root/library/doc/tutorial/02userguide2.dox @ 631

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2\page user_guide2 BDM Use - Estimation and Bayes Rule
4Baysian theory is predominantly used in system identification, or estimation problems.
5This section is concerned with recursive estimation, as implemneted in prepared scenario \c estimator.
7The function of the \c estimator is graphically illustrated:
9digraph estimation{
10        node [shape=box];
11        {rank="same"; "Data Source"; "Bayesian Model"}
12        "Data Source" -> "Bayesian Model" [label="data"];
13        "Bayesian Model" -> "Result Logger" [label="estimation\n result"];
14        "Data Source" -> "Result Logger" [label="Simulated\n data"];
19\li Data Source is an object (class DS) providing sequential data, \f$ [d_1, d_2, \ldots d_t] \f$.
20\li Bayesian Model is an object (class BM) performing Bayesian filtering,
21\li Result Logger is an object (class logger) dedicated to storing important data from the experiment.
23Since objects  datasource and the logger has already been introduced in section \ref user_guide, it remains to introduce
24object \c Bayesian \c Model (bdm::BM).
26\section theory Bayes rule and estimation
27The object bdm::BM is basic software image of the Bayes rule:
28\f[ f(x_t|d_1\ldots d_t) \propto f(d_t|x_t,d_1\ldots d_{t-1}) f(x_t| d_1\ldots d_{t-1}) \f]
30Since this operation can not be defined universally, the object is defined as abstract class with methods for:
31 - <b> Bayes rule </b> as defined above, operation bdm::BM::bayes() which expects to get the current data record \c dt, \f$ d_t \f$
32 - <b> log-likelihood </b> i.e. numerical value of \f$ f(d_t|d_1\ldots d_{t-1})\f$ as a typical side-product, since it is required in denominator of the above formula.
33   For some models, computation of this value may require extra effort, hence it computation can be suppressed by setting BM::set_evalll(false).
34 - <b> prediction </b> the object has enough information to create the one-step ahead predictor, i.e. \f[ f(d_{t+1}| d_1 \ldots d_{t}), \f]
35        this object can be either created bdm::BM::predictor(), sometimes it is enought only a few values of prediction hence construction of the full predictor would be too expensive operation. For this situation were designed cheaper operations bdm::BM::logpred() or bdm::BM::epredictor().
36These are only basic operations, see full documentation for full range of defined operations.
38These operation are abstract, i.e. not implemented for the general class.
39Implementation of these operations is heavily dependent on the specific class of prior pdf, or its approximations. We can identify only a few principal approaches to this problem. For example, analytical estimation which is possible within sufficient the Exponential Family, or estimation when both prior and posterior are approximated by empirical densities.
40These approaches are first level of descendants of class \c BM, classes bdm::BMEF and bdm::PF, repectively.
42Variants of these approaches are implemented as descendats of these level-two classes. This way, each estimation method (represented a class) is fitted in its place in the tree of approximations. This is useful even from software point of view, since related approximations have common methods and data fields.
44\section arx Estimation of ARX models
46Autoregressive models has already been introduced in \ref ug_arx_sim where their simulator has been presented.
47We will use the datasource defined there to provide data for estimation.
49The following code is from bdmtoolbox/tutorial/userguide/arx_basic_example
51A1.class = 'ARX';
52A1.rv = y;
53A1.rgr = RVtimes({y,y},[-3,-1]) ;
55Using the same logic as before,
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