
137 | <a name="l00120"></a>00120 mxArray* mxinp= mexGetVariable ( <span class="stringliteral">"global"</span>, <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#acfc4e8e5da04afde522bd23b07ab9230" title="identifier of matlab input variabel">input_name</a>.c_str()) ; |
138 | <a name="l00121"></a>00121 vec2mxArray(<a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a3b4f1f85ecbe6f2d4ac3aa197b4bf1cf" title="cache of inputs">ut</a>, mxinp); |
139 | <a name="l00122"></a>00122 <span class="comment">// call function step_name</span> |
140 | <a name="l00123"></a>00123 mexCallMATLAB(1, &tmp, 0, (mxArray **) &tmp2, <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a5ef7f516ff47b8355a682d8c40dc908f" title="identifier of matlab function">step_name</a>.c_str()); |
141 | <a name="l00124"></a>00124 <span class="comment">// save its results</span> |
142 | <a name="l00125"></a>00125 <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#abe43c4f080b96eed869071ab54dcd3d0" title="cache of results from name_step">dt</a>=mxArray2vec(tmp); |
143 | <a name="l00126"></a>00126 } |
144 | <a name="l00127"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a1dcab3e3f59f131a8adfb9ca0e0df125">00127</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a1dcab3e3f59f131a8adfb9ca0e0df125" title="Accepts action variable and schedule it for application.">write</a>(<span class="keyword">const</span> vec &ut0){ <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a3b4f1f85ecbe6f2d4ac3aa197b4bf1cf" title="cache of inputs">ut</a>=ut0;} |
145 | <a name="l00128"></a><a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a48e5a3ae6ce22a03e8325a10db1c04b4">00128</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#a48e5a3ae6ce22a03e8325a10db1c04b4" title="Returns full vector of observed data=[output, input].">getdata</a>(vec &dt_out){dt_out = <a class="code" href="classbdm_1_1mexDS.html#abe43c4f080b96eed869071ab54dcd3d0" title="cache of results from name_step">dt</a>; } |
146 | <a name="l00129"></a>00129 |
147 | <a name="l00130"></a>00130 |
148 | <a name="l00131"></a>00131 <span class="comment">// TODO dodelat void to_setting( Setting &set ) const;</span> |
149 | <a name="l00132"></a>00132 }; |
150 | <a name="l00133"></a>00133 |
151 | <a name="l00134"></a>00134 <a class="code" href="user__info_8h.html#a4f9de2f17e844047726487b99def99c6" title="Macro for registration of class into map of user-infos, registered class is scriptable...">UIREGISTER</a> ( mexDS ); |
152 | <a name="l00135"></a>00135 SHAREDPTR ( mexDS ); |
153 | <a name="l00136"></a>00136 |
154 | <a name="l00137"></a>00137 } |
155 | <a name="l00138"></a>00138 <span class="preprocessor">#endif //MXDS_H</span> |
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